Friday, October 31, 2008
Week 9 Football Picks
New York Jets vs. Buffalo Bills
Jacksonville Jaguars vs. Cincinnati Bengals
Baltimore Ravens vs. Cleveland Browns
Houston Texans vs. Minnesota Vikings
Detroit Lions vs. Chicago Bears
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs. Kansas City Chiefs
Arizona Cardinals vs. St. Louis Rams
Green Bay Packers vs. Tennessee Titans
Miami Dolphins vs. Denver Broncos
Dallas Cowboys vs. New York Giants
Philadelphia Eagles vs. Seattle Seahawks
Atlanta Falcons vs. Oakland Raiders
New England Patriots vs. Indianapolis Colts
Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Washington Redskins
As before mine are in Yellow, Chad's are in Blue, and the ones where we agree are in green.
Here's are season total which is just weeks 5-8 since I lost the first couple we did and then we had the wedding... The first couple of weeks we did I know he got more right than me... so I'm sure it's either even now or he's up one or two, but since I can't prove that...
Me: 34-22
Him: 32-24
Jenn's Survivor Recap
Poor Fang is just falling apart... I'm not sure I've ever seen a tribe this pathetic and that's including that tribe on that one season (see how I can keep them straight?) where Stephanie was the last one left... I keep thinking there's more people on Fang than there actually is, there was only 5 this time but it seemed like it should be more...
Crystal accidentally knocking over the rice just did not help them... None of them yelled at her... I think Matty said it best that what's the point of crying over spilled milk... yelling at her would just make things worse, what happened happened... Of course they are going to have those looks on their faces (as Crystal pointed out) you just spilled their rice and you were already low... it's the look of frustration...
I really think that Crystal has gone nutty... she's really starting to get on my nerves... someone get her a burrito.
Fang lost the reward challenge in Fang style... not scoring a single point. It really makes me wonder why they but Sugar in positions that have so much influence on winning or losing (having her direct Ace in that giant carnival game and now trying to break the ball) she just isn't that great in challenges like that... she's too cute. When asked who Kota wants to send to Exile... they send Sugar... for the 5th straight time!! At least she gets food and shelter which is probably better than being at Fang anyway.
The immunity challenge was where the shit started to get stirred... everyone was going to tribal... oh yes, finally some Kota drama!! There was going to be a challenge to get individual immunity with a twist coming at the end... What I found the funniest is that Dan knew he needed to win immunity and said something along the lines of needing to win it not by a little but by a lot to prove himself (which didn't make much sense to me, but putting that aside) he sets onto the log and falls off almost the quickest of any of them... way to prove yourself Dan!!
The final comes down to Sugar, Ace, and Marcus. After Sugar fell off, I was rooting so much for Marcus... I just did NOT want Ace to win... that way he'd have a chance (at least) to be voted out at TC... Marcus won (YAY) and the twist was he had to assign immunity to someone on the other tribe... who does he pick... none other than Sugar (interesting move)
So now is when the scrambling begins... Kenny 'lies' to Sugar about things Ace was saying while she was off at Exile... now he's lying about these things however they would be things Ace actually believes and probably says in his mind, so was it really a stretch? Ace just seals his fate when he asks Sugar for the HII, which she doesn't give him (YAY) Tribal was interesting Crystal and Ace have it out... when the votes are being read it all comes down to the last vote, which we know is Sugar's (does she go with Kenny and Crystal or Matty and Ace?) Ace is written down... they blindsided Ace the pompous ace-hole went home... AWESOME!!
After Fang's TC was over we still had a whole other one!! Kota's!! We finally get to see where the drama is at on Kota. From last week's episode we see that Dan is annoying and that Susie is on the outside looking in... Marcus, Charlie, Randy, and Corinne seem to form an alliance... And they seem to decide on Dan... The Corinne goes and tries to find out what page Susie was on and Susie blurts out that she was going to vote Corinne... that send Corinne into a fit (but can you really blame her?) So we know it's going to come down to Susie or Dan. Dan ends up being voted out but the voting was interesting. I think the alliance wanted to make sure that Dan didn't have the HII (he did go to Exile once way back in the beginning, remember??) So just in case they split their votes between Dan and Susie, with Dan going.
Dan kinda reminded me of that kid from Arrested Development and SuperBad and Nick and Nora's Infinate Playlist? Anyone? Anyone?
Oh and side note... Randy is such a jerk... I hope he goes soon!!
The episode did not disappoint... and it seems like next week they're merging... and it always gets better when they merge.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
The Island
Last night was the season finale... and I'm left feeling thoroughly disappointed. I seriously thought last night they would start the final challenge and leave us hanging for next week's episode... turns out that wasn't the case.
Let me start by explaining why I like the challenge shows... I like watching the challenges and I enjoy the fact that since the challenge takes a good portion of the time of the show that leaves a smaller amount of drama-time on the show. Well this season was completely different. They only had one challenge per hour episode... okay so more drama this season... wonderful.
Everyone got on my nerves at one point or another... maybe that's how they edit it? Anyway Ev was bitching and moaning the entire season about Johnny Bananas and what does she do to come true on all the things she's been saying at length all season? She chickens out and send Dunbar home so she has a place on the boat with all the strong men. Way to sell out there? And then Paula whining about how she should have been on that boat... wha wha... I mean those guys have been doing that crap all show long, why did you think you'd be different? In the end it was a blow out (aren't finales much better when it's close?)
Well... my beef with all of this is how un-exciting the final mission or whatever was... row over to that island and turn the keys? So exciting!! I thought there would be some type of puzzle or additional challenge or something... but not... an anticlimatic ending... way to go MTV.
