Monday, November 2, 2015

Pregnancy Reflections

Before I get too far away from being pregnant, I thought I'd write out some thoughts I had on being pregnant before it becomes a distant memory.
  • Overall I didn't mind pregnancy so much - I kind of enjoyed it from the excitement of it and getting to feel his movements and the growing belly and all of it - I thought it was fun and I'm happy that I got to experience it.
  • I say all that knowing that I missed out on about a month of pregnancy - possibly the roughest month of pregnancy.  It's quite possible that last month would have changed my opinions on the experience.
  • It's amazing to me how quickly some of those pregnancy symptoms stop once you give birth - I mean Saturday night terrible heartburn, Sunday onward - none. 
  • I will say that I don't think I complained too much about pregnancy things and the hindsight of the symptoms do make you realize how off you were feeling during pregnancy... I guess those things just sneak up on you and then bam the next day you don't feel those things (of course feeling other things like getting your stomach cut open gives you other symptoms.
  • I'd have to say the worse symptoms I experienced while pregnant were the heartburn and the pelvic pain... sometimes the feet swelling, but luckily that didn't cause any pain.
  • It's weird that I never experienced a contraction.  I didn't feel a noticeable Braxton Hicks contraction either.  When I was hooked up to the monitors they said I was having them, but I never felt them.
  • Other than at the beginning when they confirmed the pregnancy I didn't have a single pelvic exam.
  • As for c-section recovery I'm amazed with how every passing day I feel more 'normal' and better.  Time, it's an amazing thing.
I'm really happy I got to experience pregnancy.  I also really enjoyed not knowing he was a boy.  Hopefully I'm lucky enough to get to experience it all again.  I know not every experience is the sad, so who knows what that experience could bring.

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