I decided that I would continue the tradition of writing every day during the month of November. I first started this two years ago. That was when I was freshly going through the emotions of a divorce. Then last year I decided to write each day in November about something I was thankful for. Those entries were short and sweet... but I enjoyed being able to express some things that I really truly am thankful for.
I think this whole idea of blogging throughout the month of November is NaBloPoMo which is when you blog each day throughout the month of November. It is based on NaNoWriMo which is when you challenge yourself to write an entire novel through the month of November. Of course, I could never write a novel (you've read my blog posts right?) but I can (and will) write blog posts this month.
I have a list of topics that I want to cover... a lot of which I have been planning on writing for awhile. Somewhere in mid-October I thought about posting each day in November again and it just felt right. I enjoy the challenge and overall my postings this year have been much more consistent which I appreciate since it's great to look back.
I hope that this month won't be as depressing as November 2011 was (although looking back at some of those entries I really know that writing helped me through a terribly difficult time in my life going through the early stages of divorce and losing my Grandma). This year also won't be as focused and short as last year.
I'm just excited to have something to work towards. I hope I'm able to accomplish it! And I hope my readers will enjoy having a new entry each day.
Happy November!!
(Seriously though can you believe it's already November, this year has really flown by!)
(also, how many times can I use the word November in one post? I counted 10)
this is fun for me to look forward to. i can make it MY goal to READ your posts every day........ha
I'm looking forward to reading your posts this month!
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