Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I heard about this for the first time last year.  You would think that nearly three years in the blogosphere I would have heard of it sooner, but last year was a first.

So I filed it away and have decided to challenge myself to do NaBloPoMo this year.  What is NaBloPoMo you ask... well here's what Wikipedia has to say:

A portmanteau of National Blog Posting Month. Writing a post every day for a month on one's blog. Began in 2006 as an alternative challenge to National Novel Writing Month, which is an annual challenge to write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November. After a couple years of holding NaBloPoMo exclusively in November, the challenge was expanded to include participants every month though prizes are only awarded in November.

The rules are fairly simple... to write a blog post every day for the full month of November.  One article I read said that you should actually write the post everyday... I can't guarentee that I will actually write something everyday, however I will try my darnest to post something new everyday.  I haven't 'linked up' anywhere... so no chances at prizes... I just want to challenge myself to something.  Challenges and goals are good things to have, and while I'm pretty much nailing my new years resolution, I feel like it's a great time to try this.

So I really hope I'm able to accomplish this... I know many people get burnt out in the first week or two... so it will be pushing past that.  I do have some projects I've completed to show you and some other interesting posts.  I'm not going to write a novel everyday but look forward to at least something!

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