Tennessee Titans vs. Detroit Lions
Seattle Seahawks vs. Dallas Cowboys
Arizona Cardinals vs. PhiladelpiaEagles
Indianapolis Colts vs. Cleveland Browns
Baltimore Ravens vs. Cincinnati Bengals
Miami Dolphins vs. St. Louis Rams
San Francisco 49ers vs. Buffalo Bills
Carolina Panthers vs. Green Bay Packers
New Orleans Saints vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers
New York Giants vs. Washington Redskins
Atlanta Falcons vs. San Diego Chargers
Pittsburgh Steelers vs. New England Patriots
Denver Broncos vs. New York Jets
Kansas City Chiefs vs. Oakland Raiders
Chicago Bears vs. Minnesota Vikings
Jacksonville Jaguars vs. Houston Texans
Season Total
Me: 72-44
Chad: 75-41
Friday, November 28, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Have you missed me?
Well... I realize that I haven't written for quite some time... I have been way busy it has seemed... Last week we had people in from Richmond to train us... it was very exciting but made me super busy...
On Friday night Chad and I went to dinner (at Steak n Shake) and then went to Home Depot so we could pick out some paint samples for the living room... since I really wanted to get moving on that project... Then we came home and worked on updating my resume.
On Saturday we we had agreed to help move my step-mom's sister to her new condo. This was incredibly annoying... I'm not sure what they would have done if Chad wasn't there since he did most of the heavy lifting... I got stuck with her son who was very annoying. He kept talking over me and it was insanely frustrating... I could say a lot more about this whole situation but it's probably better that I keep it to myself... or at least not have it in writing...
After the move my dad took us out to dinner to thank us for helping... we went to Chad's choice of Ozzie's in Westport. It was a very nice and fun dinner. And I always enjoy seeing all of Ozzie Smith's gold gloves. After that we met up with some friends at Hot Shots in Fenton... we always have a good time at Hot Shots and Liz brought up her new boyfriend which I was excited about meeting...
On Sunday we went back to Home Depot b/c Chad wanted to buy lumber for a dog house he wants to make... and I bought a quart of paint to test out on the walls... We choose a color called Cheerful Hue which is a light buttery yellow and it looks great on the wall... we might actually paint the entire room next weekend!! We also went to Ace Hardware where we purchased a new artificial Christmas tree... I can't wait to put it up. It's fun to make those life-long purchases. I also put up lights on the house while it was nice out... we haven't actually turned them on yet, but they are ready to go!!
Overall it was a very productive weekend.
Yesterday we came home and spent a lot of time on my resume...
Tonight we went over to my mom's house for our Thanksgiving tradition of pumpkin cookies. They are these cookies we make every year and we decorate them with faces every year. If I remember I'll try to take pictures on Thanksgiving, they are pretty adorable and a really fun family tradition... but we did miss Keith!!
So I hope you didn't think I'd forgotten about all of yall... I'm just a busy girl!!
On Friday night Chad and I went to dinner (at Steak n Shake) and then went to Home Depot so we could pick out some paint samples for the living room... since I really wanted to get moving on that project... Then we came home and worked on updating my resume.
On Saturday we we had agreed to help move my step-mom's sister to her new condo. This was incredibly annoying... I'm not sure what they would have done if Chad wasn't there since he did most of the heavy lifting... I got stuck with her son who was very annoying. He kept talking over me and it was insanely frustrating... I could say a lot more about this whole situation but it's probably better that I keep it to myself... or at least not have it in writing...
After the move my dad took us out to dinner to thank us for helping... we went to Chad's choice of Ozzie's in Westport. It was a very nice and fun dinner. And I always enjoy seeing all of Ozzie Smith's gold gloves. After that we met up with some friends at Hot Shots in Fenton... we always have a good time at Hot Shots and Liz brought up her new boyfriend which I was excited about meeting...
On Sunday we went back to Home Depot b/c Chad wanted to buy lumber for a dog house he wants to make... and I bought a quart of paint to test out on the walls... We choose a color called Cheerful Hue which is a light buttery yellow and it looks great on the wall... we might actually paint the entire room next weekend!! We also went to Ace Hardware where we purchased a new artificial Christmas tree... I can't wait to put it up. It's fun to make those life-long purchases. I also put up lights on the house while it was nice out... we haven't actually turned them on yet, but they are ready to go!!
Overall it was a very productive weekend.
Yesterday we came home and spent a lot of time on my resume...
Tonight we went over to my mom's house for our Thanksgiving tradition of pumpkin cookies. They are these cookies we make every year and we decorate them with faces every year. If I remember I'll try to take pictures on Thanksgiving, they are pretty adorable and a really fun family tradition... but we did miss Keith!!
So I hope you didn't think I'd forgotten about all of yall... I'm just a busy girl!!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Survivor Recap
Well… I keep saying this about this season’s Survivor… but boy was that a great episode. This season has really kept me on my toes. After watching all the previous seasons this one has had some crazy things happen that who could have imagined. I’ve read things out there that a lot of people do not like the cast of characters… they are different but definitely interesting… you have to give them that!!
Okay… I seriously don’t know where the logical place to begin is… so here I am jumping head first in…
Before the reward challenge we find Bob in the woods talking to Sugar about the hidden immunity idol. Bob confesses to Sugar that he made a fake HII. Why Bob decides to share this with Sugar is beyond me… but whatever. I like Bob and really I wanted him to show off that idol b/c it’s a damn cool looking fake idol. Sugar (and Crystal for the matter) are sick and tired of Randy. I am as well… his comments are ignorant and he’s just playing a very odd game.
Randy and Corinne know that they have to make someone switch to their side and they choose Matty. But it makes me wonder why they think Matty would switch if they still didn’t have the numbers AND they are jerks… some people just think their wonder woman.
Next is the reward challenge… the auction. I love this reward, I’m not really sure why but I love watching them want to pay $400 for a cheeseburger. Usually this challenge doesn’t really stir up much animosity but oh boy did this one ever… starting with the first item—Beer and peanuts. It’s a bidding war between Sugar and Randy. What’s really funny about this is Sugar doesn’t actually want to the beer she’s just messing with Randy and making him pay way more for it. She ends up letting Randy win the beer… but there is some obvious tension between Sugar and Randy
Kenny got to send someone to Exile and take all of their money. He chose Bob (poor Bob.) Susie won a bath and a new change of clothes, which she barely spent any time in the bath, if it were me I’d be bidding from the bathtub. Sugar won some peanut butter and chocolate which seemed pretty cool except she had nothing to wash down the peanut butter with… (this prize always reminds me of that season Jenna and Heidi got naked for some chocolate and peanut butter, oh that was a classic.) Matty won a burger, toppings, fries, and a soda. Randy won spaghetti, garlic bread, and a glass of wine. Corinne spent her entire bank roll on a advantage in the immunity challenge.
Now the drama… the last item. The first person to big $20 will buy the item for the entire tribe. Randy screamed out the first bid… and we all found out they were chocolate chip cookies. When Randy went up to claim his prize he must have not heard Jeff say “for the tribe” b/c it didn’t look like he intended on sharing. He offered one to Sugar who declined and then offered them to the rest… then he offered the last cookie to Sugar who then took it and gave it to Matty. Randy was pissed.
Randy then bitched and moaned back at camp about the silly cookie. He kept talking about how generous he was offering the cookies to the tribe (when in reality that was what he HAD to do.)
Matty, Kenny, Sugar, Crystal, and Susie were hanging out in the hut talking about their next move. Matty wanted to vote Bob out first (he’s liked and smart) and then Randy (people don’t like him and he’s weak.) It looks like Randy overhears the convo. And this is when Randy and Corinne devise what I consider an AWFUL plan. He figures that Bob has been to exile twice and was bound to find the HII (does he not even consider for a fraction of a second that Sugar may have found it after she’s been there 5 consecutive times??) Randy decides that he will turn the tribe’s attention to himself and be a giant ass to get everyone to vote for him. He will convince Bob to give him the HII and at tribal make a blindside that will leave Susie going home (you know revenge for voting off their beloved Marcus.)
The immunity challenge was fairly original having the cast first do a balance beam course (it always amazes me how bad some people are at walking a balance beam.) Then the second part was setting up a “dominoes” puzzle with knocking them all over while navigating a trip wire maze. It came down to the very end but Matty and Corinne were not able to set off their dominoes the entire way and Kenny was left victorious.
Here’s where last night’s episode got great. Sugar tells Bob that he should give Randy his fake HII… and Bob actually agrees to it!! So at tribal we basically know the entire time what’s going to happen, which may normally be bad but this time around was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. The votes are cast. Sugar’s comments were priceless, but oh Crystal. Crystal was quiet this entire episode, not even bidding at the auction. But she speaks so loudly during her vote that everyone can hear. I’ve never heard that before and it’s a classic.
Jeff collects the votes and asks if anyone want to play the HII. Randy gets up and plays it. What’s so great is Randy and Corinne look so very smug, like haha bitches we played you. The Jeff drops the bomb… “This is NOT a HII,” and their faces drop… meanwhile Sugar is laughing so hard. We were all laughing so hard b/c never in Survivor history did a jerk like Randy ever get a payback like this one. It’s totally worth him getting humiliated at tribal… it was amazing… I’m halfway surprised Randy didn’t go ballistic.
Next week… is there really another HII out there or is Bob trying to explain to Corinne why he gave Randy that HII? I know I can’t wait.
I really like Sugar in this game… she’s playing it very differently than anyone I’ve seen before but she’s good. No one thinks she’s as smart as she is and she’s honest. Her comments to everyone come across as genuine… and she’s funny. I really hated how Randy and Corinne (and others along the way) have underestimated her. Go Sugar!!
I don’t think this recap is as good as my others… this episode was very good… I swear so I hope I didn’t let anyone down!!
Okay… I seriously don’t know where the logical place to begin is… so here I am jumping head first in…
Before the reward challenge we find Bob in the woods talking to Sugar about the hidden immunity idol. Bob confesses to Sugar that he made a fake HII. Why Bob decides to share this with Sugar is beyond me… but whatever. I like Bob and really I wanted him to show off that idol b/c it’s a damn cool looking fake idol. Sugar (and Crystal for the matter) are sick and tired of Randy. I am as well… his comments are ignorant and he’s just playing a very odd game.
Randy and Corinne know that they have to make someone switch to their side and they choose Matty. But it makes me wonder why they think Matty would switch if they still didn’t have the numbers AND they are jerks… some people just think their wonder woman.
Next is the reward challenge… the auction. I love this reward, I’m not really sure why but I love watching them want to pay $400 for a cheeseburger. Usually this challenge doesn’t really stir up much animosity but oh boy did this one ever… starting with the first item—Beer and peanuts. It’s a bidding war between Sugar and Randy. What’s really funny about this is Sugar doesn’t actually want to the beer she’s just messing with Randy and making him pay way more for it. She ends up letting Randy win the beer… but there is some obvious tension between Sugar and Randy
Kenny got to send someone to Exile and take all of their money. He chose Bob (poor Bob.) Susie won a bath and a new change of clothes, which she barely spent any time in the bath, if it were me I’d be bidding from the bathtub. Sugar won some peanut butter and chocolate which seemed pretty cool except she had nothing to wash down the peanut butter with… (this prize always reminds me of that season Jenna and Heidi got naked for some chocolate and peanut butter, oh that was a classic.) Matty won a burger, toppings, fries, and a soda. Randy won spaghetti, garlic bread, and a glass of wine. Corinne spent her entire bank roll on a advantage in the immunity challenge.
Now the drama… the last item. The first person to big $20 will buy the item for the entire tribe. Randy screamed out the first bid… and we all found out they were chocolate chip cookies. When Randy went up to claim his prize he must have not heard Jeff say “for the tribe” b/c it didn’t look like he intended on sharing. He offered one to Sugar who declined and then offered them to the rest… then he offered the last cookie to Sugar who then took it and gave it to Matty. Randy was pissed.
