- I feel very guilty… Last night a bunch of my friends were getting together at a local pizza place. I was suppose to go and I didn't end up going. After I got home, took our walk, and ate dinner. We turned on a movie before Chad had to go to work (more on that later)… well… I miss Chad… and when we are together I just feel incredibly comfortable and usually fall asleep… I'm pretty sure he hates it and I hate it as well when I'm wide awake at midnight without him… anyway… I fell asleep and didn't make it up there… I feel so guilty b/c I should have gone… I'm seriously kicking myself… I feel bad… I feel like this is usually my excuse and I hate it… I feel like I'm lazy and stupid… I always feel way more guilty than I should about certain things… I hate how it makes me feel… grrrr… maybe I'll show up to the New Year's party tonight with friends either before or after I hang out with Chad…
- The 15 minutes at the end of my work day is perhaps the most annoying of the day… I mean I have to deal with stupid people on the elevator on the way out of the building… I have to deal with idiots at crossing the street to the parking garage… I have to deal with people waiting for the elevators to get to their cars… deal with people on the elevators again up to the cars… and then stupid people in their cars on the way out… (see below)
- You know what really grinds my gears? People driving around speed bumps… okay… maybe not that drastic… but people who swerve hardcore just to avoid them… I mean is the bump really that bad?!? I was behind this pick up truck that would avoid every speed bump but that would mean they were close to hitting cars… you're in a effeing pick up truck… isn't that what they are meant for?!? Grrr… people…
- In the parking garage yesterday one of elevators' lights were out… which meant it was completely dark in there… from what I gather from working here is people at heart are scared of elevators… if they act even slightly weird they won't want to get on that elevator ever again… who cares if I have to ride up 3 floors in the dark… who flipping cares…
- I cannot stand people who use the ADA entrance in the front of our building when they are perfectly able to use the rotating doors… When I broke my leg I had to use that door… I understand… but people who are well abled should walk through the rotating door gosh darn it… just like one of my previous blogs about people using the elevator to go down one floor… grumble.
- I am gaining weight… since the wedding I have gained 8 pounds… I need to lose weight… I've written out "rules" I'm going to try to follow. They shouldn't be too hard to follow… and I've already started to follow them… so hopefully I can drop some poundage and go back to my college body.
- Next week (well Friday really) will start tax season… long hours… possible weekend work… I have no clue how it's all going to go… but no one really ever does… so I might be MIA for the next month or I might not… I know for sure I'll have to get some drinks from time-to-time.
- We are having chili tonight… I am SO EXCITED… I'm always excited about chili night they are the best kinds of nights
- We watched The Golden Compass last night… and needless to say I was disappointed… for one the 'climax' was anti-climatic… and it ended in a freaking 'to be continued' and since it bombed they probably won't be making a second one… great.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
A Random New Year's Eve
Here's just a random catch up post:
Monday, December 29, 2008
We went to Walgreens tonight to grab a couple of things... well... they already have Valentine's day candy and stuff out... serioulsy? It's December 29th... c'mon wait until the new year!!
Oh and they also have Obama and family t-shirts... that's just silly... I'd like to see someone actually wear that... I mean it's cheesy as get-out... I like Obama and all and it's pretty cool what he did... but I will never wear a t-shirt with him and his family pictured on it... they also have commertive plates... Good job Walgreens... way to cash in on the Obama wagon!!
And a side note... I went in there looking like utter hell... a gray hoodie... black men's swishy shorts... pink socks... and my brown clogs... I was hott!!
And on a unrelated topic Boz and Bear are completely worn out... it's pretty funny
Oh and they also have Obama and family t-shirts... that's just silly... I'd like to see someone actually wear that... I mean it's cheesy as get-out... I like Obama and all and it's pretty cool what he did... but I will never wear a t-shirt with him and his family pictured on it... they also have commertive plates... Good job Walgreens... way to cash in on the Obama wagon!!
And a side note... I went in there looking like utter hell... a gray hoodie... black men's swishy shorts... pink socks... and my brown clogs... I was hott!!
And on a unrelated topic Boz and Bear are completely worn out... it's pretty funny
Oh Joy
Weekends are always great... I mean the shear fact that I don't have to come here... to work makes them totally awesome!!
