Friday, October 31, 2008

Jenn's Survivor Recap

Well wasn't last night's episode a doozy? It really seemed to go by fast... probably b/c there was non-stop action...

Poor Fang is just falling apart... I'm not sure I've ever seen a tribe this pathetic and that's including that tribe on that one season (see how I can keep them straight?) where Stephanie was the last one left... I keep thinking there's more people on Fang than there actually is, there was only 5 this time but it seemed like it should be more...

Crystal accidentally knocking over the rice just did not help them... None of them yelled at her... I think Matty said it best that what's the point of crying over spilled milk... yelling at her would just make things worse, what happened happened... Of course they are going to have those looks on their faces (as Crystal pointed out) you just spilled their rice and you were already low... it's the look of frustration...

I really think that Crystal has gone nutty... she's really starting to get on my nerves... someone get her a burrito.

Fang lost the reward challenge in Fang style... not scoring a single point. It really makes me wonder why they but Sugar in positions that have so much influence on winning or losing (having her direct Ace in that giant carnival game and now trying to break the ball) she just isn't that great in challenges like that... she's too cute. When asked who Kota wants to send to Exile... they send Sugar... for the 5th straight time!! At least she gets food and shelter which is probably better than being at Fang anyway.

The immunity challenge was where the shit started to get stirred... everyone was going to tribal... oh yes, finally some Kota drama!! There was going to be a challenge to get individual immunity with a twist coming at the end... What I found the funniest is that Dan knew he needed to win immunity and said something along the lines of needing to win it not by a little but by a lot to prove himself (which didn't make much sense to me, but putting that aside) he sets onto the log and falls off almost the quickest of any of them... way to prove yourself Dan!!

The final comes down to Sugar, Ace, and Marcus. After Sugar fell off, I was rooting so much for Marcus... I just did NOT want Ace to win... that way he'd have a chance (at least) to be voted out at TC... Marcus won (YAY) and the twist was he had to assign immunity to someone on the other tribe... who does he pick... none other than Sugar (interesting move)

So now is when the scrambling begins... Kenny 'lies' to Sugar about things Ace was saying while she was off at Exile... now he's lying about these things however they would be things Ace actually believes and probably says in his mind, so was it really a stretch? Ace just seals his fate when he asks Sugar for the HII, which she doesn't give him (YAY) Tribal was interesting Crystal and Ace have it out... when the votes are being read it all comes down to the last vote, which we know is Sugar's (does she go with Kenny and Crystal or Matty and Ace?) Ace is written down... they blindsided Ace the pompous ace-hole went home... AWESOME!!

After Fang's TC was over we still had a whole other one!! Kota's!! We finally get to see where the drama is at on Kota. From last week's episode we see that Dan is annoying and that Susie is on the outside looking in... Marcus, Charlie, Randy, and Corinne seem to form an alliance... And they seem to decide on Dan... The Corinne goes and tries to find out what page Susie was on and Susie blurts out that she was going to vote Corinne... that send Corinne into a fit (but can you really blame her?) So we know it's going to come down to Susie or Dan. Dan ends up being voted out but the voting was interesting. I think the alliance wanted to make sure that Dan didn't have the HII (he did go to Exile once way back in the beginning, remember??) So just in case they split their votes between Dan and Susie, with Dan going.

Dan kinda reminded me of that kid from Arrested Development and SuperBad and Nick and Nora's Infinate Playlist? Anyone? Anyone?

Oh and side note... Randy is such a jerk... I hope he goes soon!!

The episode did not disappoint... and it seems like next week they're merging... and it always gets better when they merge.

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