Friday, December 12, 2008

Jenn's Survivor Recap

Wow... can you believe this season is almost over? And what a season it was been!!

I didn't think I was going to like it... but I was wrong, this has been a very fresh season of Survivor and I've enjoyed the unpredictableness of the show. I guess now that it's in it 100th season (or whatever) the plays think a lot more... I mean I can't even follow their strategies sometimes...

Anyway... so I was really tired last night so I accidentally slept through the reward challenge... but I woke up in time to see everything else. So Bob won reward... he's really dominating there... I'm very surprised he's so skinny but really smart... a Yauman... He took Kenny and Crystal on his reward. Whatever they were drinking looked delicious.

I bet it feels really nice to have a shower and clean clothes... I bet that's so so nice you can't even realize... The whole experience seemed like a real cool one... and despite what everyone says about Crystal it's nice that she finally got to experience a reward.

So I guess I missed when Bob agreed to give Kenny immunity if he won it (or did that happen last week?) Either way that played an important role in tonight's episode... I feel like people shouldn't agree to give away immunity... I mean remember when annoying Dreamz kept it that one season from Yau right?

So anyway... Matty was feeling like he was going to go next if he didn't win immunity... and one cannot blame him since he almost when home at the last tribal. Sugar seemed pretty set on sticking with Kenny and Crystal... until she saw them ganging up on Matty... in her words, kicking him while he's down... and suddenly she and Matty are aligned.

Now I know this whole game is about strategizing... but when it all depends on who gets immunity it's hard for me to think there's a point until you know who you can't vote for... is that strange?

The immunity challenge felt the castaways blindfolded... they had to complete an obstacle course while remembering how a mask feels and replicate it on the other end... Crystal sucked hardcore... I mean I know it's tough being blindfolded and all, but it can't possible be that tough to walk forward... but maybe that's just me... Susie didn't do much better either.

Bob ended up winning the valuable prize--no surprise there. So would he come true on his word to Kenny? Kenny wanted Bob to give him immunity so they could blindside Bob. Now, yes it's smart to try to get the strongest player out of the game, however what a lowball way to do it... Kenny decided to play up his vulnerability and even asked the others if Bob asked to pretend they were going to vote for him... the problem here is they are starting to not like Kenny.

Sugar "came clean" to Bob and told him they were going to vote for Crystal. This was also the last tribal the HII could be played... so how would that factor in? Sugar said she was going to use it so not to be blindsided herself... however she should use it... I mean she found the thing the first time out there, she deserves to actually use it!!

So tribal comes around and Kenny is still playing the I'm going home and I know it blues... They talk about the important issues... and when it comes time to vote and Jeff asks Bob if he's keeping immunity there's a long pause at which I'm yelling at the TV don't do it Bob... don't do it. And Bob thankfully hears me and doesn't give Kenny immunity since he doesn't think Kenny is in danger tonight.

Everyone votes... and Jeff asks if anyone wants to play the HII... Sugar (who is proudly wearing it around her neck) says "Matty, take this cursed thing away" and give it to Matty who plays it. None of his votes count and all of the others do... bye bye Crystal... it was most certainly your time... you sucked... it's true.

Did you see how excited the jury got? Part of me wonders why, but it was all pretty exciting... and nice mohawk Randy!!

So it's to the final Five...

Bob, the crafty little devil who is kicking ass and taking names
Matty, the seemingly not all there physical threat
Sugar, the under-rated intellegent pin up model
Kenny, the finally knocked off his high horse video gamer

and who else... there's five right? oh yeah...

Susie, the one who doesn't really seem to count and gets about 2 minutes of airtime.

Who do you think will win? I'm rooting for Sugar and Bob. Both deserve it for different reasons, but they both deserve it. But with how this season has been going it shall be very interesting what happens on Sunday... I know I'm excited!! Survivor Sunday... 3 straight hours... I.can.not.wait!!

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