Hopefully they bring back a different type of challenge next time b/c this one sucked... nice try to imitate Survivor and stick them on an island without food... problem is that would lack what every other MTV show has going for it... alcohol. So here these people were on this island with shelter already built (as MTV primiative as it was) little to no food but we'll give you an endless supply of alcohol... sounds safe doesn't it?
Alright... enough about that back to me wasting the next 10 minutes before I can leave this joint.
Quick Political Thought
I think that the Chapter in Freaknomics really says it best, and if you haven't gotten a chance to read that book that you should.
While we are on this topic I really REALLY hate it when people vote based on a politian's view on one topic. You see this a lot with abortion and same-sex marriage. I'm going to vote for so-and-so b/c he is against abortion or same-sex marriage or whatever... that's stupid...
Conservative really make me mad sometimes... there I said it
I'm pretty sure...
Now... why do I think that it's work causing this?? Easy... these things only happen when I'm at work... not at home or outside... only at work... there's something here that makes my nose run... does this count for workman's comp? Or can I start working from home maybe?... Yeah... I didn't think so...
It's not so much the elevators themselves that annoy me but the people on the said elevators... Following is my numerous annoyances with them.
- People who are well-abled who ride the elevator up one floor--are you really that lazy that you cannot take the step up ONE floor... c'mon
- What bothers me even more is people who take the elevator up one floor is the people who take the elevator DOWN one floor... seriously are you really that lazy that you won't walk down the steps? Seriously? I mean seriously? Nothing annoys me more is having to stop one floor down of where I'm currently at b/c some lazy SOB doesn't want to take the freaking steps... Again this applies to able-bodied people... This seriously bothers me
- I hate people that hold the open doors button for no reason... the open doors button only needs to be used in like last minute situations... doors are closing and someone wants to get on or off... it does not need to be pushed and held when a steady flow of people are getting on or off the elevator... the doors will stay open b/c people keep going through them. The people that hold this button usually want a 'thank you' and why should I thank someone who is doing something that doesn't need to be done?
- At work people tend to cram onto the elevators... this especially happens at the end of the day... I understand what people do it--the elevators are hard to get at the time of day and when one comes you get on... but seriously what if that elevator broke and there's 12-15 people on it... that's tight AND no one would be able to sit down... it would seriously suck... I know this probably never happens, but someday it will!!
- I hate it when there's only a couple of people on the elevator and they stand right next to you for no reason... don't people understand that I have a personal space bubble and I'd rather you not pop my bubble?
- I hate the weirdos you meet in the elevator... the ones that launch into some big conversation with random stranger just so they can talk... it's like can't we just ride in quiet... I was perfectly fine not knowing you and I'd like to keep it that way... I've seriously avoided getting onto the elevator with people like this.
- I hate when people talk on their cell phones or use their blue tooths on the elevator... seriously, we shouldn't have to be forced to listen to your conversation... I especially hate it when they are having a convo and give you dirty looks b/c they know you're listening, I mean how can I not listen to your convo when we are sharing a 4x6 box together?
- What really bothers me about the work elevators is even at their peak usage (beginning of the work day and the end) they don't have all the elevators going... I really hate this in the parking garage where one is sitting at the 1st floor (as am I) and we have to wait for one of the working elevators...
I realized I said seriously in this post a lot... but this is getting more and more on my nerves... the elevators alone here could make me go crazy... by the time I get to my car at night I'm mad... I know that I could just take the steps, but I'm lazy... I do take the steps sometimes (more than some other lazies) but maybe I should more... I may be more happy of a person...
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Home At Last
I have major problems buying jeans... they always fit fine in the dressing room and when I get home they never fit the same... they are too big or too long or too annoying... It's annoying... flipping annoying... on the good side of things we finally got Chad new jeans... he's needed them for months... we bought 4 pairs for Chad, 2 for me, and Chad got 3 shirts... and we only spent around $130, which I think is great!! How can you not love Kohls?? We went to the one next to Crestwood Plaza... it's so sad over there since no one goes there... It's a completely dead mall... this is the mall that I went to as a teenager... I know there are new owners and big plans, and I'm excited to see the transformation.
Today I had my annual OBGYN appointment (exciting I know!!) To make a long story short I was having some issues with my cervix and she thought that I may have to get laser surgery... well my last pap test came back normal as I'm hoping this one does too!! I hate those appointments it's always just ackward and such having to wait naked with paper "robes" but my doc is awesome, so for that I'm happy.
I drove on 44 today... and boy that road is bad... I know that they expanded it for the 40 closures but still... the old lines are still down in places and the road is bumpy and annoying... and there's no shoulder... what if I have to make an emergency stop? Or I get pulled over? I hope they fix 44 after 40...
Have you seen that new Rock Star 2 commercial? The one with Koby Bryant, Michael Phelps, Tony Hawk, and some other dude? It's pretty good!! I really want rock band.
Alright, that's all from me for now
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Vote For Change
Last week I realized that I have no clue where I'm suppose to vote. See I changed my name AND address after the October 4th registration deadline. I tried to figure it out on the St. Louis County site and just wasn't able to. What I would normally do in this situation would be to say oh well, there's always next time. I thought about saying this but I kept feeling guilty... really really guilty. I sent them an email and figured out I will be voting at the polling place for my next address. I'm very happy and relieved to have this figured out. I don't care if I have to stand in a long line to vote, I'm going to do it as should everyone of legal age.
This presidental election will create history, not just b/c we will elect a new president but we could elect an African American as president or a female as VP. This election will change every one from here on out. No longer will it only be old white guys in office... and that's a really really neat thing.
So everyone... please vote... not to mention if you vote you can get a free scoop of Ben and Jerry's ice cream!! So now what?
