Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Here are five random things...

  1. When I was younger I had a crazy irrational fear of being abducted by aliens.  I think it all spurred from watching Unsolved Mysteries, but I was seriously scared it would happen.... I'm pretty sure it got to the point where I didn't want to be home by myself and slept in specific positions... it's totally irrational and kinda funny now-a-days
  2. I am left handed... I've probably mentioned this before, but people seem to forget or not notice.  I like being left handed for the most part... although things like standardized tests were always a bit messy.  I actually realized a new annoyance the other day when I was getting my tattoo (more information tomorrow) I had to fill out some questions and had to read, circle the answer, lift my hand up to read the next question, and repeat... it's just takes longer... I bet that came into play on those standardized tests too... maybe that's why I never was the greatest at them.
  3. I've beaten Donkey Kong 64 (on Nintendo 64) with almost 100% completion... I think technically I was over 100% but there was one giant banana that DK needed to get that I was never able to do since you had to beat the original version of Donkey Kong with just one life... um... totally hard, I finally just let that one go.
  4. I've watched the entire Gilmore Girls series at least 10 times I'd say... with the exception of one episode which I've finally seen twice now.  It's the episode in season seven after Richard Gilmore has a heart attack and he's in the hospital.  It's a corrupt file in the season that was downloaded to my computer... and it's hard to find it online in general.  I finally randomly caught it on ABC Family one day when I was off.  That series is great!
  5. When it comes to getting candy I'm a bit of a saver.  I remember for Halloween or Easter or Christmas I would always save the best pieces for 'later' and then I would never eat them.  I've tried to get better about that and eat the good stuff first, but I guess that's the saver in me haha.

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