Monday, October 20, 2008

Charm School

If you haven't caught on by now I enjoy watching craptastic TV shows. We tend to watch VH1 "reality shows." Now before I start into this I want to state for the record that I in no way believe this is actually "reality" Now I'm not going to attest to how much is real vs. how much is staged... but I know that it's going on... which ever way they do it I'm entertained so whatev...

Last night was the second episode of the season... Let me first start by commenting on the first episode... It's quite a line-up of girls from the first two seasons of Rock of Love... we see some very familiar faces and some that I forgot even existed (Raven... anyone remember her?!?) And Lacey's back... (oh joy) Gotta give her credit, she's a charecter and most surely causes drama (which I'm sure producers eat up) Anywho... the points I would like to make is... why would you come onto the show and think it is all beneath you?!? You signed up to do a VH1 show called Charm School, what do you think you're getting into? I'm glad you left Raven. And poor poor Courtney... you would think that after getting wasted and not making elimination on Rock of Love you would watch how much alcohol you consumed on Charm School... I don't really think she has a serious problem but I do think she gets nervous and drinks to calm down... but seriously girl... if you ever go on a reality show again, maybe put off the drinking until the second night?

On to last night's new episode (#2) Sharon had drill sgt. come on to make the girls feel some pain. I had a couple of problems with this... like having some girls sit out b/c they couldn't catch the sand bags when in reality the problem probably fell more on the thrower not the catcher... Also he made Megan sit in the sleigh... all the girls bitched and moaned about that one... when really it wasn't her idea it was his (I know she enjoyed it but still)... Yes you can complain about Brandy C. deciding to give up and ride... but yeah...

This is the fourth show I've watched Megan on... The first one being when she won Beauty and the Geek (she really hasn't seemed to change much)... the only reason she won that show was b/c everyone hated CeCe (although it was tough b/c everyone loved Nate)... then on Rock of Love she really didn't seem to do much of anything... but on I Love Money she was sneaky and smart it seemed. She had something to do with a lot of the elimiations so you have to give her major props (even though she did it in a low-ball way that's how the game is played) and now on Charm School it seems like she'll be just as sneaky... Chad doesn't care for her much but I like her... even though I don't know how she can walk around in a swimsuit 24/7...

Anyway after the show was over Chad looked up naked pictures of everyone... it's amazing to me how many of them you can find online either naked or in a porn. And really it's just weird to seem them in porn...

Well anyway... that's my recap (great huh?!?)

Oh and just for the record I will NOT be watching A Real Chance at Love and I seriously can't believe they gave Daisy a 'find love' show... she has a real butter-face.

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