Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Annoyances

I have a couple of annoyances with Christmas this year... they probably are NOT what you're expecting... Right now I have just two, but I know there's more...

(1) I listen to Christmas songs on the radio while I'm working. They make me happy and I enjoy listening to them this time of year... but can someone please explain to me why the Peanuts' theme is a Christmas song. They play it on the station once or twice a day and I just do not get why. I understand that there's the Peanuts Christmas thing (Merry Christmas Charlie Brown maybe? I don't know I really do not watch them) So to me if they are playing the Peanuts theme b/c they have a Christmas installment... couldn't you play the Simpsons' theme or Friends or any other show with a Christmas episode... am I right???

(2) I was watching CBS last night since Survivor and CSI were on... well... they were running an advertisement for Frosty the Snowman which is showing tonight. But they are transmitting Frosty the Snowman (a cartoon in case you live under a rock) in HD. Why in the world would I need to watch a cartoon in HD? Seriously. Does it make a difference? I have HD, and will tune into the HD station if I have it... but why advertise Frosty in HD... I really don't get it.

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