Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Simon: Eight Months

Weight:  I'm not sure why I lead with both of these, if we don't go to the doctor - I really don't know... so probably heavier

Height:  Again, probably taller... at times I look at him and think wow he's getting so big!

Medical Issues:  Simon is one healthy little guy.  The biggest medical news this month is Simon is no longer taking his heart medicine and so far things are going well (as far as we know).  Later this week I'll get the monitor from the doctor's office and make sure things are looking good.

Sleep:  Simon still gets up once a night to take a bit of a bottle (between 2-4 ounces) and maybe a couple of times for his binky, but overall I'd say sleep is going better.  He sleeps in his suit and now he rolls around in his crib so I'll find him all over that crib these days.  He now sleeps on his side or stomach (can't blame the dude).  It's funny the positions he will sleep in, fun to watch the monitor on that one.  Overall I think we've all calmed about his sleep these days.  We'll get a random bad night in there (he's teething too) and he'll wake up earlish (5-6am) and start babbling to himself... but he'll usually go back to sleep after awhile.

Clothes/Diapers (sizes):  We've officially moved on to size 3 diapers.  Used all the size 2 we had and moved on up.  I did buy two boxes (one for the sitter and another for home) in addition to the big box we already had.  For clothes, I went through his dresser and moved on all the smaller 3mo clothes.  I also added in some clothes from Amy/Tanner and have some from Susan I can work in too... I really haven't had to buy that much for him which is great!

Diet:  Simon eats solids twice a day.  We've moved up to the '2' purees and he's eaten a lot.  We're slowly working finger foods in and toward the end of the month I really noticed he is starting to chew more and kind of figure out what that finger food is about.  He still hasn't gotten the hang of picking up the food and putting it in his mouth, but he'll get there.  He has still taken all breast milk and eats 20-25oz a day.  He isn't hungry in the morning.  Typically a day in the life of food for Simon - he wakes up and if he's home we wake up a bit and then I make him breakfast of a puree fruit and oatmeal.  He'll take 2-3 5oz bottles throughout the day and then around 5pm I'll feed him dinner of oatmeal and a vegetable (sometimes a fruit as well).  He then gets a big bottle (7-8oz) before bed and 2-4oz overnight typically around midnight.  In news about me, I'm in the weaning process, we have enough milk to get Simon to a year.  I'm down to two pumps per day now.  It's weird!

Baby Gear Love:  Oh let's see, he loves Sophie and lots of other toys, especially ones that make noise.  We used the pack and play outside once and that was really nice.  He also likes the jumparoo and can really get bouncing in that.  The zipadeeszip sleep sack works well.  We have one of those high chair suction cup toys and he loves that thing as well.

Milestones/Firsts:  We used highchairs at restaurants more this month and it went well... also same goes for grocery carts.  I was away from Simon for the first time overnight.  I went to a bachelorette party and left Friday afternoon and got back Sunday afternoon.  Simon (and Dan) did great!  Simon had his first carousal and train ride at the Zoo. We celebrated our first Mother's Day.  He's started making noises that are more like talking/babbling.  Not real words, but sounding like words.  We started giving Simon baths in the real bath tub.

Likes:  Singing, clapping, sitting up, standing, playing with toys, tickles, the dogs

Dislikes:  Being set down when he doesn't want to be, teething, being hungry or tired

Things I Don't Want to Forget:  Simon does so well when we go out, he's so easy to have around.  He's getting much more active wanting to look around and push up.  He's getting closer to crawling with kicking his legs on his tummy.  He loves the dogs, whenever they get close he reaches out for them and smiles when Bella starts kissing him.  The dogs love him too they like to be near us when we get home from work.

Simon will babble to himself early in the morning and on car rides.  He's so happy in the mornings too just so smiley.

We play in the evenings which is a lot of fun.  I've taught him how to "bang bang" which is banging his hands or toys on the highchair tray.  Sure he does it on his own, but he also knows what those words mean.  He also knows bounce bounce for when he's in his jumper.

I know his ticklish spots and his little laugh it just melts my heart!  He's ticklish on his ribs, under his chin and also when I wipe off his face.

Simon is so adorable with other kids and especially his cousin Vail who is just two months younger than him.  They look so much alike and they are going to grow up being great friends.

Simon knows what our phones are at this point, and watches the TV at times...

Simon is such a happy, easy baby.  I'm not sure how we got to lucky to have this easy going little guy.  Dan and I are both easy going so maybe it comes from us, but I think having a high maintenance baby would have been tough for us.