Randy then bitched and moaned back at camp about the silly cookie. He kept talking about how generous he was offering the cookies to the tribe (when in reality that was what he HAD to do.)
Matty, Kenny, Sugar, Crystal, and Susie were hanging out in the hut talking about their next move. Matty wanted to vote Bob out first (he’s liked and smart) and then Randy (people don’t like him and he’s weak.) It looks like Randy overhears the convo. And this is when Randy and Corinne devise what I consider an AWFUL plan. He figures that Bob has been to exile twice and was bound to find the HII (does he not even consider for a fraction of a second that Sugar may have found it after she’s been there 5 consecutive times??) Randy decides that he will turn the tribe’s attention to himself and be a giant ass to get everyone to vote for him. He will convince Bob to give him the HII and at tribal make a blindside that will leave Susie going home (you know revenge for voting off their beloved Marcus.)
The immunity challenge was fairly original having the cast first do a balance beam course (it always amazes me how bad some people are at walking a balance beam.) Then the second part was setting up a “dominoes” puzzle with knocking them all over while navigating a trip wire maze. It came down to the very end but Matty and Corinne were not able to set off their dominoes the entire way and Kenny was left victorious.
Here’s where last night’s episode got great. Sugar tells Bob that he should give Randy his fake HII… and Bob actually agrees to it!! So at tribal we basically know the entire time what’s going to happen, which may normally be bad but this time around was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. The votes are cast. Sugar’s comments were priceless, but oh Crystal. Crystal was quiet this entire episode, not even bidding at the auction. But she speaks so loudly during her vote that everyone can hear. I’ve never heard that before and it’s a classic.
Jeff collects the votes and asks if anyone want to play the HII. Randy gets up and plays it. What’s so great is Randy and Corinne look so very smug, like haha bitches we played you. The Jeff drops the bomb… “This is NOT a HII,” and their faces drop… meanwhile Sugar is laughing so hard. We were all laughing so hard b/c never in Survivor history did a jerk like Randy ever get a payback like this one. It’s totally worth him getting humiliated at tribal… it was amazing… I’m halfway surprised Randy didn’t go ballistic.
Next week… is there really another HII out there or is Bob trying to explain to Corinne why he gave Randy that HII? I know I can’t wait.
I really like Sugar in this game… she’s playing it very differently than anyone I’ve seen before but she’s good. No one thinks she’s as smart as she is and she’s honest. Her comments to everyone come across as genuine… and she’s funny. I really hated how Randy and Corinne (and others along the way) have underestimated her. Go Sugar!!
I don’t think this recap is as good as my others… this episode was very good… I swear so I hope I didn’t let anyone down!!
Week 12 Football Picks
Cincinnati Bengals vs. Pittsburgh Steelers
Houston Texans vs. Cleveland Browns
Buffalo Bills vs. Kansas City Chiefs
New England Patriots vs. Miami Dolphins
New York Jets vs. Tennessee Titans
Philadelphia Eagles vs. Baltimore Ravens
San Francisco 49ers vs. Dallas Cowboys
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs. Detriot Lions
Minnesota Vikings vs. Jacksonville Jaguars
Chicago Bears vs. St. Louis Rams
Oakland Raiders vs. Denver Broncos
Carolina Panthers vs. Atlanta Falcons
New York Giants vs. Arizona Cardinals
Washington Redskins vs. Seattle Seahawks
Indianapolis Colts vs. San Diego Chargers
Green Bay Packers vs. New Orleans Saints
For the seaons (or after week 5 or whatever I stated in my last post about our totals)
My record: 64-36
Chad's record: 65-35
Houston Texans vs. Cleveland Browns
Buffalo Bills vs. Kansas City Chiefs
New England Patriots vs. Miami Dolphins
New York Jets vs. Tennessee Titans
Philadelphia Eagles vs. Baltimore Ravens
San Francisco 49ers vs. Dallas Cowboys
Tampa Bay Buccaneers vs. Detriot Lions
Minnesota Vikings vs. Jacksonville Jaguars
Chicago Bears vs. St. Louis Rams
Oakland Raiders vs. Denver Broncos
Carolina Panthers vs. Atlanta Falcons
New York Giants vs. Arizona Cardinals
Washington Redskins vs. Seattle Seahawks
Indianapolis Colts vs. San Diego Chargers
Green Bay Packers vs. New Orleans Saints
For the seaons (or after week 5 or whatever I stated in my last post about our totals)
My record: 64-36
Chad's record: 65-35
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tag I'm it
Well... I have been uber busy at work since we have people in from Richmond and I'm getting trained on really fun fun crap I just haven't had the time to spend blogging at work (I know I probably shouldn't blog at work, but I seriously do.not.care.) Well I got tagged by Angie... I did not even realize I had readers so that in itself is exciting!! Thanks Angie!!
The rules are simple...
Random Fact #1:
My eyes change color... I love this about them. They usually change between hazel and green but every once in awhile I'll look in the mirror and my eyes are bright blue. It's the strangest thing to see... bright blue eyes when I'm use to green.
Random Fact #2:
I'm pretty good on a pogo stick. I can actually pogo stick without any hands. My brother and me got a pogo stick for Christmas one year, we played around with it for awhile but neither of us were very good so it just sat in our garage. A few years later I got it back out and realized I wasn't bad at it. I taught myself to do some cool tricks including doing it without hands.
Random Fact #3:
I am the like great great great great (I'm really not sure how many greats) niece of Francis Scott Key. Know who he is? He is the author the the Star Spangled Banner. I've actually been to Fort McKennly (spelling??) where the battle took place that he wrote the song about. I think this is pretty cool. Although my cousin was misinformed and was going around telling everyone we were related to Thomas Jefferson... not nearly as cool but still pretty neat.
Random Fact #4:
I was my best friend Christina's birth coach. This was one of the greatest experiences of my life. While birth now scares me more than ever. I was there with her through it all. I calmed her down and supported her. I got to witness the moment she met her daughter. It was one of the most emotional things I've ever seen. Birth was scary and gross, but when that little baby came out and Christina and Claire eyes met for the first time it was amazing. I was strong all through the birth... Christina didn't want to push and her mom was crying but I stayed focused. It wasn't until I left the room and saw Christina's dad, Chad, and Mel in the hallway that I started balling... Wow did I jump around a lot there?!?
Random Fact #5
I still sleep with my childhood stuffed animal, Sleepy Dog. While Sleepy Dog has seen better days and has lost a lot of his stuffing I still sleep with him every night. He's been with me since I was born and he will be around for awhile. He knows my stories and secrets, that may sound weird to some people, but that's just how I feel.
Random Fact #6
I usually dance when no on is looking. I love to dance to the music in my head. It might not be the greatest dancing, but I love to do it. It's usually ballet or tap dancing, but I do all sorts... I dance down the hallway and spin on the hardwood floors. I even think about doing it at work, but figure people might really think I'm weird if they caught a glimse. I love to dance, even if I look goofy doing it.
Random Fact #7
I have a f-ed up jaw. Once when I was a freshman in college I was eating a begal at breakfast and my jaw starting popping real bad. Popping wasn't unusual, I had always had a poppy jaw. But this particular time it was really bad. I finished chewing the bite and I realized that my jaw had locked up. I could barely open it to fit two fingers (if you stick your fingers in your mouth vertically you can fit usually fit 4 or more.) I thought it would loosen up soon so I didn't do anything about it. A few days later when it wasn't better I went and got it checked. They had to give me muscle relaxers and it still took a few months (that's right, months) for my jaw to be normal again. This hasn't happened since, but I bet it will again, my jaw is horribly poppy and makes weird grinding noises (almost seems like bone against bone) There's really nothing doctors can do about it since surgery really isn't worth it... but I can really creep people out with it, especially Chad.
Alright... I would totally tag other people if I had anyone to tag... problem is I don't really know of anyone to tag, so if you want to do this yourself why don't you post a comment on my blog and tag yourself? I would tag Chad, however I know he wouldn't do it.
The rules are simple...
- Link to the person who tagged you (check)
- Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.
- Tag 7 people at the end of your post and include a link to their profile.
- Leave a comment on their blog letting them know they've been tagged.
Random Fact #1:
My eyes change color... I love this about them. They usually change between hazel and green but every once in awhile I'll look in the mirror and my eyes are bright blue. It's the strangest thing to see... bright blue eyes when I'm use to green.
Random Fact #2:
I'm pretty good on a pogo stick. I can actually pogo stick without any hands. My brother and me got a pogo stick for Christmas one year, we played around with it for awhile but neither of us were very good so it just sat in our garage. A few years later I got it back out and realized I wasn't bad at it. I taught myself to do some cool tricks including doing it without hands.
Random Fact #3:
I am the like great great great great (I'm really not sure how many greats) niece of Francis Scott Key. Know who he is? He is the author the the Star Spangled Banner. I've actually been to Fort McKennly (spelling??) where the battle took place that he wrote the song about. I think this is pretty cool. Although my cousin was misinformed and was going around telling everyone we were related to Thomas Jefferson... not nearly as cool but still pretty neat.
Random Fact #4:
I was my best friend Christina's birth coach. This was one of the greatest experiences of my life. While birth now scares me more than ever. I was there with her through it all. I calmed her down and supported her. I got to witness the moment she met her daughter. It was one of the most emotional things I've ever seen. Birth was scary and gross, but when that little baby came out and Christina and Claire eyes met for the first time it was amazing. I was strong all through the birth... Christina didn't want to push and her mom was crying but I stayed focused. It wasn't until I left the room and saw Christina's dad, Chad, and Mel in the hallway that I started balling... Wow did I jump around a lot there?!?
Random Fact #5
I still sleep with my childhood stuffed animal, Sleepy Dog. While Sleepy Dog has seen better days and has lost a lot of his stuffing I still sleep with him every night. He's been with me since I was born and he will be around for awhile. He knows my stories and secrets, that may sound weird to some people, but that's just how I feel.
Random Fact #6
I usually dance when no on is looking. I love to dance to the music in my head. It might not be the greatest dancing, but I love to do it. It's usually ballet or tap dancing, but I do all sorts... I dance down the hallway and spin on the hardwood floors. I even think about doing it at work, but figure people might really think I'm weird if they caught a glimse. I love to dance, even if I look goofy doing it.
Random Fact #7
I have a f-ed up jaw. Once when I was a freshman in college I was eating a begal at breakfast and my jaw starting popping real bad. Popping wasn't unusual, I had always had a poppy jaw. But this particular time it was really bad. I finished chewing the bite and I realized that my jaw had locked up. I could barely open it to fit two fingers (if you stick your fingers in your mouth vertically you can fit usually fit 4 or more.) I thought it would loosen up soon so I didn't do anything about it. A few days later when it wasn't better I went and got it checked. They had to give me muscle relaxers and it still took a few months (that's right, months) for my jaw to be normal again. This hasn't happened since, but I bet it will again, my jaw is horribly poppy and makes weird grinding noises (almost seems like bone against bone) There's really nothing doctors can do about it since surgery really isn't worth it... but I can really creep people out with it, especially Chad.
Alright... I would totally tag other people if I had anyone to tag... problem is I don't really know of anyone to tag, so if you want to do this yourself why don't you post a comment on my blog and tag yourself? I would tag Chad, however I know he wouldn't do it.
Monday, November 17, 2008
The sweetest
As I said in my previous post I went away this weekend... I came home to a mowed lawn and a clean house... my super duper hubby is amazing... He even got me a gift!! He's such a sweetheart... I'm a very lucky girl.
Here is the adorable card he bought me.
This is what it said on the inside... I thought it was sooo cute!!
He got me two DS games... I'm very excited he knows exactly what I like!!
He also knows how much I love Christmas and got me this adorable snowman from the Hallmark store... he changes colors and has glitter... so cute... I want to start a Christmas collection.