On Friday we went out for a friend's birthday to one of our favorite bars... we were amazed at the fact it was so crowded... then the headache I *thought* would go away once I started being around friends and drinking got increasingly more intense... It was fun hanging out with everyone but in the smokey bar with a headache just didn't turn out to be as much fun as I'd hoped... it really should have been better... I hate the fact I had that silly headache... grrr
Saturday we headed over to my mom's house for breakfast and board games... a little history... On Christmas we typically have a big breakfast and then play the board games my mom got us (she get us each a board game each year... tradition!!) Since Chad and I had to head down to his grandparents' house for his family's Christmas celebration we weren't able to do the breakfast/board games on Christmas. So we planned to come over on Saturday. It was a lot of a fun... a delicious breakfast followed by board games... we played Apples to Apples, Pictionary, Buzz Word, and Scene It. I love board games!!
Saturday night we didn't do much of anything... same goes for Sunday... but it was a very nice weekend... I'm especially treasuring them now since I'm not sure how many I'll get to enjoy in the next two months with tax season and conversion at work...
On Friday we went out for a friend's birthday to one of our favorite bars... we were amazed at the fact it was so crowded... then the headache I *thought* would go away once I started being around friends and drinking got increasingly more intense... It was fun hanging out with everyone but in the smokey bar with a headache just didn't turn out to be as much fun as I'd hoped... it really should have been better... I hate the fact I had that silly headache... grrr
Saturday we headed over to my mom's house for breakfast and board games... a little history... On Christmas we typically have a big breakfast and then play the board games my mom got us (she get us each a board game each year... tradition!!) Since Chad and I had to head down to his grandparents' house for his family's Christmas celebration we weren't able to do the breakfast/board games on Christmas. So we planned to come over on Saturday. It was a lot of a fun... a delicious breakfast followed by board games... we played Apples to Apples, Pictionary, Buzz Word, and Scene It. I love board games!!
Saturday night we didn't do much of anything... same goes for Sunday... but it was a very nice weekend... I'm especially treasuring them now since I'm not sure how many I'll get to enjoy in the next two months with tax season and conversion at work...
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Our Christmas
This year's Christmas was amazing... one of the best ones in recent memory. It was so amazing b/c spending time with family was great. It seemed like every celebration we went to was low-key and really enjoyable. I love spending time with the whole family and this year did not disappoint. I want to thank everyone I had a chance of spending time with and I hope they had as good of a time as I did.
I also got a lot of really awesome and thoughtful gifts this year. I'm truly blessed to have such amazing people in my life... now there's a good chance I don't have a picture for every gift... but that does NOT mean I like those any less... I probably either put them away already or they got mixed in with Chad's stuff... also some of the clothes I got were so cute, but did not fit :( I guess I need to lose some weight!! Also, they are not in any particular order, just the order they got uploaded on the blog and I didn't want to mess with it. Oh and forgive how horrible I look in the new clothes... I managed to cut my face out, but sometime the shirts would ride up and there would be my pooch...
Here's the message Chad's mom had engraved on the back of my new iPod nano.
Here it is in it's case, isn't the pink adorable?
Here's an awesome baking sheet Chad's sister gave us... I've never seen anything like it I'm excited to try it out, even not at Christmas time.
Here's a new card game we got... I've never played, but I'm excited to
You can't go wrong buying us board games!!
This one has an adorable package, I'm excited to play it!!
Here's the massager I got in the rob your neighbor game with my mom's family, I think Chad will get more use out of it than I will
Here's an adorable black turtle neck... I love it
And a striped sweater dress
And another, I love the colors
A cardigan/turtle neck set in a lovely light blue... it's so soft as well
An adorable black shirt... I actually wore it last night... there's a weird whitest spot in the picture that's not there in real life.
an awesome gray turtle neck with a cute cardigan
Here's the turtle neck alone... you can kinda see through it...
The t-shirt my mom brought me back from the Woodstock museum
a really cute sweater and shirt with brown pants, so cool
a little black jacket my mom got a good deal on... Chad says it reminds him of Michael Jackson, but I still love it
I love the color and style of this shirt
This one is so cute too... I love the green
Here's a cute purple shirt and pencil skirt... love it!! The socks are some of my old favorites as well
And from the front...
The traditional socks and underwear gift from my mom
Chad's new paper towel dispenser... it's pretty amazing... one tear every time!!
My cute new laptop bag I got from Tricia and Tony.
The absolutely fantastic board game my mom created with pictures of us... detail...
The whole board...
And the box...
a shoe rack... so happy about that one!!
