So this weekend my goal was to get our Christmas tree up. A couple of weeks ago we bought a new artificial tree. We use to have a small one that was kinda crappy... that one cost us around $15 at Target. This year I wanted to get a new better and bigger tree... you know one that we would put up years and years from now. So Chad and I headed up to Ace Hardware about bought us a new tree... it's so big!! It's 7.5 feet tall... I never knew how big it would look in our living room!! It took me about two hours to fully spread out all the branches and make sure there were no holes. This our course left my hands and arms itchy... but I guess not as itchy as they would have been with a real tree. I'm very happy with the new tree... and it's a good thing we went bigger b/c there's no way we'd be able to fit all the ornaments on the smaller one. Don't worry I've enclosed pictures!!
Here's the tree after I got it all spread out and put into the corner.

It's suppose to look more "real" with the different type of branches.

Here it is decorated... it's not 100% complete yet b/c I didn't have enough garland to do the entire tree... so I plan on picking some up this week and completing it

Here's Chad and the dog in front of the tree... I wanted to do a holiday card with the entire family in front of the tree... but I'm just not sure I'll be able to pull that one off...

Here some details... this is a pic of our pickle ornament... The Christmas Pickle is suppose to be hidden on the tree and the one that finds it gets an extra gift... that's something we'll do if/when we have kids... next to it (the black one with silver lines) is just an ornament I like a lot.

Here's a good view of a couple of ornaments mom gave us for a wedding gift (the blue one with snowflakes, the polka dotted one, the striped one) I absolutely love the ones she gave us they are all these pretty bright colors, as Tony the Tiger would say they're grrrreeat... as well as some we've had since the beginning (star, snowman) the cactus, mom and Lindsey brought us back from Arizona last year I think

Here's a couple more new ones the bright ones mom gave us and the baseball is from when the Cards won the World Series in 2006

Here's a couple of my favorites the penguin skiing and the swirly one... both mom purchases I believe (I guess mom gave me all the good ones!!)
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