And here's my lovable hubby... yep... he's in his boxers... but isn't he so freaking cute?!?
Here is the adorable card he bought me.
And here's my lovable hubby... yep... he's in his boxers... but isn't he so freaking cute?!?
Girl's Weekend
This past weekend I went up and visited a couple of friends. I drove up to Christina's house in Callao and Melissa drove down from Iowa. It was a funny relaxing weekend. It was nice to get away and hang out with some girls. I haven't seen Mel since Christina had Claire so it was really nice. We mostly just hung out and played cards, but it was very relaxing. I also got to spend some time with Claire, Christina's adorable daughter. Claire is one of the most adorable toddlers I've ever been around. She is so cute and so outgoing. She's way advanced for a 14 month old. Christina has a great kid on her hands and I'm so lucky I get to be part of Claire's live. She can't say my name yet, but she'll get there soon... I'm aunt Jenn. Well girls... I had a great weekend and I really hope we don't wait so long to do it again. I love you guys!!
Here is Mel, me, and Christina at the only bar we went to... it just wasn't a very happening night in Macon, MO (is it ever I wonder...) but we had fun

Here is Mel and Christina drinking a frozen strawberry margarita... it was thick!! I like on the rocks better.
Here is the adorable Claire... I wanted to get a picture of her in her big purple coat, but it was already getting dark out and she kept blinking when the flash went off
Here she is climbing onto my lap...
I tried to get a good pic of the two of us... however I look like utter crap... but she's more than makes up for it.

Don't you just love her little ponytail?
She thought it was fun to walk around in her boots