I will be voting for Obama. But even if you're not it's your right to vote and you should!!
They aren't pink they're red
Chad worked until 10 last night... so I had a night to myself. I came home and ate some dinner while watching 30 Minute Meals. For some reason I like this show, I couldn't tell you why... Rachel Ray gets on my nerves though... and (I don't say this about many people, but...) she needs bigger boobs. For her body type she should have bigger ta-tas. Anywho... I settled in for a night of watching crappy TV (pick up on the trend of me watching bad TV while Chad's away?) Then Chad called and I decided I would bring him some dinner and some cupcakes I made Sunday night. He really appreciated that... AND I got to see him in action at work, which was kinda cool, he really is good at what he does. It's amazing how annoyed he can be a person and how calmly and cooly he can talk to them... well built for the customer service industry.
Chad then got stuck on a long call so I headed back home. This was around 8. I thought about watching wrestling, but I really wasn't in the mood... I ended up putting on the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader show again. They were at training camp and had to get weighed and measured and such for uniforms. Somehow the coaches (over years I'm sure) figured out that the girls look best in the uniforms when their body fat percentage was between like 12-14% or something. That's just crazy that they have that figured out. And they do this high kick (I guess their kick line is what they are famous for which I didn't know until I watched this show) into a split (also famous for) which just doesn't look fun... probably mostly b/c I can't do the splits.
Then I got more captivated by Antiques Roadshow. This particular episode was titled "Jackpot!" where they showed a bunch of items that were purchased for very little money and turned out to be worth a lot of money. Since this is the best part of the show (along with people who think they have something really special but turns out they don't) the episode was really good. I had to call Chad after one of them. It was a book of watercolor paintings which were very pretty... the guy bought the book for a quarter at a garage sale and it ended up being worth $20,000-$30,000. The look on his face was priceless... it made me smile.
Then I'm sure I turned on some other crappy television but cannot recall what it may have been... but then Chad came home and he brought me flowers (I should take a picture when I get home!!) they were beautiful!! I arranged them in a vase. He is the sweetest sometimes!! I asked him why he always buys me roses instead of other flowers. He said he was going to get me sunflowers but then saw the bright pink roses and got me them... Well up until that point I would have sworn those roses were red. Upon further inspection they appear to be a light red... but I'm hoping they will open up more today and I'll be able to tell better.
I had some crazy dreams last night as well... I had a dream with a wasp in it... this happened about a year or more ago too... it was weird b/c like 3 nights in a row there was wasps it it... one where it just landed on me... one where I watched it sting me... and finally one where I smacked it away... last night I just saw one... and I remember it being really big... Here is what I've found about wasps in dreams
To see a wasp in you dream, signifies angry thoughts and feelings.
To dream that you are stung by a wasp, symbolizes growing envy and hatred towards you.
To dream that you kill a wasp, signifies your fearlessness to ward off your enemies and maintain your ethics and rights.
I also got shot 5 times. I don't remember why I got shot or who did the shooting but I remember the 5 times and I was still alive. Here is what I found about shooting, I could see how me being shot could mirror something in my life.
To see a shooting in your dream, indicates that you have a set goal and know what you are aiming for in life. Your plans are right on target!
To dream that you shoot a person with a gun, denotes your aggressive feelings and hidden anger toward that particular person.
To dream that someone is shooting you with a gun, suggests that you are experiencing some confrontation in your waking life. You may feel victimized in some situation.
Here is about fives (now this may be more for see the actual number and not having something happen 5 times, I'm not sure...)
Five represents your persuasiveness, spontaneity, daring/bold nature, action or the five human senses. This number may reflect a change in course. It is also the link between heaven and earth.
Also it says "Also worth noting is that odd numbers are considered more aggressive then even numbers, while even numbers are considered to be more tranquil. "
That site is way cool!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Oh Monday Monday
Saturday we stayed in bed for a long time until I could finally convince Chad to get out of bed... But first we watched about 2-3 hours of the history channel. We then made our way out to Six Flags... and boy was it crowded!! But oh so beautiful outside, warm and sunny for a late October day. I didn't realize until Saturday how annoying I find people... I mean every line we got in it seemed like we got stuck in front of or behind annoying people. Most notiably in the line of The Boss. Now I love this ride since it's thrilling and long, so to me it's worth the wait. The people behind us were so freaking annoying. It was a teenage girl with her younger sister and her sister's friend and then two boy friends of her own. They got into line behind us and immediatly started to smoke... you aren't suppose to smoke in line, not to mention do I really want to breathe that in? NO!! I was so close to saying something to them (and I never ever do that.) Then the two young girls got annoying... they kept running into me and touching me for no reason... I really wanted to smack the girls... I mean seriously!!
Six Flags was fun... we rode a couple of new (to us) rides. Tony Hawk's Big Spin which was a fun ride but way way WAY to short of a ride. (and they try to sell you a $13 DVD of your ride, seriously who buys that?!?) We also rode the Evel Kneval which I really enjoyed. I just don't like crowds of people especially teenager who think they are all that and a bag of potato chips. And it never ceases to amaze me the line people will stand in for those silly turkey legs.
Sunday we cleaned (clean cleaned) the kitchen and the living room. They both looked so nice, it was great. I hope we are able to keep the house cleaner.
Today I moved in to my permenant desk (oh joy) and it sucks!! The vinyl part of my desk is coming up and it's just not cool. My desk is very janky. I also had to call b/c supposedly my last Perkins Loan Repayment was late (even though I sent it in with plenty of time) and the bill was confusing... well the chick that answered the phone was being snippy with me and it was freaking annoying. And this morning I needed to figure out where in the heck I can vote. The St. Louis County website did not tell me, so I had to email about that, luckily a helpful email person was able to figure it out.
