Well this weekend was full of changes... This weekend Chad and I
finally painted the living room. And it looks amazing... it was a lot of work and got a bit messy at times but it looks amazing!! I'm so happy to have a shiny colorful room instead of the matte off-white color that was on there... I'm so happy we are finally able to hang things on the walls... although we are still figuring what the accent colors will be... but I cannot wait to paint the canvases and hang up pictures and shelves and get new furniture... oh boy I'm excited!!
Anyway here's the living room before...

There's Chad preparing and you can see on the wall where we tested out the color...

Isn't he such a handy man? He actually built a dog house the night before, but I didn't get a picture of that...

And here's the room after... I know you can't tell the actual color, but it's an awesome light yellow... It's much brighter (in a good way) in person... it lightens up the room without being way overwhelming... even Chad is happy!!

And there's our Stitchy-Poo

And here's our second before/after... Chad has been playing Grizzly Adams for the last few weeks, but today he decided he was sick of it and shaved everything off... it was quite a transformation...

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