It was a wonderful weekend!!
Here is Mel, me, and Christina at the only bar we went to... it just wasn't a very happening night in Macon, MO (is it ever I wonder...) but we had fun
Here is Mel and Christina drinking a frozen strawberry margarita... it was thick!! I like on the rocks better.
It was a wonderful weekend!!
Jeans Day
In order for us to do that here there has to be an official jeans day or some type of fundraiser...
Well, like most everyone here at work is wearing jeans today. So something must be going on today... even other section we work closely with... and even the manager of our department!! Well... no one in our section (we only have 6 people) is wearing jeans... which leads me to believe someone didn't give us the memo, and that REALLY makes me mad. We don't get to wear jeans very often so to miss a chance really sucks... just felt like sharing.
Well, like most everyone here at work is wearing jeans today. So something must be going on today... even other section we work closely with... and even the manager of our department!! Well... no one in our section (we only have 6 people) is wearing jeans... which leads me to believe someone didn't give us the memo, and that REALLY makes me mad. We don't get to wear jeans very often so to miss a chance really sucks... just felt like sharing.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Jenn's Survivor Recap
Well, well, well... isn't this season becoming interesting?
Before I begin the most excellent recap ever... I just want to mention that Chad made us dinner last night and made some of the most flavorful chicken ever... Good Job Chad!!
Alright... I knew this week would be interesting, just because of how last week ended... (Marcus being voted out)
It was pretty funny to hear Corinne talking about Marcus still being around and how he would never go home and at the end of the day everything is okay b/c Marcus is here (what is it about him that's so intoxicating I wonder) Then... what I had been waiting for since last week... The Reward Challenge... The faces of Charlie and Corinne were priceless... their precious Marcus had been voted out. Jeff obviously called her out on this and she said the Marcus didn't deserve to go home...
Now, here's where I was impressed... Kenny asked her, then who did deserve to go home... Wow... haven't we seen the evolution of Kenny, not just as a Survivor player but as a person. Kenny has been proving himself a contender.
The reward challenge was a sling-shot golf game... which was really a pretty good challenge. It all came down to the last whole and all Fang had to do was basically drop the ball in the hole, Of course loud-mouth Randy once again had to have his say... Matty and Randy argued over how to get the ball 2 inches into the hole... come on, is it really worth the fight?!? What I found funny is Sugar did absolutely nothing in the challenge except follow them around... kinda funny if you ask me.
Fang won the reward which was to visit an African village... it was pretty funny watching all of them dance... and Randy thought an African woman was coming onto him... riiiight.
Fang also got to send someone to Exile. They chose Bob. Bob of course chose to get the clue and look for the HII. I think everyone must underestimate Sugar... b/c I really think they don't think she has that idol... Bob did not find the idol (kinda hard to find the HII when it's already been found...) But Bob made by far the most convincing HII. He really is a very smart guy, tree resin for glue... genius!! Speaking of fake HIIs one of the best lines in any season was last season (Fans vs. Favorites) Poor Jason found Ozzy's incredibly bad fake HII. When he gave it to Eliza to play she took one look at it and said that there's no way it was the HII that it was merely a stick. Jason retorted with "it has a face" And priceless Eliza said "but it's a fucking stick" Great!!
Everyone showed up at the immunity challenge and were informed the merge was happening... right now!! This is always where the show gets more interesting... at least I think so. So they were now fighting for individual immunity. It was a simple challenge (in theory) that they have used numerous times over the years. Build a fire and burn through a rope.
Chad thought that Bob would be first and that Matty would also be good at this challenge. Boy was he wrong. It really amazes me that the only two people who were in contention for immunity were Susie and Sugar. Chad pointed out that Susie was the one doing everything at camp so it really did make sense that she would be good at making a fire. No one else even got flames... just Sugar and Susie... crazy!!
So now it was time to figure out just who to vote out. The sides were split... Corinne, Randy, Charlie, and Bob and Matty, Crystal, Kenny, and Susie. Sugar was the swing vote.
Now here's what's interesting to me... the game that Sugar is playing. I like her... she is adorable. She's smart, but gullible... She rocks out in immunity challenges but most everyone underestimates her. She hasn't 'officially' been part of any alliance. She's playing a game I don't recall ever being played in Survivor history and I'm rooting for her.
I do not like Corinne. Why in the world she thought Sugar was just going to step in line with her after that talk was beyond me... she's a bitch... that's all there is about it (right now) She really think she knows how to play this game and really I don't think she's that great at it...
So back to who to vote out... Randy wanted Crystal gone (surprise surprise) and I guess I thought the other team would want Randy out. But here comes Kenny and somehow convinced them to vote for Charlie (he's the mastermind don't cha know?) When really Kenny wanted revenge for taking the second HII clue and giving it to everyone. Basically Kenny thinks Charlie stole the idol from him... Well Kenny how did you expect to go dig in the sand and have no one notice?
So it's all on Sugar... who is she going to vote for... I was dying!!
Tribal was interesting as always. Crystal point blank called out Randy and asked what did I do to you? Randy claims to have a list of problems and Crystal was like tell me them... and Randy lists one... that her and GC were walking around with their gang and being arrogant.
Randy is a jerk... and I'm pretty positive he's a big ol racist... I mean he seemed to (from the BEGINNING) have a problem with GC and Crystal. He keeps calling Crystal all sorts of names (Big Foot, T-Rex)... to me it's pretty clear he's racist and that makes me like him even less (if that's possible) and quite frankly his dirty shirt is really starting to bother me.
The rest of tribal really wasn't worth talking about... let's get to the vote... So we have the vote... who is it going to be?!?
Of course A-hole Randy writes down CC meaning Crystal and Jeff has to ask for clarification... I'm not sure I've seen that before... Jeff reads 4 Crystal votes in a row... The pulls out a Charlie... and suddenly Charlie knows he's not safe (I don't think in a million years he expected his name to be written down) Then comes 3 more Charlie votes... Charlie 4 Crystal 4 one vote left (we know it's Sugar's) and the person voted out... Charlie... OMG... ANOTHER BLINDSIDE 3 weeks in a row... this season is crazy!!
Charlie is flabbergasted but not mad, I mean he does get to go hang out with his crush Marcus... next week should be interesting!!
Before I begin the most excellent recap ever... I just want to mention that Chad made us dinner last night and made some of the most flavorful chicken ever... Good Job Chad!!
Alright... I knew this week would be interesting, just because of how last week ended... (Marcus being voted out)
It was pretty funny to hear Corinne talking about Marcus still being around and how he would never go home and at the end of the day everything is okay b/c Marcus is here (what is it about him that's so intoxicating I wonder) Then... what I had been waiting for since last week... The Reward Challenge... The faces of Charlie and Corinne were priceless... their precious Marcus had been voted out. Jeff obviously called her out on this and she said the Marcus didn't deserve to go home...
Now, here's where I was impressed... Kenny asked her, then who did deserve to go home... Wow... haven't we seen the evolution of Kenny, not just as a Survivor player but as a person. Kenny has been proving himself a contender.
The reward challenge was a sling-shot golf game... which was really a pretty good challenge. It all came down to the last whole and all Fang had to do was basically drop the ball in the hole, Of course loud-mouth Randy once again had to have his say... Matty and Randy argued over how to get the ball 2 inches into the hole... come on, is it really worth the fight?!? What I found funny is Sugar did absolutely nothing in the challenge except follow them around... kinda funny if you ask me.
Fang won the reward which was to visit an African village... it was pretty funny watching all of them dance... and Randy thought an African woman was coming onto him... riiiight.
Fang also got to send someone to Exile. They chose Bob. Bob of course chose to get the clue and look for the HII. I think everyone must underestimate Sugar... b/c I really think they don't think she has that idol... Bob did not find the idol (kinda hard to find the HII when it's already been found...) But Bob made by far the most convincing HII. He really is a very smart guy, tree resin for glue... genius!! Speaking of fake HIIs one of the best lines in any season was last season (Fans vs. Favorites) Poor Jason found Ozzy's incredibly bad fake HII. When he gave it to Eliza to play she took one look at it and said that there's no way it was the HII that it was merely a stick. Jason retorted with "it has a face" And priceless Eliza said "but it's a fucking stick" Great!!
Everyone showed up at the immunity challenge and were informed the merge was happening... right now!! This is always where the show gets more interesting... at least I think so. So they were now fighting for individual immunity. It was a simple challenge (in theory) that they have used numerous times over the years. Build a fire and burn through a rope.
Chad thought that Bob would be first and that Matty would also be good at this challenge. Boy was he wrong. It really amazes me that the only two people who were in contention for immunity were Susie and Sugar. Chad pointed out that Susie was the one doing everything at camp so it really did make sense that she would be good at making a fire. No one else even got flames... just Sugar and Susie... crazy!!
So now it was time to figure out just who to vote out. The sides were split... Corinne, Randy, Charlie, and Bob and Matty, Crystal, Kenny, and Susie. Sugar was the swing vote.
Now here's what's interesting to me... the game that Sugar is playing. I like her... she is adorable. She's smart, but gullible... She rocks out in immunity challenges but most everyone underestimates her. She hasn't 'officially' been part of any alliance. She's playing a game I don't recall ever being played in Survivor history and I'm rooting for her.
I do not like Corinne. Why in the world she thought Sugar was just going to step in line with her after that talk was beyond me... she's a bitch... that's all there is about it (right now) She really think she knows how to play this game and really I don't think she's that great at it...
So back to who to vote out... Randy wanted Crystal gone (surprise surprise) and I guess I thought the other team would want Randy out. But here comes Kenny and somehow convinced them to vote for Charlie (he's the mastermind don't cha know?) When really Kenny wanted revenge for taking the second HII clue and giving it to everyone. Basically Kenny thinks Charlie stole the idol from him... Well Kenny how did you expect to go dig in the sand and have no one notice?
So it's all on Sugar... who is she going to vote for... I was dying!!
Tribal was interesting as always. Crystal point blank called out Randy and asked what did I do to you? Randy claims to have a list of problems and Crystal was like tell me them... and Randy lists one... that her and GC were walking around with their gang and being arrogant.
Randy is a jerk... and I'm pretty positive he's a big ol racist... I mean he seemed to (from the BEGINNING) have a problem with GC and Crystal. He keeps calling Crystal all sorts of names (Big Foot, T-Rex)... to me it's pretty clear he's racist and that makes me like him even less (if that's possible) and quite frankly his dirty shirt is really starting to bother me.
The rest of tribal really wasn't worth talking about... let's get to the vote... So we have the vote... who is it going to be?!?
Of course A-hole Randy writes down CC meaning Crystal and Jeff has to ask for clarification... I'm not sure I've seen that before... Jeff reads 4 Crystal votes in a row... The pulls out a Charlie... and suddenly Charlie knows he's not safe (I don't think in a million years he expected his name to be written down) Then comes 3 more Charlie votes... Charlie 4 Crystal 4 one vote left (we know it's Sugar's) and the person voted out... Charlie... OMG... ANOTHER BLINDSIDE 3 weeks in a row... this season is crazy!!
Charlie is flabbergasted but not mad, I mean he does get to go hang out with his crush Marcus... next week should be interesting!!
Week 11 Football Picks
New York Jets vs. New England Patroits
Denver Broncos vs. Atlanta Falcons
Houston Texans vs. Indianapolis Colts
Oakland Raiders vs. Miami Dolphins
Baltimore Ravens vs. New York Giants
Detroit Lions vs. Carolina Panthers
Philadelphia Eagles vs. Cincinnati Bengals
Chicago Bears vs. Green Bay Packers
New Orleans Saints vs. Kansas City Chiefs
Minnesota Vikings vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers
St. Louis Rams vs. San Francisco 49ers
Arizona Cardinals vs. Seattle Seahawks
Tennessee Titans vs. Jacksonville Jaguars
San Diego Chargers vs. Pittsburgh Steelers
Dallas Cowboys vs. Washington Redskins
Cleveland Browns vs. Buffalo Bills
I know I haven't posted our season scores but I assure you Chad is winning, and I'll post it when I get time...
Denver Broncos vs. Atlanta Falcons
Houston Texans vs. Indianapolis Colts
Oakland Raiders vs. Miami Dolphins
Baltimore Ravens vs. New York Giants
Detroit Lions vs. Carolina Panthers
Philadelphia Eagles vs. Cincinnati Bengals
Chicago Bears vs. Green Bay Packers
New Orleans Saints vs. Kansas City Chiefs
Minnesota Vikings vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers
St. Louis Rams vs. San Francisco 49ers
Arizona Cardinals vs. Seattle Seahawks
Tennessee Titans vs. Jacksonville Jaguars
San Diego Chargers vs. Pittsburgh Steelers
Dallas Cowboys vs. Washington Redskins
Cleveland Browns vs. Buffalo Bills
I know I haven't posted our season scores but I assure you Chad is winning, and I'll post it when I get time...
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I think I posted that I'm prety sure I'm allergic to work. Well, I'm sure that people at work get annoyed with the fact I sneeze all the time. I sneeze all the time... especially in the mornings... Today my nose was going crazy and I probably sneezed like 10 times in a row... the guy across from me looked over at me and said 'poor thing' I know in reality everyone is annoyed... I know I get annoyed at people sometimes for things they can't help... like sneezing... So I do wish I could stop...
One time I heard that sneezing is 1/7th of an orgasm... hmm...
Does anyone know what I can do about my drainy ears? B/c that just gets annoying sometimes...
Speaking of the people who sit across from me... they are in a different department (maybe client statemens? I really haven't the slightest clue) Well... frankly I do not know what they do all day... b/c when I look over there it never seems like they are doing anything... but maybe they think the same thing about me... haha...
Also... they lock their computers all the time... I mean... I know you're suppose to if you leave for an extended time or whatever... but I swear these people lock their computers to walk to the printer... I just go get it... what's the point? I rarely ever lock my computer... even for lunch...
And what I find interestest in the guy directly across from me ('poor thing' saying guy) have a pencil sketch (I think it's pencil) in a matte frame... the sketch is of the Obama family. I find this both strange (not in a bad way!!) and uplifting.
Okay back to work for now... I may be back... I've come prepared with a whole list of topics... I'd be excited if I were you.
One time I heard that sneezing is 1/7th of an orgasm... hmm...
Does anyone know what I can do about my drainy ears? B/c that just gets annoying sometimes...
Speaking of the people who sit across from me... they are in a different department (maybe client statemens? I really haven't the slightest clue) Well... frankly I do not know what they do all day... b/c when I look over there it never seems like they are doing anything... but maybe they think the same thing about me... haha...
Also... they lock their computers all the time... I mean... I know you're suppose to if you leave for an extended time or whatever... but I swear these people lock their computers to walk to the printer... I just go get it... what's the point? I rarely ever lock my computer... even for lunch...
And what I find interestest in the guy directly across from me ('poor thing' saying guy) have a pencil sketch (I think it's pencil) in a matte frame... the sketch is of the Obama family. I find this both strange (not in a bad way!!) and uplifting.
Okay back to work for now... I may be back... I've come prepared with a whole list of topics... I'd be excited if I were you.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Now I have something...
...to complain about
Ever since our move at work to this lovely area we call home the phone system is majorly screwed up. For whatever reason the tax reporting section (where I work) has been linked in a group with Mutual Fund Operations… more specifically something to do with orders or something…
Well… this has been annoying for awhile… I answer my phone “tax reporting, this is Jennifer” and I get a variety of responses… mostly indicating they want Suzanne. I usually explain that the phone system is messed up and when she is on her phone the call bounces to us… even though we aren’t in the same department (going past that not even in our general area… or building for that matter.)
Well today I get a call from a frantic guy. We’ll call him Loony. He is trying to get Suzanne… I explain the situation like I normally do… and he starts to freak out. He just got a phantom wire saying his order was cancelled or something… and he needed to get this figured out before the market closed (well it’s 2:59 now, I doubt that’s going to happen…) Well… I explain to him that she is on her phone and I could try to transfer you over there but it’s probably just going to bounce right back over here. I’ll save you the exact details of our conversation… but he is freaking… He explains to me the situation over and over again (like I can help you with you problem.) I try to remain friendly… saying that I have no clue, they are way different departments and I wish I could help him, but there’s really not much I can do.
Well… I can hear the shaking in his voice, and his amounting frustration with me. I try to find another number online to no avail… (and what really annoys me is he keeps muting the phone I can tell by the utter silence on the other end, he did it for a good 30 seconds one time I was like this close to hanging up… I know he’s probably swearing up a storm during this time) I mean… what am I suppose to do? I don’t know who I can transfer you to… I wish I had a magic number, but I don’t. And me fumbling around online can just as easily be done by you. I mean… I wish I could help the guy… I really do… but this round-about conversation isn’t doing either of us any good. I mean I heard the urgency in his voice… I know it’s important but freaking out on a person who legitimately cannot help isn’t doing either of us any good… it’s actually making you and me more anxious.
I was finally able to get off the phone with him… “well I guess I’ll keep calling back but and they probably won’t let me do my order b/c it’s after market close even though I called a good 10 minutes ago…) Whatever dude, this is so NOT MY PROBLEM. It’s probably a mistake on your end that caused the order to get cancelled anyway… or they’ll make it work, I ‘m sure that’s possible.
I finally got to hang up… I immediately left me desk and started walking… to where? I had no destination… I needed to get away and calm down from this my un-needed bitch out. I feel sorry for Suzanne when Loony finally gets a hold of her… And I did NOT want to talk to him again… I know 3 other people in my section have talked to him… I didn’t answer my phone… I let it ring through… no way I was dealing with him again… I guess he finally got through… but geez…
Luckily they are finally going to look into our phone group problem…
Ever since our move at work to this lovely area we call home the phone system is majorly screwed up. For whatever reason the tax reporting section (where I work) has been linked in a group with Mutual Fund Operations… more specifically something to do with orders or something…
Well… this has been annoying for awhile… I answer my phone “tax reporting, this is Jennifer” and I get a variety of responses… mostly indicating they want Suzanne. I usually explain that the phone system is messed up and when she is on her phone the call bounces to us… even though we aren’t in the same department (going past that not even in our general area… or building for that matter.)
Well today I get a call from a frantic guy. We’ll call him Loony. He is trying to get Suzanne… I explain the situation like I normally do… and he starts to freak out. He just got a phantom wire saying his order was cancelled or something… and he needed to get this figured out before the market closed (well it’s 2:59 now, I doubt that’s going to happen…) Well… I explain to him that she is on her phone and I could try to transfer you over there but it’s probably just going to bounce right back over here. I’ll save you the exact details of our conversation… but he is freaking… He explains to me the situation over and over again (like I can help you with you problem.) I try to remain friendly… saying that I have no clue, they are way different departments and I wish I could help him, but there’s really not much I can do.
Well… I can hear the shaking in his voice, and his amounting frustration with me. I try to find another number online to no avail… (and what really annoys me is he keeps muting the phone I can tell by the utter silence on the other end, he did it for a good 30 seconds one time I was like this close to hanging up… I know he’s probably swearing up a storm during this time) I mean… what am I suppose to do? I don’t know who I can transfer you to… I wish I had a magic number, but I don’t. And me fumbling around online can just as easily be done by you. I mean… I wish I could help the guy… I really do… but this round-about conversation isn’t doing either of us any good. I mean I heard the urgency in his voice… I know it’s important but freaking out on a person who legitimately cannot help isn’t doing either of us any good… it’s actually making you and me more anxious.
I was finally able to get off the phone with him… “well I guess I’ll keep calling back but and they probably won’t let me do my order b/c it’s after market close even though I called a good 10 minutes ago…) Whatever dude, this is so NOT MY PROBLEM. It’s probably a mistake on your end that caused the order to get cancelled anyway… or they’ll make it work, I ‘m sure that’s possible.
I finally got to hang up… I immediately left me desk and started walking… to where? I had no destination… I needed to get away and calm down from this my un-needed bitch out. I feel sorry for Suzanne when Loony finally gets a hold of her… And I did NOT want to talk to him again… I know 3 other people in my section have talked to him… I didn’t answer my phone… I let it ring through… no way I was dealing with him again… I guess he finally got through… but geez…
Luckily they are finally going to look into our phone group problem…
Well... I haven't had an actual post in awhile... I made my 101 in 1001 list... and then I made a very informative guide to buying me a Christmas present... but no actual real-life post... hmm... and I thought this writing everyday thing would be easy...
On Monday I thought about writing about our lame weekend... how we didn't do anything real productive... or really much of anything at all... Chad was still feeling sick... and then I started to feel it as well... but I'm fine now, and he's still feeling slightly sick... so who knows what that's about...
I really haven't had much to complain about; okay... actually I probably do; but I haven't been in the mood to complain online...
So here I am... scrambling for things to say... what to say? what to talk about?
I actually have a list I made of topics I could write about, but when I look at the list I'm just not in the mood to write about any of them... I plan to get to all those topics eventually... but not yesterday and not today...
So that leaves me here... with not a whole lot to say...
I can't decide if this week is going by quickly or slowly... sometimes I think I can't believe it's already Wednesday and then other times I think, oh geez, it's only Wednesday
So which is it? Hmm...
I promise the next post (maybe later today??) will be more interesting
On Monday I thought about writing about our lame weekend... how we didn't do anything real productive... or really much of anything at all... Chad was still feeling sick... and then I started to feel it as well... but I'm fine now, and he's still feeling slightly sick... so who knows what that's about...
I really haven't had much to complain about; okay... actually I probably do; but I haven't been in the mood to complain online...
So here I am... scrambling for things to say... what to say? what to talk about?
I actually have a list I made of topics I could write about, but when I look at the list I'm just not in the mood to write about any of them... I plan to get to all those topics eventually... but not yesterday and not today...
So that leaves me here... with not a whole lot to say...
I can't decide if this week is going by quickly or slowly... sometimes I think I can't believe it's already Wednesday and then other times I think, oh geez, it's only Wednesday
So which is it? Hmm...
I promise the next post (maybe later today??) will be more interesting
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Christmas List
Okay... I decided it might be easiest for me to just post my Christmas List. I could include pictures this way... and it will just be easier for me.
Before I give my list... I want to remind people that ANYTHING ON OUR REGISTRIES WE STILL WANT, SO PLEASE LOOK ON THOSE SITES. (Bed, Bath, and Beyond and Target) I re-did our registries deleting anything that has already been bought and stuff we didn't really want... so everything left is important to us still. Some of the items I'm going to list are on those registries... but we don't care if they actually come from the stores. I'll try to make notes. Maybe I'm more detailed this year... but that can't be a bad thing can it?!?
Any questions? Feel free to ask!!
Corner Shelf for the hallway - black, it doesn't have to narrow in at the top this one is from Target