I know this post was probably incredibly boring and I'll try to write a more interesting one later.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Football Picks -- Week 8
Oakland Raiders vs. Baltimore Ravens
Arizona Cardinals vs. Carolina Panthers
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs. Dallas Cowboys
Washington Redskins vs. Detroit Lions
Buffalo Bills vs. Miami Dolphins
St. Louis Rams vs. New England Patriots
San Diego Chargers vs. New Orleans Saints
Kansas City Chiefs vs. New York Jets
Atlanta Falcons vs. Philadelphia Eagles
Cincinnati Bengals vs. Houston Texans
Cleveland Browns vs. Jacksonville Jaguars
New York Giants vs. Pittsburgh Steelers
Seattle Seahawks vs. San Francisco 49ers
Indianapolis Colts vs. Tennessee Titans
Jenn's Survivor Recap
The episode began as they all do... with a recap of what's been going on... The recap confirmed (to me) what I've been thinking since last week-- that they showed us something out of order. I felt that before last week's tribal council they showed us the Crystal finding Sugar's hidden immunity idol AFTER GC was complaining about wanting to go home... Since last week I really thought they played this out of order to make it seem like they were going to vote for Sugar instead of GC... sneaky sneaky... I also like how they only show the tribe members that are left and what deal they are on... I noticed this last season especailly when it got the the jury members... I like it!!
Anywho back to last night's episode...
Poor poor Fang... they just can't get it together and their food supply is limited... their morale is just down... way down... Since they haven't won any challenges they haven't gotten any of the food rewards not to mention the fact they wasted their rice early and from what they can tell only have enough food to last 6 days... that can't be good...
Randy is annoying... The way he cheered when he found out that GC went... (yes, GC needed to go, but seriously...) Kota is a much stronger team... and I'm impressed how long Bob and Randy lasted in the challenge... But after they won all the delightful pastries (that I was even wanting and I was full from chili cheese fries) did Randy really need to gloat about it... he's a jerk... I hope he doesn't win... he's also the wedding videographer who doesn't believe in marriage, sorry I don't want you filming my wedding if you don't believe in freaking marriage...
We finally got to see some drama in the Kota tribe... Dan is a hog and now they want to divide out the reward win... I don't recall seeing a tribe ever do this... it does make sense... it's just funny to be that they are only doing it b/c of Dan the pig. Dan reminds me of someone... but I'm just not sure who. Randy is smart though... he should distance himself from Dan... it's the smart move.
Poor Sugar was sent back out to exile... she's probably spent more time there than she has with her tribe and that just has to suck... It was sad to see her cry over the fact she's well fed while the rest of her tribe is starving... (I couldn't help but snicker though since the pineapple was eaten in the back ground... I would have totally gone for the pineapple first too... or maybe last... I love fresh pineapple) Speaking of Sugar... I cannot believe she would give up the hiddon immunity idol... When everyone knows you have it is when you need it the most... silly silly girl. Not to mention when Ace was talking about having the HII he didn't even factor in Sugar needing it... jerk!!
The immunity challenge was pretty exciting... Leave it to Matty and Kenny to figure out to go over the obstacles instead of through them... I can't believe Ace lost it for them... Jeff even told him like three time you won't have to force the pieces and what does he do?!? Shoves hard... perfect solution if you ask me!! What I can't believe even more is that the rest of the tribe just stood around and watched this... you deserved to lose Fang... sorry... you did... I was rooting for you and you lost it... no one to blame but yourselves and Ace (who ironically enough didn't really blame himself... hmmm)
Since Fang has constantly been losing I really haven't been able to get to know the members of Kota... I mean I know there's Randy, Corinne, Bob, Dan, Marcus, the gay guy who loves Marcus... and is that it?!? I don't know enough about them... they need to lose sometime just for the sake of getting to know the charecters...
Before tribal was interesting (as always)... They should have voted out pompus Ace... but Matty gave his word to Ace to keep him around until the merge... Given Kelly was annoying when she talked... at first I thought that she was misunderstood... turns out I was wrong... just annoying and picked fights... she needed to go... I don't know how I feel about Crystal... Miss Olympic Gold Medalist hasn't done much... but I can't blame her... she's on a losing team... it's going to get to you at some point... I'm so happy that Kenny convinced Sugar to get back the HII... Kenny's so nice.
Tribal council was interesting... I love Jeff... he's gotten really good at this... the fighting... and Ace provided more reason to get rid of Kelly... he's good... When she tried to blame him he turned it right back around... he's good... they need to get rid of him... and so Kelly went... everyone voted her way... (which you knew what would happen when she wrote down Crystal, since they probably would have used her to vote out Ace) I can't believe Cystal gave Kelly the middle finger while voting for her... that was awesome!!
I've decided I like Sugar (wish she would drop Ace) and Kenny... I've like him from the beginning... but I'm not picking a winner yet... there's absolutely no way I can at this point it would just be a complete guess and I want a little more to go into the choice...
Next week we are finally going to get the drama we need from Kota... I know I'm looking forward to that!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Like Spiders?!?

The pictures show the spider with its long black legs wrapped around the body of a dead bird suspended in its web.
The startling images were reportedly taken in Atheron, close to Queensland's tropical north.
Despite their unlikely subject matter, the pictures appear to be real.
Joel Shakespeare, head spider keeper at the Australian Reptile Park, said the spider was a Golden Orb Weaver.
"Normally they prey on large insects… it's unusual to see one eating a bird," he told
Mr Shakepeare said he had seen Golden Orb Weaver spiders as big as a human hand but the northern species in tropical areas were known to grow larger.
Queensland Museum identified the bird as a native finch called the Chestnut-breasted Mannikin.