My new knee high black boots
A new Christmas decoration from Chad's aunt and uncle... I love it!!
My new earring holder from someone off etsy
One of my favorite gifts from my Grandma.
This is a sign cat bought me at PetSmart...
New brown flats
And our absolutely wonderful incredible Dyson... OMG I've never been this excited about a vacuum!!

Keith also got us a super cool ice cream maker... but I forgot to take a picture of that... it's red, so neat!!
I also got a lot of really awesome and thoughtful gifts this year. I'm truly blessed to have such amazing people in my life... now there's a good chance I don't have a picture for every gift... but that does NOT mean I like those any less... I probably either put them away already or they got mixed in with Chad's stuff... also some of the clothes I got were so cute, but did not fit :( I guess I need to lose some weight!! Also, they are not in any particular order, just the order they got uploaded on the blog and I didn't want to mess with it. Oh and forgive how horrible I look in the new clothes... I managed to cut my face out, but sometime the shirts would ride up and there would be my pooch...
Here's the message Chad's mom had engraved on the back of my new iPod nano.
Keith also got us a super cool ice cream maker... but I forgot to take a picture of that... it's red, so neat!!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
For Christmas
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? paper... and each with a bow or ribbon... I love wrapping
2. Real tree or Artificial? artificial I don't like the needles that fall off or how it makes me itchy
3. When do you put up the tree? A couple weeks before Christmas
4. When do you take the tree down? Sometime around New Years
5. Do you like eggnog? actually I tasted my brother's the other day and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be...
6. Favorite gift received as a child? oh there was so many...
7. Hardest person to buy for? Chad
8. Easiest person to buy for? Mom
9. Do you have a nativity scene? nope... but always love my Grandma's
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? mail - although none this year
11. Worst Christmas gift ever received? some people should just not buy me clothes
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? A Christmas Story for shizzle
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? About a month before
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Maybe... well actually one this year... shh
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Umm food!!
16. Lights on the tree? I love lights
17. Favorite Christmas song? I want a Hippo for Christmas
18. Travel at Christmas or stay at home? home, luckily
19. Can you name all of Santa's Reindeer? Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen - we all learned everyone's favorite at a very fun game at dad... haha
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? a light up star... I love stars
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? people... people are stupid, mean, and crazy sometimes
23. What theme or color are you using? more modern... there are no rules
24. What do you want for Christmas this year? a pony
2. Real tree or Artificial? artificial I don't like the needles that fall off or how it makes me itchy
3. When do you put up the tree? A couple weeks before Christmas
4. When do you take the tree down? Sometime around New Years
5. Do you like eggnog? actually I tasted my brother's the other day and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be...
6. Favorite gift received as a child? oh there was so many...
7. Hardest person to buy for? Chad
8. Easiest person to buy for? Mom
9. Do you have a nativity scene? nope... but always love my Grandma's
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? mail - although none this year
11. Worst Christmas gift ever received? some people should just not buy me clothes
12. Favorite Christmas Movie? A Christmas Story for shizzle
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? About a month before
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Maybe... well actually one this year... shh
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Umm food!!
16. Lights on the tree? I love lights
17. Favorite Christmas song? I want a Hippo for Christmas
18. Travel at Christmas or stay at home? home, luckily
19. Can you name all of Santa's Reindeer? Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen - we all learned everyone's favorite at a very fun game at dad... haha
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? a light up star... I love stars
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning
22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? people... people are stupid, mean, and crazy sometimes
23. What theme or color are you using? more modern... there are no rules
24. What do you want for Christmas this year? a pony
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
One of my supervisors gave us all scratcher tickets for Christmas... well actually 2 scratcher tickets, $5 to Mickey Ds, and a quarter (to scratch off the tickets.) And I totally won $5... go me... it's my birthday... woot woot!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Living it Up
This weekend was pretty darn good...
It all started out on Friday when I took a half day (my last 4 hours of PTO) I went home feeling horrible (headache and stomach ache) and crawled into bed with Chad... we slept nearly the entire afternoon away. After we woke up we headed out and got food and then did a little grocery shopping for some party food and cookies we had to make. I made the cookie dough that night. We went out with some friends on Friday night. I was the only girl... it was a strange night... involving a lot of 'guy talk'... I guess I never realized there was actually guy talk... I mean I've had guy friends and talked the talk with them, but this was different... and strange for that matter... I mean I got into it and all but when it first started happening it was like whoa! It was a very fun night though... until I got way too drunk all of a sudden... but that happens to the best of us...
