Saturday, November 12, 2011

RIP Grandma

Yesterday the world lost a wonderful woman... my grandma.  She lived to the young age of 93.  Even at that old age she still had a very sharp mind.  She was such a sweet woman, who I have a lot of wonderful memories about.  My grandma and grandpa lived out in Cuba, MO.  Each summer my brother and I would spend a week in "the country" with them.  What I remember most about those weeks was playing cards with her for endless hours, walking up the the local convenient store to buy candy each day, picking vegetables out of the garden, and her making us pancakes in the morning.  She would make the pancakes into fun shapes... she would try to make us anything we could come up with...

My grandma had quite a few health issues over the years but always fought back and made it through.  She was a fighter.  And due to that, it's really hard to picture a world without her.  I am so happy that just a few weeks ago my brother, dad and I went out and spent some time with her.  I had good conversations with her and while she couldn't see, bit hard of hearing and moved slow - she still had a very sharp mind.  I am so happy I got to spend this time with her.  It's something I will treasure forever.

I'm going to miss my grandma.  November for me is the month to lose loved ones.  Fourteen years ago we lost my dear uncle Steve and ten years ago we lost my Grandpa.  I miss them everyday and I'll now miss my grandma too.  I've wanted to write about Steve and Grandpa, but I don't feel like I'm good enough with words to express how I feel.

I'm sad... I can't believe she's gone.  Grandma... I love you.  You lived a long, beautiful life.  You will be missed by me and everyone who knew you. 

Here's a link to her obituary in case you are interested.

And finally - here is a picture I took with her about three years ago

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