Mr Shakespeare told ninemsn the bird must have flown into the spider web and become stuck.
"It wouldn't eat the whole bird," he said.
"It uses its venom to break down the bird for eating and what it leaves is a food parcel," he said.
Greg Czechura from Queensland Museum said cases of the Golden Orb Weaver eating small birds were "well known but rare".
"It builds a very strong web," he said.
But he said the spider would not have attacked until the bird weakened.
The Golden Orb Weaver spins a strong web high in protein because it depends on it to capture large insects for food.
Article from:
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Our Kitty Cats

I want to introduce Pretty Kitty and Stitch!! Stitch is the black cat and Pretty Kitty is the gray striped one.
I have had Pretty Kitty (formerly Ginger or ZigZag) since January of 2005. She came from the Pet Store in Kirksville. Christina (my roommate at the time) and I already had one cat (Bacardi) and we just went to the pet store to look. I fell in love with Pretty. But decided we couldn't get a second cat. A couple of days later we went back and she was still there so we bought her. And it's a good thing we did b/c Christina ended up with Bacardi and I ended up with Pretty. We named her ZigZag... She lived at the frat house (Phi Lambs) for awhile since I couldn't have cats in my apartment. She had loads of adventures there as a kitten. Most notiably was when she jumped out of the second story window b/c some frats boys called her and she jumped... but she was fine just wasted one of her 9 lives.
Shortly there after I changed her name to Pretty Kitty only b/c that's what I always called her and it's what she responds to. The poor cat doesn't have any claws (none on the back either) so she has a hard time scratching her ears. If you start to pet her she never wants you to stop. She's the sweetest cats I've ever seen. She is my baby... she's been with me through a lot... Chad has adopted her as his own, but she'll always be mine at heart (and she knows that too) I love her... she's so pretty...
We've had Stitch since January 2007. Chad and I had been going out for about 6 months at that point. We decided another cat would be a good addition. He really wanted a black cat and I really wanted a fluffy cat. We went down to the Humane Society and looked around... We saw so many adorable kitties and cats... but nothing quite like we wanted (we could have easily fell in love with any animal there!!)... but then we saw a young girl holding a fluffy fiesty black kitten... we hoped they weren't adopting that cat. Luckily they weren't... they put the fluffy fiesty black kitten back in the cage. I made Chad sit next to the cage and make sure no one else took her... Then we were finally able to take her into a room for some meet and greet. She was so adorable running around and playing... she had a gimp tail (which they had shaved down and it looked soo funny) we knew she was the one for us.
Stitch has never let us down... she's still crazy and adorable and fluffy... she's a very lively part of our house. When we got the dog (another post) she was terrified of the dog, but now the play all the time. She's such a charecter and so much fun to have in the house.
I love our cats... they bring me a lot of joy... I can't stand when people say "I'm just not a cat person" b/c until you have one you can't understand how amazing they are as pets. They are just as loving and playful as dogs... I know we've all had an experience with a cat that wasn't good but when you have a cat from a kitten on they are wonderful pets... I know we got lucky with the two we have since they are such social animals, but any cat I've ever had has been a joy... plus you can leave them for a couple of days and they can take care of themselves. I absolutely adore our kitties!!
I have to get this off my mind
After I got engaged Chad and I started to pick who would our attendants. For me this was slightly tough… I had four that were for sure… I had two people that I was choosing between a step-sister, A and a new friend (one I was quickly becoming very close with.) for the last spot (6 bridesmaids to me seemed like too many) I pondered over the two. While I really wanted the friend I knew if I didn’t pick A it might be rough… her and I were never the closest, but in recent years we were becoming closer and if I asked her to be in the wedding then this could be a great opportunity to become even closer. I also wanted her sister in mine (my other step-sister, R) whom I was much closer too and I though it would be weird to have one but not the other. So in end I asking A. I also asked the friend b/c it was my wedding and I should have whoever I wanted regardless of how crazy 6 bridesmaids were. So I added an extra spot in order to make everyone (including myself) happy. I’m very glad I did this.
A got engaged over the summer and when it came to choose bridesmaids I was not chosen. If she had had only a couple of bm’s I would have understood me not being picked… but this isn’t the case. Upon further review I found out that there would be 5 bridesmaids. The last spot (supposedly) came down to me and her friend from high school. I was not the one picked. This eats me up inside b/c it was THE SAME SITUATION and there happens to be two different outcomes. I thought so long and hard about my decision and I feel like I didn’t get the same respect. I know that brides should get to pick whoever they want and just b/c someone is in my wedding does NOT mean I have to be in theirs. I find this situation slightly different b/c its family not a friend. I am hurt… I am very hurt.
I found out about all of this about two weeks before my wedding. I wrote my dad an email and we had a talk about it… it sounds like my other step-sister, R, him, and from what I can understand my step-mom are disappointed in her choice. This does not make me feel any better… The more I think about it I think it’s important to have your family be part of your wedding over friends. Family will always be there… period. Friends come and go… chances are you may not be friends with those people years from now but your family will still be there. After I had the talk with my dad she tried to call me. I guess to explain herself… I did not pick up the call. I wrote her an email the next day saying I didn’t care or want to hear what her excuse was that I wanted to enjoy my wedding b/c that’s the important part. And she granted my wishes.
I don’t want anything to do with this wedding… I barely even want to go… (I know just how awful that sounds but it’s the truth.) I know I have to go… that’s not even the question. But it’s been over a month since all of this happened and I’m just as hurt if not more. I don’t want to go to any of the wedding stuff. I know that I’m going to feel just as hurt (if not even more) when the events come around and I know I’ll feel really bad when the actual wedding comes around. I want to be happy and excited about it all, but I can’t and I don’t foresee me being happy. It sucks that I can’t just get over this feeling but it’s very strong. I’m serious… I REALLY wish I could be happy for her and ask her wedding questions and help out (b/c I’m still in wedding mode) but I’m not going to do it. I really really wish I could be excited.
