For the Fourth of July weekend we went out to Virginia to visit Chad's family. I was really excited about taking a weekend trip out East.
We got there on Friday afternoon... we had a nice flight out... I even got a Cinnabon at the airport (those things are DELICIOUS!!) When we got there we went swimming and had yummy dinner. Then we played some cards and went to bed somewhat early. Chad had only gotten about 2 hours of sleep that day...
On Saturday we lounged around the house... Chad helped cut the grass (doesn't do it at home, but while on vacation... what the heck ;) While doing that he nearly drove the mower into the pond... which was just funny (would have been bad, but funny!!) After that we went swimming and hung out around the pool. After that we went up to town to buy some fireworks. Turns out in VA you can't buy anything that shoots... that means mortars, bottlerockets, firecrackers, etc... So they had to settle for fountains. (and sparklers!!!!)
Interjecting with a delightful antidote... fireworks scare me... I hate when I'm around people shoot them off... they are just so unpredictable... I mean years ago my cousin actually shot one into his eye... no lie!! But past that, you never know for sure what direction they are going to go... and if they are truly out...
Later that night... Chris made super awesome ribs, beans and potatoes. We played cards (casino, a pretty fun game) and then it was time for the firework display. Chad and Ryan did a great job, however they were overshadowed by the neighbors who must have spent quite a pretty penny on their display. Another funny thing that happened was Bell (their pup) chased after the fountain fireworks... biting at sparks... I've never seen a dog react to fireworks quite that way... it was pretty funny. After the finally of the Unicorn firework fountain we played with sparklers which was a lot of fun!!
After that we smoked hookah. This was my first time and I was surprised by how good it tasted. I thought it was taste like cigarettes, but it didn't, that was really cool. Chad, Me, Ryan, and his g/f played Uno and then we headed to bed.
Sunday, Chad and Ryan went and played paintball while Chris and I went shopping at the outlet mall. It was a really nice day to be outside, sadly everyone else thought the same thing b/c toward the end of our shopping spree it was starting to get crowded and frustrating. Luckily the day wasn't a total bust, Chris and I got to spend some time together and I got a super adorable nice jacket... bright pink (I'll post a picture soon) The day was finished off with a tasty dinner and cards.
Monday we had to come back home... we had a nice breakfast together and then headed to the airport. Overall we had a really nice relaxing trip. It's nice to have a low key weekend away... we did miss our pups!!
Onto pictures!!
Here's a picture of the pool area

Chad riding the mower... this is the only picture I actually got of anyone... I meant to get a cute picture of Chad and I together, but well, that didn't happen, instead I got this dorky picture of Chad.

I like the 'S' shape in this picture

Lily pads... I really like some of the nature pictures I took

The water garden... there's actually fish in there

The barn

This is a beautiful country shot... especially with that fence

I helped hang up that hammock

Bell, the pup loves to swim, it's so fun to watch

Here I was just experimenting with taking pictures

And again with the flowers

And the dragonfly

Oh... they have two chickens as well... I managed to get a picture of one of them before my camera died

And here's Chad with the pups and kitties we missed (given this picture was taken before the trip it's still a good picture of him with the pups... they missed us bunches