Saturday I (somehow) dealt with the hungover early. And spent the day baking cookies
and making the party food for my dad's Christmas thing later that night. We made chili cheese dip and buffalo chicken dip... both were dee-li-cious. I also decorated a picture frame for a friend of Chad that he wants to give his wife for Christmas We took a quick power nap and the woke up and when over to dad's.

It was a very fun night... we played catch phrase and ate tons of food and opened presents. I got a GPS (not sure why I want one... they are really pretty cool, but I'm not the get lost type), a pretty sweater, and brown flats (which I'm wearing today). I also got a chair in a bag (it's pink how cool) and a paper towel holder (Chad's excited about that one) We also got Scene It Second Edition. Overall it was a very nice night... except the whole annoying Nicholas thing, but even that was kinda funny... Oh and the funniest thing in the world when Grandma gave Chad a kiss on the cheek... him being the only one who got this treat... ha.ha.ha
Sunday was pretty low-key. We hung around the house... then got some food... then we went up the Walgreens where I was able to finish some more last minute items... I still have a few to go, but ever nearer. And then Ashley brought the dog over (see other post)...
It was a productive, enjoyable weekend... seemed like we did a lot while also being able to relax... it's very very very nice.
It all started out on Friday when I took a half day (my last 4 hours of PTO) I went home feeling horrible (headache and stomach ache) and crawled into bed with Chad... we slept nearly the entire afternoon away. After we woke up we headed out and got food and then did a little grocery shopping for some party food and cookies we had to make. I made the cookie dough that night. We went out with some friends on Friday night. I was the only girl... it was a strange night... involving a lot of 'guy talk'... I guess I never realized there was actually guy talk... I mean I've had guy friends and talked the talk with them, but this was different... and strange for that matter... I mean I got into it and all but when it first started happening it was like whoa! It was a very fun night though... until I got way too drunk all of a sudden... but that happens to the best of us...
Saturday I (somehow) dealt with the hungover early. And spent the day baking cookies
It was a very fun night... we played catch phrase and ate tons of food and opened presents. I got a GPS (not sure why I want one... they are really pretty cool, but I'm not the get lost type), a pretty sweater, and brown flats (which I'm wearing today). I also got a chair in a bag (it's pink how cool) and a paper towel holder (Chad's excited about that one) We also got Scene It Second Edition. Overall it was a very nice night... except the whole annoying Nicholas thing, but even that was kinda funny... Oh and the funniest thing in the world when Grandma gave Chad a kiss on the cheek... him being the only one who got this treat... ha.ha.ha
Sunday was pretty low-key. We hung around the house... then got some food... then we went up the Walgreens where I was able to finish some more last minute items... I still have a few to go, but ever nearer. And then Ashley brought the dog over (see other post)...
It was a productive, enjoyable weekend... seemed like we did a lot while also being able to relax... it's very very very nice.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Our new Addition
This weekend we got a new addition to the family... Bear. Bear is a pitbull and totally adorable. My cousin Ashley is not able to keep him anymore (which is sad b/c she and her kids love that dog) but Chad is in love with him and offered to take him... that way they can still come and visit. I think he will be a good additional to our family... once he and the cats get use to one another... I've included some pictures of him along with our other furbabies.
Here's Bear's best picture I've taken thus far... I'm sure there will be more... I love his color

He found one of Bozley's rawhides and loves it!!
Here's where Chad had been for the last hour... on the floor playing with the dogs...

Aww... kisses

Here's after we let the dogs outside... Chad had to go get Stitch and give her loves... it's going to take awhile for her to get use to the new addition
Here's just a great picture of Boz... goofy dog
Here's Pretty laying in one of her favorite spots on my coat in a little ball... so cute

I tried to take a picture of Stitch's favorite spot but the dog walked right in front of the picture
Here it is... The cats are smart and lay on the vents where the hot air comes out... Here's an adorable picture of Stitch... looks comfy doesn't it?
Here's Bear's best picture I've taken thus far... I'm sure there will be more... I love his color
He found one of Bozley's rawhides and loves it!!
Here's after we let the dogs outside... Chad had to go get Stitch and give her loves... it's going to take awhile for her to get use to the new addition
I tried to take a picture of Stitch's favorite spot but the dog walked right in front of the picture
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