I am hurt there’s no question about it… the crazy thing in all of this is I knew she wouldn’t choose me, yet b/c I got married before her I was the one who choose first.
How do I get past this? How do I get excited? Is it even possible? I’m probably not going to be fun to be around at whole family things at his house… Thanksgiving and Christmas… is there any ‘happy pill’ I can take?
I am so vindictive sometimes {I edited out what I want to do}… grrr… I do want to be happy but I don’t know how to be not hurt…
so freaking EXCITED
For two... Chad went up to GameStop to pick up his new game (Fable 2) and I said check to see if they have a Wii Fit... I've been asking him this same question everytime he goes to GameStop and they never ever have one... so I asked again last night expecting him to come home without it... well he walked in and what was he carrying?!? A WII FIT!! I am SO EXCITED to try it out... I didn't get to last night b/c of the greatest wife I am I let him play his new game that he's been excited about getting for several months when he reserved a copy of it.
So tonight will be chili mac, Wii Fit, Ghost Hunters, and The Island (on MTV) I know I'm excited!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sunscreen Song
Below are the lyrics if you're interested... I think it's all pretty good advise, except I'm never going to live in New York or probably Northern California... but yeah
Everybody's Free (to wear sunscreen)
Mary SchmichChicago Tribune
Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of '97... wear sunscreen.
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be IT.
The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience.
I will dispense this advice now.
Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth. Never mind. You will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded. But trust me, in 20 years you'll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked.
You are NOT as fat as you imagine.
Don't worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.
Do one thing every day that scares you.
Don't be reckless with other people's hearts, don't put up with people who are reckless with yours.
Don't waste your time on jealousy; sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. The race is long, and in the end, it's only with yourself.
Remember compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you succeed in doing this, tell me how.
Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements.
Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life. The most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40 year olds I know still don't.
Get plenty of calcium.
Be kind to your knees, you'll miss them when they're gone.
Maybe you'll marry, maybe you won't, maybe you'll have children, maybe you won't, maybe you'll divorce at 40, maybe you'll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary. Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself, either. Your choices are half chance, so are everybody else's.
Enjoy your body, use it every way you can. Don't be afraid of it, or what other people think of it, it's the greatest instrument you'll ever own.
Even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room.
Read the directions, even if you don't follow them.
Do NOT read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly.
Get to know your parents, you never know when they'll be gone for good.
Be nice to your siblings; they are your best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future.
Understand that friends come and go, but for the precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography in lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young.
Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard; live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft.
Accept certain inalienable truths, prices will rise, politicians will philander, you too will get old, and when you do you'll fantasize that when you were young prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders.
Respect your elders.
Don't expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund, maybe you'll have a wealthy spouse; but you never know when either one might run out.
Don't mess too much with your hair, or by the time you're 40, it will look 85.
Be careful whose advice you buy, but, be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it's worth.
But trust me on the sunscreen.
Work Sucks
For one... I run two applications every morning when I get into work as my daily uploading process... I upload security file tracker and run the stock distibution report... well... SFT I actually use so I would know if it didn't run properly... but the stock distributions... I have no freaking clue about... someone else has to tell me if it doesn't look right... well anyway the last couple of weeks I've noticed it running quicker... but since no one (and multiple groups of people look at this report) told me it looked funny I've been running it the same way... well today I get an email that it hasn't been working properly since 10/6... geez... and it's like please don't stop the report until after it pulls position... umm... I never stop the report, when it's done (and I get notification) it's done... I'm actually so nice to my computer that I don't touch my computer until it's done so it works correctly... GRRRR
For second and most annoying thing... I've been dealing with this person since some transactions have appeared on a report I work (to make sure account's taxability is correct) anywho I emailed this chick to figure out what was going on and she doesn't answer my questions... so I email her back with the questions more plainly spelled out and she still doesn't answer them all... but included 'any other questions please call me at ...' so I email a third time with one additional question and I get a response back in all caps PLEASE CALL ME AT 314-XXX-XXXX. I can't believe I got yelled at in a freaking email!! So I call and the convo lasts a whopping 20 seconds... totally easy to type in a freaking email. I just don't get that why can't you answer me in email form... what did the phone call really add other than now I don't have a paper trail... grr... stupid people annoy me.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Charm School
Last night was the second episode of the season... Let me first start by commenting on the first episode... It's quite a line-up of girls from the first two seasons of Rock of Love... we see some very familiar faces and some that I forgot even existed (Raven... anyone remember her?!?) And Lacey's back... (oh joy) Gotta give her credit, she's a charecter and most surely causes drama (which I'm sure producers eat up) Anywho... the points I would like to make is... why would you come onto the show and think it is all beneath you?!? You signed up to do a VH1 show called Charm School, what do you think you're getting into? I'm glad you left Raven. And poor poor Courtney... you would think that after getting wasted and not making elimination on Rock of Love you would watch how much alcohol you consumed on Charm School... I don't really think she has a serious problem but I do think she gets nervous and drinks to calm down... but seriously girl... if you ever go on a reality show again, maybe put off the drinking until the second night?
On to last night's new episode (#2) Sharon had drill sgt. come on to make the girls feel some pain. I had a couple of problems with this... like having some girls sit out b/c they couldn't catch the sand bags when in reality the problem probably fell more on the thrower not the catcher... Also he made Megan sit in the sleigh... all the girls bitched and moaned about that one... when really it wasn't her idea it was his (I know she enjoyed it but still)... Yes you can complain about Brandy C. deciding to give up and ride... but yeah...
