Friday, December 25, 2015

Simon: Three Months

Weight:  At Simon's last appointment at the end of November he was 11lbs 13oz, I'd think he's over 13 at this point

Height:  Again at the last appointment he was 23.5inches long, but probably (possibly) longer now

Medical Issues:  He had his first fever this month... and really it wasn't much of a fever - 99.1.  He slept a lot (and I may of snuggled with him a lot) and gave him a couple of rounds of Tylenol and he was all better.

Sleep:  It goes back and forth... not super consistent over night, but we did get ourselves into a routine by the end of the month which is a good thing.  He will go between three and five hours between feedings at night.  Hopefully it starts to get more like five hours every night :)  During the day he's getting into a more consistent routine with napping.  He has longer wake periods. 

Clothes/Diapers (size):  He's in size one diapers and three month clothing

Diet:  He eats pretty good, but now it's more snacking at times instead of feedings.  He eats very well at his middle of the night feeding (finishing the bottle fast).  I've been giving him a dream feed before I go to bed which to me is topping off the tank before I head to bed to maximize my sleep time.  In the mornings he'll slowly take a bottle over the course of a couple of hours.  He's still getting all breast milk.  I got into a routine of pumping five times a day and still making plenty for his bottles plus some to freeze.  Just a moment of patting myself on the back - I've made it three months of exclusively pumping.  In the beginning it wasn't always easy but here I am into a really good routine - yay!

Baby Gear Love:  We use the rock n play a lot still.  He loves his swing and the bouncer.  The halo sleep sack works great (honestly now I wonder what will happen when we have to stop using it... but a story for a different day)  He started using the play mat a lot more... loving the more interactive baby.

Milestones/Firsts:  A big first milestone - he smiled at me for the first time. One of those I know who you are and you make me happy smiles... melted my heart.  He celebrated his first Thanksgiving this month and saw Santa for the first time.  How fun it's been having him around for the holidays.  Above I told you about the fever.  Also, he lost his first grandparent this month.  Dan's mom passed away.  We are just so happy that she was able to meet him and love on him before she passed.  She may not be here but she'll always be in our hearts and he'll always know what an amazing woman she was.  He's started to reach and play with some toys but I don't feel like it's totally clicked yet.  Simon also was watched by both his grandma (my mom) while Dan and I went on a fancy date and grandma and grandpa while we attended Charlotte's celebration of life service.  Another first - getting a baby cousin. Simon is no longer the youngest in the family. He got a whole 2 months. 

Likes:  He likes to stare at the ceiling/lights.  He likes to smile (especially in the mornings).  He really likes to sit up instead of laying down.

Dislikes:  Doesn't like being cold after baths and has become slightly more fussy in the car at times (if it's not moving... sometimes when it is).  Really he's a happy baby.

Things I Don't Want to Forget:  That smile... oh it melts my heart.  I love just how happy he gets so so adorable.  Also, sometimes when he's crying he'll get so mad his leg will shake with fury.  I also don't want to forget the joy he brings everyone around him.  He's such a happy baby and while at times he's more fussy overall he doesn't mind getting passed around at family gatherings.  He is so loved and I can't believe he's our baby.