Before I give my list... I want to remind people that ANYTHING ON OUR REGISTRIES WE STILL WANT, SO PLEASE LOOK ON THOSE SITES. (Bed, Bath, and Beyond and Target) I re-did our registries deleting anything that has already been bought and stuff we didn't really want... so everything left is important to us still. Some of the items I'm going to list are on those registries... but we don't care if they actually come from the stores. I'll try to make notes. Maybe I'm more detailed this year... but that can't be a bad thing can it?!?
Any questions? Feel free to ask!!
Here are some things that CHAD OR I would be happy with:
Corner Shelf for the hallway - black, it doesn't have to narrow in at the top this one is from Target

Microwave - we want silver or red, this one is off our registry at BBB
George Foreman Grill - any one, this one is from Target

Vacuum - we would love to have this Dyson Ball, but we'd settle for something like a Dyson, we want bagless!!

My list:
Shoes - size 9.5 see below, also would like other flats, fun colors or patterns rounded toe and not too goofy

Black Pumps - rounded toe on these, just want simple and cute

Black knee high boots - not pointy toed, I like these

Clothes -
Cardigans - size large (all solid colors) like these from Old Navy, I also really like 3/4 length sleeve... I like crew neck.

Turtle necks - size medium/large (need to be long) (solid colors are nice)
I can't get the pictures to post but like this or that
I can't get the pictures to post but like this or that
Sweaters - size medium/large (need to be long) work appropriate, I like big V-neck so I can wear a collared shirt under it. Anything like these from Old Navy. (solid colors or stripes)

Cardinal's Jersey - (woman's) size medium old and new (I would want Molina)

I also like colored and designs
Here are some more tops I like
One - Two - Three - Four - Five
Six - Seven - Eight - Nine - Ten

Bed Bath and Beyond
Subscription to People Magazine
Oh and just for fun this or that Coach purse

Ram's Jersey - (woman's) size medium like this one

Cute jacket - size large - just a fun jacket I can wear when going out... this one is kinda fun (can't post a pic, sorry)
Skirts - size medium, fun, work appropiate skirts
I really want a black (or I guess brown) pencil skirtI also like colored and designs
Here are some more tops I like
One - Two - Three - Four - Five
Six - Seven - Eight - Nine - Ten
Trivial Pursuit - Easy Medium Hard

GPS - Like this Garmin

iPod Nano 8GB or 16GB I seriously love all of these colors!!

Shoe Rack - something like this off our BBB registry
Nightstand Lamp - something like the first one, but not that color, skinny and short I REALLY REALLY like the second one