This is the fourth show I've watched Megan on... The first one being when she won Beauty and the Geek (she really hasn't seemed to change much)... the only reason she won that show was b/c everyone hated CeCe (although it was tough b/c everyone loved Nate)... then on Rock of Love she really didn't seem to do much of anything... but on I Love Money she was sneaky and smart it seemed. She had something to do with a lot of the elimiations so you have to give her major props (even though she did it in a low-ball way that's how the game is played) and now on Charm School it seems like she'll be just as sneaky... Chad doesn't care for her much but I like her... even though I don't know how she can walk around in a swimsuit 24/7...
Anyway after the show was over Chad looked up naked pictures of everyone... it's amazing to me how many of them you can find online either naked or in a porn. And really it's just weird to seem them in porn...
Well anyway... that's my recap (great huh?!?)
Oh and just for the record I will NOT be watching A Real Chance at Love and I seriously can't believe they gave Daisy a 'find love' show... she has a real butter-face.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
When Chad's Away...
Last weekend Chad worked on Sunday and I watched the silliest line up of TV... Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Show on CMT (watch girls try to make the squad.) Something tells me it's really hard to make that team. I had a coach in HS track that tried to be a Ram's Cheerleader and you basically had to know the team leaders or be a vetern to be on their team. I have a feeling that's just (if not worse) how the Cowboy's cheerleader... the choegrapher's daughter tried to make the team (and what do you know she's made the camp)
I also watched My Big Redneck Wedding... (it can't possibly be real can it?!?) Either way that show is just... funny.
Okay... enough stalling I'm going to get back to cleaning my closet... EXCITING!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
111 Things about Jenn
(1) After I finished this list and read back over it I changed what was number 1 to this.
(2) Tuna salad is my one exception to everything… I don’t like fish, mayo, hard-boiled eggs, celery, relish, or onions yet when you combine them together it’s awesome!! I also like ketchup but not tomatoes and pickles and not cucumbers.
(3) I got married on September 19, 2008 to Chad… we knew each other in high school but weren’t friends but friends with some of the same people… strange how the world works…
(4) I always thought when I was seriously dating someone or married I would secretly miss the single life… turns out I don’t.
(5) I like being right.
(6) We have two cats and a dog and by my guesstimate we will have another dog soon.
(7) Cars I’ve owned: 1987 Oldsmobile Cutless Ciera (maroon) 1998 Buick Century (dark teal) and the first car I ever bought a 2007 Chevy Cobalt (silver) I got it with only 12 miles on it.
(8) I’m a happy person but also love to bitch and moan and vent.
(9) My family is the most important thing to me.
(10) I have three best friends: Chad, Christina, and my mom.
(11) I have one brother, a (half) sister, 2 step-sisters and a step-brother and I’m proud of all of them.
(12) The more and more I think about it I realize I’m a scaredy cat.
(13) I love love love roller coasters and cannot wait to go back to Cedar Point.
(14) I am a proud St. Louisian. Don’t diss my city.
(15) I worked at Jefferson National Expansion Memorial (aka the Gateway Arch) for two summers, and it was perhaps my best job ever.
(16) Speaking of the Arch I know way too many ‘fun’ facts about it… like there are 1,076 stairs (which I’ve walked down) it can sway up to 18 inches (never has before) it is 630 ft. tall and wide along with tons more!!
(17) Both of my parents worked at the Arch, where they met, fell in love, married, and had me and my brother.
(18) Then got divorced when I was about 6. Luckily they are friendly which I think has helped me not being too ‘messed up.’
(19) I thought for awhile I didn’t have any real memories of them together (other than fighting) but I do… when it was snowy out and my dad would drop my brother off at my grandparents and my mom would drop me off to preschool my mom would say drive slow and steady and my dad would say I’ll drive fast and jerky. It is strange what one remembers…
(20) I wish Chad could have met my grandpa and my uncle… I think they would have really gotten along. I miss them so much!!
(21) I’m sick of working in corporate America.
(22) I’m a democrat.
(23) I want to start taking more pictures so I can hang them on the walls.
(24) I cannot wait to re-do our house… paint the walls, hang up pictures, everything!!
(25) If I could sit at home all day and make crafts, I totally would.
(26) I could really get into scrap booking, but I don’t want to—it’s too many supplies and way too much money.
(27) I watch too much reality television. My favorites? Survivor, Ghost Hunters, VH1.
(28) I like the sound of pen on paper.
(29) My brother is so incredibly smart it’s sickening.
(30) I love game shows.
(31) I love playing board games and cards… when we have a family there’s totally going to be a family game night.
(32) Birth scares me but I want to have kids… someday.
(33) I have been a birth coach. Being able to watch Christina see her daughter for the very first time was one of the best experiences of my life.
(34) If and when we have a baby, I don’t want to know the sex until it pops out of me.
(35) I graduated from Truman State University with a bachelor’s of science in Business Administration with a minor in Justice Systems. At times I can’t believe I actually graduated.
(36) I am a good typer.
(37) I don’t have many good girl friends. Girls are just too dramatic for me and it’s hard for me to find new ones that I can instantly get along with.
(38) I grew up with all boys (my brother and cousins on both sides.)
(39) I love breakfast sandwiches… also one of my favorite meals is grilled cheese and tomato soup (or spaghetti o’s)… especially when Chad makes it for me!!
(40) I broke my leg last September, and it hurt so badly… I never appreciated walking as much as I did during that time. You just don’t realize how hard it is without a leg… but Chad kept really good care of me which I was lucky to have.
