Thursday, November 19, 2015

Simon: Two Months

Weight:  At his last doctor's appointment (6 weeks) he was 9lbs 12oz, I'm sure by now he's over 10lbs

Height: At his last doctor's appointment he was 21 inches.  Before this appointment I thought he was feeling big for his age, but come to find out he's in like the 25th percentile for both height and weight, so smaller than average.  Although he does have a big head.

Medical Issues:  This category is much shorter this month and that's a great thing.  No real medical issues to speak of.  He had his six week check up and it went well - everything looking good.  He got some shots which of course he screamed when it happened, but he calmed down pretty quickly afterwards. 

Sleep:  He is getting to be more awake during the days, some days he will have a stretch of 3 hours awake.  He has gone up to 5 hours between feedings (which I woke up and had a minor freak out and went to check on him).  He mostly goes between 3-4 hours in between which helps at night. He's a good sleeper and loves sleeping on our chests.  Seriously I think he'd sleep there for hours if we let him.  He is able to sleep on his own and we (ok I) have been trying to be better about him sleeping in his crib at night.

Clothes/Diapers (size):  I've been putting him in 3 month clothes (although some still seem big on him) and size 1 diapers.  Just bought our first box last week (before that we had been using ones we got as gifts)

Diet:  Still eating good!  Simon will eat between 3.5 to 4.5 ounces at each feeding.  Most of the time I put a little over 4oz in a bottle and he more often than not finishes those bottles.  Sometimes he leaves a little.  I've been giving him at least one bottle a day of frozen milk.  I was running out of space in our freezer and I started to read how long milk would stay good in our type of freezer and decided it was worth it to start using some of it (rotating the stash).  Although it really didn't help with the space since I was adding more than I was taking out (not something I should be complaining about eh?)  I started just using the stuff I had pumped while he was in the hospital (since those were in storage bottles (vs bags) the hospital gave)  When I use that frozen milk I've given him more than 4.5oz at times, but he sucks it down just fine.  The only time he will really start crying a bunch is when he's hungry and I'm not getting his bottle to him quick enough.  I've been pumping while I feed him so sometimes it takes a minute to get that set up before I get to feeding him.  I've found that pumping while I feed him makes better use of my time.  It also ensures that I'm pumping as often as he's eating.  Another thing to note about Simon eating is how loud he is. You canhear him gulping down the milk from pretty far away. 

Baby Gear Love:  We still love the rock and play.  He sleeps in there quite often during the day (and sometimes at night).  He's getting more use out of the play mat (he especially seems drawn to the mirror part).  I'm very reliant on the pump and love the hands-free bra part.  Also use the boon drying grass all the time (plus it's so darn cute!).  He still uses a paci from time-to-time.  I've used the Moby wrap I'm borrowing from Susan and that's come in handy.  He's also enjoyed the bouncer at times.  Finally we are borrowing a swing from Dan's sister Amy and he tolerates that pretty well.

Milestones/Firsts:  Let's see, he had his first stroller outing to visit his Aunt Lindsey at work at the zoo... he slept the entire time.  We've also eaten out at restaurants and he mostly sleep through that too.  He's smiling more, but he's not to the point where we can make him smile (I'm really looking forward to this).  We left him with a family member for the first time.  His grandma Charlotte watched him while Dan and I went out to dinner together.  Later in the month my mom (and sister) watched him while I went to a doctor's appointment.  He visited my work for the first time (and was quite the crowd pleaser.).  He also visited my mom at work and was loved on there too. Simon had his first Halloween and dressed up as a skeleton. He spent most of the time that night in the moby wrap.   He also got his first package in the mail from his uncle Keith and aunt Sarah - a Halloween card with his skeleton onesie. 

Likes: Laying on our chests, being jiggled/bounced, eating, looking at lights

Dislikes:  Being hungry, the nose sucker thing, getting naked

Things I don't want to forget:  When Simon sneezes he makes this adorable moan afterwards.  Pretty couldn't care less about his presence, but I've noticed that Stitch will not come around when he's with me.  Simon tolerates Bella's kisses quite well... and Daddy's sniffs.  I'm loving that he's smiling more - there's nothing more adorable.  I say he's a chill baby a lot, but he's really a chill baby.  He's a happy little guy.  He doesn't mind tummy time for the most part - kicks his legs and has good head control... but sometimes tummy time ends up being nap time for him.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Pregnancy Reflections

Before I get too far away from being pregnant, I thought I'd write out some thoughts I had on being pregnant before it becomes a distant memory.
  • Overall I didn't mind pregnancy so much - I kind of enjoyed it from the excitement of it and getting to feel his movements and the growing belly and all of it - I thought it was fun and I'm happy that I got to experience it.
  • I say all that knowing that I missed out on about a month of pregnancy - possibly the roughest month of pregnancy.  It's quite possible that last month would have changed my opinions on the experience.
  • It's amazing to me how quickly some of those pregnancy symptoms stop once you give birth - I mean Saturday night terrible heartburn, Sunday onward - none. 
  • I will say that I don't think I complained too much about pregnancy things and the hindsight of the symptoms do make you realize how off you were feeling during pregnancy... I guess those things just sneak up on you and then bam the next day you don't feel those things (of course feeling other things like getting your stomach cut open gives you other symptoms.
  • I'd have to say the worse symptoms I experienced while pregnant were the heartburn and the pelvic pain... sometimes the feet swelling, but luckily that didn't cause any pain.
  • It's weird that I never experienced a contraction.  I didn't feel a noticeable Braxton Hicks contraction either.  When I was hooked up to the monitors they said I was having them, but I never felt them.
  • Other than at the beginning when they confirmed the pregnancy I didn't have a single pelvic exam.
  • As for c-section recovery I'm amazed with how every passing day I feel more 'normal' and better.  Time, it's an amazing thing.
I'm really happy I got to experience pregnancy.  I also really enjoyed not knowing he was a boy.  Hopefully I'm lucky enough to get to experience it all again.  I know not every experience is the sad, so who knows what that experience could bring.