Monday, May 9, 2016

Mother's Day Weekend

Mother's Day has a whole new meaning now that I'm on the other side... not only do I have a mother I am a mother... and that fact tends to continue to blow my mind.  I had a really nice first mother's day weekend and I wanted to quickly write about it so I don't forget it.  I'm going to try not to get too sappy, but no guarantees.

I worked on Friday and after work I picked up Simon.  He made something with the sitter for me.  Which I love and have displayed in my office (next to his Valentine's day gift too... in just a few short months his feet have grown... aww)
Making my Lean Six Sigma books look gooooooood

Simon and I went over to my mom's house to hang out.  My sister had gotten mom flowers and Strange Donuts.  Which was awesome since Strange Donuts posted about their Fat Elvis (or something) earlier that day and I was thinking yum that sounds good and then get to mom's house and THERE IT WAS!  We shared donuts, fed Simon and he gave his grandma her gift.  (We will celebrate mother's day for my mom more in a couple of weeks with a painting class)
Simon did it himself... haha he didn't like the footprint process too much

After Lindsey left for her meeting mom and I drove around and had dinner at Bellicinos.  Then I dropped her back off at home and took Simon home for bed.

Saturday morning Simon and I met my dad, Janet and Nick for breakfast at The Shack.  So yummy!  They got me a sweet card and we gave Janet a gift too.  So nice to catch up and spend some time together.

We headed back home and we all hung out on the deck and watched the Blues game while Dan made ribs.  The weather was perfect in the shade and it was such a nice day to hang out together.  Dan and I hardly see each other during the week since I work from 7-430 and he works 2-1030pm.  So I'm in bed by the time he gets home and I get up while he's still sleeping... so it makes days like Saturday very special.  We watched the Blues win and then the Kentucky derby.  It was a great little family day (and the ribs were AMAZING!)
So much hoosier going on this day

On Sunday I got to sleep in... until 9am!!  It was AWESOME (usually either Dan wakes me, or Simon or my boobs... all of them got on the same page and it worked out).  Dan made me a sweet card and onesie for Simon to wear.

how cute is that onesie?

Simon and I got ready and spent some time with my mom going to Target, Ross and lunch at Fuddruckers.  It was a really nice day!

The night I fed Simon, Dan gave him a bath, we straightened up the basement (involved fixing the vacuum), and then I put Simon to bed.  I took a shower while Dan went and picked up sushi for dinner.  I finished the night watching TV, baking some cookies (break and bake - not that fancy) and of course pumping. 
That roll on the right is my favorite ever (the Godzilla Roll from Sushi Sake)

I got some many Happy Mother's Day wishes and cards along the way that just made everything special.  It kept me happy and smiling all weekend.  I have some great people in my life - I'm a lucky lady!

And what I'm more thankful for is my little guy Simon - who made me a mom.  It's so amazing having him in my life.  He's such a sweet, happy, chill baby.  I couldn't ask for anything better.  I love him so much!

I might look creepy, but focus on Simon -  that's adorable right there!

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