Thursday, November 24, 2011


I think it's always nice on Thansgiving to post some things I'm thankful for... especially this year.

I am thankful to have amazing family and friends that support and care about me.  The past few months have shown me that I am loved and people are there for me no matter what.  I could not be more appreciative of those people.  They are helping me get through this tough time and I know they will continue to be there to support me.

I am thankful to have two lovely kitties.  They recognize me and want to be around me.  It's silly to be supported by two cats, but them just wanting to be close makes me happy.

I'm thankful for having a job that I love (most of the time) it's been stressful here for things that are related to my job duties.  I'm throwing this one in because I need to remind myself that I've got it pretty good here.

I'm thankful that I only have three classes left in my master's program.

I'm thankful I've been given the opportunity to pay off some debt and start fresh (in a sense)

I'm thankful that the Cardinals were able to pull off a World Series win!

I'm thankful for good food... mmmm

Okay... those last couple were a bit silly... but the first one is the most important.  Since I know that some of my friends and a lot of my family reads this blog... thank you so so much.  Even though I complain sometimes, it really means so much that you care about me and take the time to check up on me. 

I hope everyone has a Happy and plentiful Thanksgiving!!

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