Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day 30

Today is the last day of November.  Way back on November 1st, I told you I challenged myself to write a post every day this month.  And I totally succeeded!  Once I post this entry I will have 31 entries for the month of November.  I actually posted twice in one day! (of course that was football picks, but whatever.)

Somedays it was a real challenge to think of anything to write.  That's typically when I wrote about something silly like shoes or glittery dresses.  But I also think there was a lot of quality posts too.  Many thoughts on this divorce and some nice ones about my grandma.

It really pushed me to think of something for each day.  There were times that I was dreading writing because I didn't have much to say, but then glad I wrote the entry.  This suff is very true with things related to the divorce.  Sometimes I don't really want to talk about things, and then end up feeling better when I just get it all out.  Blogging has really helped me in that way.  Whether or not people want to read it, I'm sure it can be depressing and not really that interesting to hear me babble on... but for me it makes all the difference in the world.  Blogging here has made a true difference in my attitude and outlook.  It's an outlet that I so very much need. 

Sometimes I don't want to talk to others about these feeling and just need to work through the issues myself on my own.  I know that could be hurtful to some friends to not hear certain things from me... but I'm doing what I need to do for myself.  I don't want to sound selfish, but with the emotional swings I get on a daily basis, I need to do what makes me feel better and ok and not worse.  My motto through these past three months has been do what I'm doing until it stops working or no longer makes sense.

This challenge has forced me to write about something each day and I have written down a lot of feelings because of it.  I'm happy that I had something driving me and something to look forward to.  This challenge has made me consider forcing myself to write an entry everyday all the time (not just through November)... I'm not sure that I want to take on that quite yet, but I'm really happy that I tried and totally succeeded... it was really nice working toward a goal.

One of the things I thought I would do was schedule a lot of posts.  Maybe write several posts in a day and schedule them to post throughout the month.  I can honestly say that I didn't do it this way.  I scheduled a total of one post - the Thanksgiving post.  Of course if you look at the times on some posts they are close to the end of the day... or written super early in the morning... but guess what... it TOTALLY counts.  The funny thing is I started a list of things to write about at the beginning of the month... I didn't have to touch on all of those.

So readers - did you enjoy seeing a post from me each day?  How do you feel about it?

1 comment:

dsdddwddgdd said...

congratulations on achieving your goal. you should keep it up. i enjoy the posts and i think writing things down and getting them out of your head is extremely therapuetic. you're doing fine; it will get better; you just continue to take care of yourself and give time to heal.