NOTE: Man, really did bad this weekend with the daily posts - bad Jenn!! These will be post-dated but I failed the challenge.... I'll still get 30 posts during November - that's the end plan :)
I thought it might be fun to take a quick tour of the things I keep in my office as it's becoming more my space. I am lucky to have my own office for the time being. Actually I've had my own office for almost two years now... but in the grand scheme of things we won't be in this building forever (supposedly) and will have a brand new building in 2015 (we'll see). At that point I'm not sure if I'll still have the comfort of my own office - but I'll enjoy it while it lasts!
This is the back of my door - I've started keeping all paper keepsake kinds of items here. Sporting and Movie tickets - the fronts of programs and other random paper items. It makes me happy to see my collection grow. |
This wall has my standard government calendar - the Yellows are my off day, the pink is holidays and the purple are vacation days. Also, you can see the away certificates I've received. Top and bottom are shining stars (which is an internal award given by coworkers), the second from the top is my certificate for helping with the Golden Age Games and the other is an Excellence in Government Award which means less to me than the other ones. |
Here is my filing cabinet. On top you can see the picture of me and my sister. My boss got a framed picture for everyone when we moved to this building. The funny story about that is my brother is in it as well (same picture that's hanging on the front) but that was when I was going through my divorce and they didn't want to put a pic of my ex on there so he got cut out just to be safe. They were sneakily finding pictures.
The blue certificate holder and the glass block you can barely see in front of it is my award for being nominated for the Amber Blaze award as part of a team.
You can also see my collection of bows - I don't really collect them, but throwing them away just seems silly.
Then we have two pictures of me and Dan on the left and on the right is a couple of family pictures.
Below that is my trip magnets. I got a magnet from everywhere I've had a work trip to (Denver, San Francisco, Baltimore, Las Vegas, San Jose, San Diego, Indianapolis, Tampa Bay, New Orleans, San Francisco (again), Atlanta, Los Angeles, Washington, DC, Salt Lake City, Miami, Las Vegas (again), San Diego (again), and Nashville.) |
Here's a better look at the pictures. The funny thing I want to note is the far right picture actually has my ex in between my mom and me - I cut the picture slide it over and taped it and you would hardly ever know he existed in that pic. |
Here's the side of the cabinet - a magnet someone brought back for me (doesn't go in my trip arrangement) and a picture my cousin's kid, Abby colored for me. |
Here's the edge of my desk... my water cup that has my name on it. My pens, pencils, and highlighters in a glass mug that I was given at a conference including my two silly pens - Flamingo and punching glove, some thinking putty, and wax lips... and a deformed paperclip I've since thrown away. |
Here's my metal for helping with the Golden Age Games - it hangs on my Dry Erase board which currently has nothing on it. |
Here's my first monitor - I have my cute candy corn paperclip holder (I was given that by someone when I worked at AGE) I have all my fortune cookie fortunes along the side and a quote at the bottom that helps with anxiety - "You fear something that does not exist" |
This is my second monitor. This includes two doodles of my name I liked. A silly sticker that says "A phony smile is better than a real frown" and another quote I like that I got from my mom "It's not the thoughts or actions of another that influences the quality of your life; It's your own thinking that determines it" |
Stay tuned for part 2...
1 comment:
its fun to see your work space!
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