(41) I’ve kissed a girl… for money. (It’s amazing what guys will give you money for!!)
(42) I love sports… especially baseball and football.
(43) I’ve only been out of the country once, and that was to Prague to visit my brother who was studying abroad there.
(44) My favorite color is pink.
(45) I also really like green.
(46) I want to travel more.
(47) My lifetime goal is to visit all 50 states.
(48) I’m scared to move away from St. Louis.
(49) When I was younger I hated pizza.
(50) I’m an expert gift wrapper.
(51) I took Spanish in high school and Italian in college and can remember more Spanish than Italian.
(52) I always have pink polish on my toes.
(53) I love working on spreadsheets.
(54) I love ice cream, but it upsets my stomach.
(55) I enjoy filling out paperwork.
(56) When I was younger I really wanted blonde hair… now that I’m older I would never change my hair.
(57) I spend most of my days at work slacking b/c there’s not enough work to keep me busy all day… this is perhaps the most annoying thing about my job.
(58) I feel prettier now that I weigh more. Being skinny was nice but having some curves makes me feel prettier.
(59) That being said I want to lose about 15-20 pounds.
(60) I don’t like sweets nearly as much as I use to… although I like to have a couple of bites of something sweet after dinner.
(61) I’ll admit it… I enjoy gossip.
(62) I don’t shop nearly as much as I use to.
(63) I pick at my fingernails when I’m bored or nervous.
(64) When I get anxious/excited/stressed I get sleepy.
(65) It wasn’t weird for me to call Chad my husband… it was weird when I started to refer to his mom as my mother-in-law.
(66) My paternal grandmother is wonder woman. She has met so many health obstacles and over come each and every one… I hope I got more of my dad’s health genes than my mom’s.
(67) On my mom’s side of the family my grandpa and uncle have passed away from cancer, my mom and aunt have had and overcome cancer, my grandma has had an aneurism, and a whole other mess of problems.
(68) I’m closer to my mom and her side of the family.
(69) I love my dad but he and my brother are best friends.
(70) I have two tattoos and will probably get at least one more.
(71) One is a “friendship” tattoo with Christina… we both have stars and got them at the same time hers on her feet and mine on my lower back (side not middle).
(72) The other matching one with Chad—it is a heart with an infinity sign on my upper thigh and his is on his wrist.
(73) We got the tattoo for my 23 birthday and had only been dating 8 months.
(74) I fear needles and insects that sting.
(75) I have (and will) faint when I get a shot.
(76) When I broke my leg I almost passed out from the pain twice.
(77) I believe in ghosts.
(78) I really want a VW Beetle… or a Jetta.
(79) I absolutely hate Hummers. They make me mad.
(80) We had a Hummer Limo for the wedding, b/c Hummers make good limos (and army vehicles) not for personal use.
(81) I don’t mind watching Chad play video games.
(82) I love Gilmore Girls.
(83) I was born on a Tuesday at 5:04pm.
(84) I can pogo stick no-handed.
(85) I enjoy museums.
(86) I love to dance, when no one is around I dance all around the house.
(87) My eyes change colors. They are usually olive green but I’ve seen them look bright blue as well.
(88) I love Christmas time.
(89) I’m a very sentimental person… I keep way too much stuff but it reminds me of something so I never want to get rid of it.
(90) I think good gift giving skills are important.
(91) I enjoy reading “kids” books. I especially love the Harry Potter series.
(92) I am left handed. (and I love that fact.)
(93) Our wedding was beyond perfect.
(94) I want to get a fish tank someday. Oh, and a self-cleaning litter box.
(95) I know how to use a typewriter.
(96) I watch wrestling. John Cena is my favorite.
(97) I always let Chad drive.
(98) People annoy me as do bad drivers and people who come to an almost complete stop to go over speed bumps.
(99) I remember too much sometimes.
(100) I went to civil war camp in 1995 and got to wear a old-time hoop skirt. My picture was in the paper for this.
(101) I want to go sky diving someday.
(102) I am Pro-Choice, Pro-Stem Cell Research, and pro-same-sex marriages.
(103) I drink beer and by beer I mean Bud Light.
(104) Ranch dressing can go on just about everything in my opinion.
(105) I enjoy sneezing.
(106) When I was little I didn’t like my freckles. My Grandpa told me the freckles were angel kisses. From then on I loved my freckles.
(107) I am the favorite grandchild on both my mom and my dad’s sides.
(108) I get mosquito bites really easily.
(109) I’m not good at lying.
(110) I don’t know my blood type.
(111) I’m proud of who I am. I like the way I look and the way I act (usually.) I am happy and I have self-confidence in who I am.
Week 7 Football Picks
I think making picks makes watching football on Sundays so much more fun and it really takes no skill... plus now I know more about the teams.
Anywho here are mine and Chad's week 7 picks.
San Diego Chargers vs. Buffalo Bills
New Orleans Saints vs. Carolina Panthers
Minnesota Vikings vs. Chicago Bears
Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Cincinnati Bengals
Tennessee Titans vs. Kansas City Chiefs
Baltimore Ravens vs. Miami Dolphins
San Francisco 49ers vs. New York Giants
Dallas Cowboys vs. St. Louis Rams
Detroit Lions vs. Houston Texans
Indianapolis Colts vs. Green Bay Packers
New York Jets vs. Oakland Raiders
Cleveland Browns vs. Washington Redskins
Seattle Seahawks vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Denver Broncos vs. New England Patriots
Mine are in yellow
His are in blue
The ones we match on are in green (=blue+yellow)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Anyway I'm going to try to write often enough... I mean I have plenty to say, it may not make sense or be important but damn it... I have an opinion!!
So be prepared for the amazing Jenny Jones!!