Thursday, October 30, 2008

Quick Political Thought

Abortion is a popular political topic... and an issue a lot of people hold near and dear... I just want to say that I hate when people think that pro-choice is the same thing as pro-abortion... I am pro-choice... would I ever get an abortion myself? No... but that doesn't mean that I should be able to make the decision for other women and couples... Just b/c someone is pro-choice does not mean they think abortion is awesome... or the first solution in those cases... I think people should have the right the choose what they want to do... if it's in the cards for them to not have a baby at this time then that's their choice... why should you or me or some old white guy in Washington decide that for them?

I think that the Chapter in Freaknomics really says it best, and if you haven't gotten a chance to read that book that you should.

While we are on this topic I really REALLY hate it when people vote based on a politian's view on one topic. You see this a lot with abortion and same-sex marriage. I'm going to vote for so-and-so b/c he is against abortion or same-sex marriage or whatever... that's stupid...

Conservative really make me mad sometimes... there I said it

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