Saturday, November 9, 2013

Favorite Foods

I recently came up with a list of my favorite foods - why? Well, I don't really know why I did, just know that I did!  I thought I would share it with you... I have a hard time answering my favorite to a lot of questions - I mean do most people have a favorite movie? Because I certainly don't! 

Let's preface this with I know these foods are unhealthy... but let's face it if they were they probably wouldn't be on the list to begin with.

  1. Chili - I love love love chili
  2. Donuts - um, how can you not like them?
  3. Breakfast sandwiches - this has been one of my favorite foods for way too long...
  4. Ice Cream - Even though it upsets my stomach at times, it's worth the risk every time
  5. Pizza - do I need to explain that?
Kind of a funny story (or maybe not) as a kid for a long time I would not eat pizza, I didn't like it (what a weirdo) and then before I really jumped on the pizza train I would get the pizza and take off all the toppings... cheese included... What was I thinking?  I finally came around to the pizza thing!


Amanda Reeves said...

I remember you would take all the toppings off your pizza and I always thought what was the point in having it. LOL I am glad you finally came around can't get enough of that stuff. : )

Susan said...

Great list. I love all those foods too! Steven won't eat pizz and everytime we have it I tell him he's really missing out!