Earring Holder - I love this one from Etsy

Laptop bag - pink, messenger strap like this one

Earrings - dangle, nice quality, fun, colors, I may post some links later
Headbands - soft, flexible, thick, I'll post pictures when I find some
Picture frames - I love all type of picture frames, ones that can be hung, but also cute ones - there are still some on the registry, but others as well
Citrine cocktail Ring- ideally this one from Tiffany, but any kind, size 8
Gift Cards:
Home Depot
Hobby Lobby
TargetBed Bath and Beyond
Subscription to People Magazine
Oh and just for fun this or that Coach purse
I also really want one of these from Letter Your Legacy
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Jenn's Challenge
I was reading someone else's Blog and came across this.
The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.
Here is my 101 in 1001.
Start Date: Today, November 8, 2008
End Date: Saturday, August 6, 2011
The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.
Here is my 101 in 1001.
Start Date: Today, November 8, 2008
End Date: Saturday, August 6, 2011
- Make at least three cool things for my house. (0/3)
Paintand get new furniture for the living room.- Replace border in the kitchen.
- Replace all curtains in the house (kitchen, living room, master bedroom, guest bedroom, master bath, office, and cat's room.)
- Make the office presentable and workable.
- Make Christmas stockings for Chad and me.
- Plant and maintain (for at least a summer) a garden.
- Make my mirror project.
- Paint canvases and bathroom pictures.
- Decorate at least 15 picture frames for my collage wall. (0/15)
- Decorate for Halloween and Christmas each year. (0/2) (1/3)
- Get something for the door for other times of year. (wreath or otherwise.)
- Take and print more pictures and either make albums or frame them.
- Landscape and maintain front yard for at least a summer.
- Redo backyard patio especially space between house and sidewalk.
- Buy a wind chime and hang it up.
- Buy plants for kitchen and keep them alive for at least a year.
- Do laundry every two weeks and put away immediately. (1/70)
- Make or buy a bench for the cats in the kitchen.
- Clean extra change out of my purse every Friday. (4/143)
- Save for Europe by saving $25 for every item I complete on this list. *now saving $25 per paycheck
- Get down to 150 pounds.
Get a new job.- Finish cross stitch.
- Learn how to drive a stick.
- Bake a pie, cake,
cookies, and brownies from scratch. - Expand my work clothing wardrobe.
- Get another tattoo.
- Make a photo album with pictures when I was younger.
- Do 500 crunches a week for 25 weeks. (0/25)
- Take calcium supplements everyday for a month 6 times. (0/6)
- Do Wii Fit four times a week for a month 6 different times. (0/6)
Finish updating my resumeand apply for 6 jobs. (1/6)- Buy one really nice pair of jeans or shoes that are $100+.
- Buy a Coach purse.
- Have a 'girls night out' 10 times. (2/10)
- Do my hair/makeup/special jewelry to work for a full week five different times. (0/5)
- Make monkey bread and some other type of bread.
- Try a new recipe every month. (3/33)
- Take a picture of Chad and me once a month. (2/33)
- This one is personal (0/3)
- Get Chad to get one of his certifications.
- Have a picnic with Chad.
- Visit 10 restaurants I've never been to including at least one on the Hill. (0/10)
- Visit at least two new states. (0/2)
- Do something St. Louis-y eight times. (0/8)
- Go to Elephant Rocks and Johnston Shut-Ins.
- Do at least two scary things. (0/2)
- Sky dive.
- Go ice skating.
- Go horseback riding.
- Gamble at a casino.
- Ride the Dragon Swing or something similar. (Try to get Chad to accompany me.)
- Ride a Tilt-a-Whirl.
- Go skiing. (either water or snow)
- Go to the confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers.
- Go to a winery.
- Go on a float trip.
- Plan an overnight trip with friends.
- Drink a mimosa with breakfast or brunch.
- Take a walk in a summer rain.
- Build a snowman.
- Go sledding.
- Sing karaoke.
- Ride in a helicopter.
- Skip work and go to a Cardinal's game.
- Have a Slip 'n' Slide party.
- Stay up all night and watch the sunrise.
- Stay in a hotel just because.
- Dress up for New Year's Eve.
- Play a full game of Monopoly.
- Fly a kite.
- Go to a concert.
- See a ballet.
- Go back to the Melting Pot.
- Go to Sky Zone.
- Play Demolition Ball.
- Do a Lemp Mansion ghost tour.
- Play with a Ouija Board.
- Try a Harry and David's pear.
- Go to a water park.
- Put together a big puzzle with Chad and frame it.
- Make and maintain a 'birthday list.'
- Send out birthday cards to everyone on my 'birthday list.'
- Send 10 'just because' cards a year. (0/10)
- Send out Christmas cards each year. (0/3)
- Send a care package to three soldiers (anysoldier.com). (0/3)
- Write a letter to my representative about my annoyance with license plates.
- Donate 11,000 grains of rice at http://www.blogger.com/selfMake%20and%20maintain%20a. (8,100/11,000)
- Donate to
Scouting for Foodand April Showers. - Bring some type of food into work randomly.
- Write extensive reviews for all of my wedding vendors and post on my STLwed profile.
- Do something artsy with just my Mom.
- Have a family game night at my house twice. (0/2)
- Make parents', grandparents', and wedding albums.
- Do something with just my brother and me.
- Do something with just my sister and me.
- Go to dinner (or equivalent) with my dad and me three times. (0/3)
- Have a new goal determined by November 8, 2009.
- Have a new goal determined by November 8, 2010.
- Blog (trying to include picture whenever possible) about all the items.
Week 10 Football Picks
Here are our week 10 football picks.
Denver Broncos vs. Cleveland Browns
Tennessee Titans vs. Chicago Bears
Jacksonville Jaguars vs. Detroit Lions
Baltimore Ravens vs. Houston Texans
Buffalo Bills vs. New England Patriots
New Orleans Saints vs. Atlanta Falcons
Seattle Seahawks vs. Miami Dolphins
Green Bay Packers vs. Minnesota Vikings
St. Louis Rams vs. New York Jets
Carolina Panthers vs. Oakland Raiders
Indianapolis Colts vs. Pittsburgh Steelers
Kansas City Chiefs vs. San Diego Chargers
New York Giants vs. Philadelphia Eagles
San Francisco 49ers vs. Arizona Cardinals
My picks will now be in purple b/c yellow was kinda of hard to see, Chad's will still be in blue, and the ones we agree on will still be in green.
I will update our records at another time.
Denver Broncos vs. Cleveland Browns
Tennessee Titans vs. Chicago Bears
Jacksonville Jaguars vs. Detroit Lions
Baltimore Ravens vs. Houston Texans
Buffalo Bills vs. New England Patriots
New Orleans Saints vs. Atlanta Falcons
Seattle Seahawks vs. Miami Dolphins
Green Bay Packers vs. Minnesota Vikings
St. Louis Rams vs. New York Jets
Carolina Panthers vs. Oakland Raiders
Indianapolis Colts vs. Pittsburgh Steelers
Kansas City Chiefs vs. San Diego Chargers
New York Giants vs. Philadelphia Eagles
San Francisco 49ers vs. Arizona Cardinals
My picks will now be in purple b/c yellow was kinda of hard to see, Chad's will still be in blue, and the ones we agree on will still be in green.
I will update our records at another time.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Jenn's Survivor Recap
I can't believe I almost forgot to do my Survivor Recap... Grosh what was I thinking?!?
Last night's episode was like no other. The tribes got a tree mail to bring all of their personal belongings and head to the beach... everyone (including me) thought the merge was coming... and they were all excited (as was I). They get to the beach and have a delightful spread of yummy treats... including wine (isn't it always funny how drunk they get... I'd probably want to get drunk too... I mean something different for a change... I also think about how much they gorge themselves and how they probably all have to use the bathroom... and not the pretty bathroom visits... the visits we never think about while watching the show... wow I got sidetracked)
So back to what I was saying the lovely spread of food... everyone was happy I mean the tribes were merging and there was food and new people to talk to and new plans to be deployed... No one really seemed to care about the ominous box that was waiting for them until they were done. While eating Kenny noticed a note with a clue to another hidden immunity idol. He wanted to keep it to himself however Charlie spoiled that plan and gave it to the rest of the group.
With everyone knowing where the second HII was, no one could very well just go and get it. Marcus inspired everyone as a group to make the decision to go find it and throw it into the ocean. (although Randy thought that he came up with the plan... the self proclaimed 'King of Gabon') So they went and found it and they gave everyone one last chance to take the idol... The problem here is everyone wanted it but no one could actually say they wanted it since that would be one giant target... So they took it out to ocean and threw it... wow... and immunity was right there... in front of everyone...
Remember that box? Well they opened it and were instructed to draw numbers and then odd on one team and evens on another... no merge two yet again reconstructed tribes. The new Kota (Marcus, Suzie, Bob, Crystal, and Kenny) and the new Fang (Corinne, Matty, Sugar, Randy, and Charlie) The 'Kota 6' was split up and they all assumed the plan was in motion.
Back at the new/old camps Marcus and Crystal figure out they have a connection and no longer does Marcus want to vote out Crystal (the original plan) Back at Fang Matty tells Sugar that Kenny lied to her and they need to stick together. The part about this that bothers me is the things Kenny said weren't all that far from the truth... so really it makes me think about how easy it is to sway Sugar.
The immunity challenge was interesting... I can't imagine how hard it would actually be... Crystal dropped out in like .3 seconds. Matty ended up winning the challenge for Fang. So Kota had a date at tribal...
Marcus pulls Crystal aside and informs her that he wants to bring her in with the 'Kota 6' instead of Suzie... and in order to do that she must vote off Kenny... her closest ally. I was scared at this point that Crystal might actually do that... but luckily she stuck true to Kenny... So then Crystal and Kenny tell Suzie this... and for awhile it seemed like Suzie wouldn't budge... but she ended up making the smart move and together with Crystal and Kenny they voted out Marcus, who I really thought would go a lot further in the game.
Another blindside at tribal... this season is really starting to get good!!
Last night's episode was like no other. The tribes got a tree mail to bring all of their personal belongings and head to the beach... everyone (including me) thought the merge was coming... and they were all excited (as was I). They get to the beach and have a delightful spread of yummy treats... including wine (isn't it always funny how drunk they get... I'd probably want to get drunk too... I mean something different for a change... I also think about how much they gorge themselves and how they probably all have to use the bathroom... and not the pretty bathroom visits... the visits we never think about while watching the show... wow I got sidetracked)
So back to what I was saying the lovely spread of food... everyone was happy I mean the tribes were merging and there was food and new people to talk to and new plans to be deployed... No one really seemed to care about the ominous box that was waiting for them until they were done. While eating Kenny noticed a note with a clue to another hidden immunity idol. He wanted to keep it to himself however Charlie spoiled that plan and gave it to the rest of the group.
With everyone knowing where the second HII was, no one could very well just go and get it. Marcus inspired everyone as a group to make the decision to go find it and throw it into the ocean. (although Randy thought that he came up with the plan... the self proclaimed 'King of Gabon') So they went and found it and they gave everyone one last chance to take the idol... The problem here is everyone wanted it but no one could actually say they wanted it since that would be one giant target... So they took it out to ocean and threw it... wow... and immunity was right there... in front of everyone...
Remember that box? Well they opened it and were instructed to draw numbers and then odd on one team and evens on another... no merge two yet again reconstructed tribes. The new Kota (Marcus, Suzie, Bob, Crystal, and Kenny) and the new Fang (Corinne, Matty, Sugar, Randy, and Charlie) The 'Kota 6' was split up and they all assumed the plan was in motion.
Back at the new/old camps Marcus and Crystal figure out they have a connection and no longer does Marcus want to vote out Crystal (the original plan) Back at Fang Matty tells Sugar that Kenny lied to her and they need to stick together. The part about this that bothers me is the things Kenny said weren't all that far from the truth... so really it makes me think about how easy it is to sway Sugar.
The immunity challenge was interesting... I can't imagine how hard it would actually be... Crystal dropped out in like .3 seconds. Matty ended up winning the challenge for Fang. So Kota had a date at tribal...
