Monday, December 15, 2008

Jenn's Survivor Recap

How bittersweet finales can be... I mean it's exciting to finally have a winner and know how everything played out but at the same time it's sad it's all over...

Last night's finale did not disappoint.

First up was the immunity challenge... which is hard to even remember at this point... Oh yeah... there was an obstacle course and a puzzle (I know you're surprised) There was also a pretty crazy maze. It all came down to Sugar and Bob... and Bob ended up winning it... 5 in a row... that's craziness!!

At tribal Kenny continued his attack at Bob's word about giving him immunity... Kenny was like I didn't know there was fine print and then Bob was like well there's fine print when I found out you were going to blindside vote me out. Zing!!

Kenny was voted out... over Susie. I think it was a smart move I mean Kenny is the bigger physical threat believe it or not... plus he needed to go... He thought he was playing them all... then people get cocky in this game it's time to pack your bags. So we were down to the final four.

Next up was the Survivor rememberance thing. Where they go through and remember each castaway. It always amazes me how many of them I forget. Some of them had very profound things to say and I go back and forth on whether I like this part. It is kind of nice to remember the course of the game.

Onto the final immunity challenge. Building a house of "cards" 10 feet high or whoever is highest after 30 minutes. I knew this would be good since in one of these type of challenges can change winners in just a second. And you wouldn't believe but Susie pulled out a win.

It seemed that Bob's fate was already planned... Then Sugar and those damn emotions got involved... She didn't want to see Bob go since he was such a nice genuine person. Sugar decided she would force a tie between Bob and Matty and leave it up to a fire making challenge.

The challenge was exciting but Bob ended up building a fire quicker than Matty and it was Matty's time to go.

I thought at this point Bob had it all wrapped up. I mean he had was more "friends" on the jury. But final tribal was just as interesting as always.

The problem with this year's jury was nearly every one of the people on the jury was blindsided, which left a lot of bitter Bettys. Usually a jury can come to respect a way another played the game, but I didn't get that feeling from this years jury... they all wanted revenge...

By far the meanest of them was Corinne... who said perhaps the meanest thing to Sugar I've heard on a Survivor. There was so many times during the finale and reunion where I wanted to bitch slap her. I don't get those type of feelings often... but I did. The sad thing is we learned that she enjoys her horrid self... she's like the wrestlers who get a kick out of all the booing.

I was surprised at all the bad feeling toward Sugar and Bob. I know there's a lot lost in editting, but we seemed to be missing something.

So the votes came out... 4 Bob to 3 Susie. I was incredibly surprised that Sugar did not get any votes... but Sugar did not do a good job defending herself at the final tribal. She was all like whatever... I think she figured she was losing and was like why bother... but c'mon girl there's money on the line here... I was also shocked 3 people voted for Susie... I mean she didn't do much of anything to deserve 3 votes... I think they were just picking the person they were least mad at... which again... goes back to the bitter bitter jury.

Bob deserved to win... he was an amazing castaway and was really crafty and smart and just pretty durn amazing. So congrats Bob and winning!!

I think that a lot of people didn't like the fact that Sugar was actually smarter than they gave her credit for... I think they got back they got outplayed by her... Just goes to show you should never underestimate anyone.... judging a book by its cover if you will.

I always enjoy the reunion and I could seriously handle another hour of it... I love hearing what they all have to say.

Some short thoughts on the reunion:
  • Randy seems to have a big underlying issue, but at the reunion was the first time I actually had some feelings of like toward him...
  • Corinne seems like a huge huge bitch... I can't believe she didn't even apologize to Sugar about the mean comments she made... I'm glad I can finally stop looking at her
  • Sugar still seemed very likable... I enjoyed her on the show... she played a game unlike any other castaway ever... and did it wonderfully, except the whole final tribal thing
  • Kenny seems to really have learned what he did wrong out there... nice to realize his mistakes.
  • Crystal really is a gold medalist... go figure
  • Matty's financee looked much cuter this time around... I like him as a person too
  • Ace's accent is real... I never really doubted that though
  • Marcus is a pretty guy... but there's something there I don't like
  • How much do you love Jeff? I mean... he gets the answers... and geez... he's adorable and really is a great host
  • Oh and speaking of Jeff how awesome was it he went back and saved the fake HII Bob made that he had to throw in the fire... so cool.
  • Bob and his explanation of the making of the HII was classic... go Bob!!
  • And to the rest of the people I don't remember know... it was enjoyable your one liners

Overall I really enjoyed this season and I cannot wait for the next season in Brazil. I'm always holding my breath at the end of the reunions to see if they are making a new season... it will be a sad sad day when Survivor is gone for good... luckily we have at least one more season... thank goodness!!

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