Marcus pulls Crystal aside and informs her that he wants to bring her in with the 'Kota 6' instead of Suzie... and in order to do that she must vote off Kenny... her closest ally. I was scared at this point that Crystal might actually do that... but luckily she stuck true to Kenny... So then Crystal and Kenny tell Suzie this... and for awhile it seemed like Suzie wouldn't budge... but she ended up making the smart move and together with Crystal and Kenny they voted out Marcus, who I really thought would go a lot further in the game.
Another blindside at tribal... this season is really starting to get good!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
These are the days I feel REALLY old
Today my little sister turns 16... the big 1-6... the birthday all teens look forward to... She can now legally drive (pending a pass on the driver's test that is...)
I can easily remember 16 years ago... I can remember the day before my sister was born her friends and sisters surprised her with a baby shower in the back room (that is not there anymore) at the Pasta House on Lindbergh. I can remember earlier that same day my grandma (or was it my aunt? I can't remember that) asking me if I could keep a secret, but then not actually telling me anything... I can remember signing a card for my mom for a gift they were going to give to her at my aunt's baby shower the next weekend... I can remember showing up to Pasta House and being surprised myself. I remember the cake and something about a third baby... I can remember the next day with Mom and Terry took us our grandparent's house since we were off school for some reason. I remember my Grandma getting the call that my mom was in labor at the hospital...
I can remember my Grandparents taking me and my brother to the hospital to see our new baby sister. I can remember how goofy Lindsey looked since she was premature and a little sick. I remember her coming home from the hospital and having a weird bruise on her head. I remember it being weird to hold her...
I can remember her becoming bigger... I can remember one Saturday morning when I woke up early and changed her diaper and it was so smelly and stinky and I kept making faces at her and she just laughed and laughed...
I can remember her walking and talking... I can remember the day I gave her scarfy from the basement... (oh scarfy... scarfy was a scarf I had in the basement that Lindsey took quite a liking to, she would suck on it constantly, some people have their security blankets and I have my sleepy dog... Lindsey had her scarfy...) I remember how she never went anywhere without it... I remember trying to get her to give it up to no avail. I remember the New Year's Eve that Rick hid it from her... and I remember the crying when we couldn't find it
I remember how everyone thought she looked like Shirley Temple b/c of her curly blonde hair.
I can remember a lot of things about my sister's life... it was really neat to have such a little sister to watch grow up... She's 16 today... and I seriously cannot believe it!!
Lindsey is a smart, talented, beautiful young woman and I am SO PROUD of her. Lindsey is a great person... and I'm really happy that I get to be her sister.
Sure, we use to fight... and I do remember the day she got so mad at me she threw the cat at me from across the room (one of our favorite stories now) Not living in the same house has most surely helped our relationship.
I also remember taking Lindsey on her very first ride on Mr. Freeze at Six Flags. I remember looking over at her half way through the ride and the sheer look of terror on her face was priceless. I love the fact that if we go to Six Flags together we will always ride that together.
I would do anything for my sister... she is an awesome person... I'm proud of her for getting the help she needed and staying with it... I proud that she sticks to her vegitarian ways (even if I think they're silly)... I'm proud at how good at basketball and softball she is... and how she plays the viola.
We are two very different people... but we are sisters and for that I am lucky.
Today Linny will be taking her driver's test (hopefully, not sure about the weather) and she should pass. Chad and I have even been giving her pointers...
The fact I can remember the day she was born really makes me feel old... that was 16 years ago... I was 9 years old. Oh how things have changed.
Happy Birthday Lindsey!! I love you and you're amazing!!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
If you haven't been living under a rock...
You know that last night we elected a new president... Barack Obama.
As you probably can tell from my other posts I am very happy about this... it's very very cool.
I listened to both McCain's and Obama's speeches last night and thought they were both very good. McCain's speech was very good... He was very dignified and he was right Obama's campaign did what he nor any other candidate in history could do... He motivated people who have never voted before to vote... he tapped the unused resource in other elections. And boy did he do it. I'm sad for McCain, he is a true American Hero and there are few who have given their lives to America like McCain has. If he would have won I would have not been upset.
Obama's speech was motivating... he really knows how to public speak and like Chad said last night he has a way of talking that makes you believe him. I'm excited to see where this country is going to go and the changes we can make.
Overall it was quite an election season... and one I'm kinda glad is over... On a side note we voted yesterday for State Senator - District 1. It was Jim Lembke (rep) vs. Joan Barry (dem)... Jim got 43,778 votes and Joan got 43,686 votes. This is a difference of just 92 votes.
Oh... and I did listen to the morning show again... and was annoyed again... stupid people that just don't get it... seriously... stupid... anyway... I don't want to get into that...
Oh... and another annoying thing... people's stupid Facebook statuses... idiots... complete idiots (I get that McCain lost and that's sad for you but you being ignorant isn't going to do shit)
I hope this is my last post of election and politics for awhile...
As you probably can tell from my other posts I am very happy about this... it's very very cool.
I listened to both McCain's and Obama's speeches last night and thought they were both very good. McCain's speech was very good... He was very dignified and he was right Obama's campaign did what he nor any other candidate in history could do... He motivated people who have never voted before to vote... he tapped the unused resource in other elections. And boy did he do it. I'm sad for McCain, he is a true American Hero and there are few who have given their lives to America like McCain has. If he would have won I would have not been upset.
Obama's speech was motivating... he really knows how to public speak and like Chad said last night he has a way of talking that makes you believe him. I'm excited to see where this country is going to go and the changes we can make.
Overall it was quite an election season... and one I'm kinda glad is over... On a side note we voted yesterday for State Senator - District 1. It was Jim Lembke (rep) vs. Joan Barry (dem)... Jim got 43,778 votes and Joan got 43,686 votes. This is a difference of just 92 votes.
Oh... and I did listen to the morning show again... and was annoyed again... stupid people that just don't get it... seriously... stupid... anyway... I don't want to get into that...
Oh... and another annoying thing... people's stupid Facebook statuses... idiots... complete idiots (I get that McCain lost and that's sad for you but you being ignorant isn't going to do shit)
I hope this is my last post of election and politics for awhile...
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Freakin' Annoying
Okay... so really I'm doing it to myself... but the morning show I'm listening to is freaking annoying... Yes... I listen to the MJ morning show and it's annoying... McCain is awesome... Obama will run this country into the ground... "We are an equal opportunity show"... my ass you are... Just b/c you say you'll let people talk who are Obama supporters does not mean you are an equal opportunity show... When you dispute EVERYTHING they have to say makes you a very bias show... I am NOT being brainwashed into voting for Obama... I am making a decision that I believe in and aligns with the way I think this country should be going. You may believe one thing and I can believe a completely different thing... I also am not just voting for Obama b/c I'm sick of Bush... Yes... I'm sick of Bush but that's not why I'm voting democrat.
I guess I'm just so sick of this political season... the last election was exciting and fun... but this one has been annoying... people keep saying things like if you really know what my candidate was about you would clearly vote for them... well we all have differing opinions... we all are raised with different values and we all grow up to think different things and hold different issues closer to us than others... we vote based on what speaks to us... what I believe it the way I want this country to go and you vote based on what you think... this is why we all have the freedom to vote... I'm so sick of it... and I'm really sick of the Obama bashing... I feel like I'm not very good at describing this... I am a well educated intelligent woman and I will vote for who I want to vote for...
I'm ready for this election to be over... tonight no matter what we will have a new president and that's a wonderful thing... I hope that it will be Obama but if it's McCain that's fine too... Everyone should vote... vote in what they believe in... I believe in Obama.
Now while I get so annoyed with the MJ Morning show... I'm sick of the constant Obama is a horrible person... and if this keeps continuing I will not be listening to their show anymore... I'm done if that's the case...
Okay... my political rant is over for now... vote people!!
I guess I'm just so sick of this political season... the last election was exciting and fun... but this one has been annoying... people keep saying things like if you really know what my candidate was about you would clearly vote for them... well we all have differing opinions... we all are raised with different values and we all grow up to think different things and hold different issues closer to us than others... we vote based on what speaks to us... what I believe it the way I want this country to go and you vote based on what you think... this is why we all have the freedom to vote... I'm so sick of it... and I'm really sick of the Obama bashing... I feel like I'm not very good at describing this... I am a well educated intelligent woman and I will vote for who I want to vote for...
I'm ready for this election to be over... tonight no matter what we will have a new president and that's a wonderful thing... I hope that it will be Obama but if it's McCain that's fine too... Everyone should vote... vote in what they believe in... I believe in Obama.
Now while I get so annoyed with the MJ Morning show... I'm sick of the constant Obama is a horrible person... and if this keeps continuing I will not be listening to their show anymore... I'm done if that's the case...
Okay... my political rant is over for now... vote people!!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Fall Back
How was your weekend? Mine was wonderful... it was just a casual, productive weekend... I think I'm finally starting to remember what weekends feel like (planning that wedding made me go into planning mode every weekend)
Anyway... So Friday was Halloween... Wasn't it just the most perfect Halloween? A Friday night with some of the best Halloween weather we've had in awhile... oh to be a Trick or Treater again!! Chad and I decided to pass out candy... we realized we had a lot of candy stocked up and there was no way we were going to eat it. We got all of it together after work... Then we settled in for a low-key night. When the kids came to the door Chad gave them huge handfulls of candy which just made them excited... it was fun to bring joy to some kids... While all of this was going on Chad played video games and even shared the TV screen with the Live Ghost Hunters investigation... I love Ghost Hunters, but 7 hours of investigation was a little much... so not the point though. While all of this was going on I finally finished the thank you cards... they are written, addressed, sealed, and stamped (our custom stamp looks awesome BTW)... Chad still has about 6 to do... but I went ahead and mailed the rest of them today. That's a huge relief!!
Saturday Chad went to work early... I slept in until around 9:30 then I woke up and watched a little TV (The Hills) and then went and got some breakfast. I came back and was just lazy for awhile... I even crawled back into bed for awhile. Then got up took a shower and headed out to shop. I had to shop for Lindsey's sweet 16 present. I wanted to get her a sun catcher (prism) since I've always had one in my car. I went to the mall for this... I couldn't believe it but I didn't get annoyed at the mall once... I mean that's gotta be some sort of record or something!!
After finding the sun catcher on my first attempt I went to Target for the rest of my shopping... while I didn't get annoyed at Target either it was incredibly hot in there. I found a pair of shoes I really wanted but they didn't have my size (go figure huh?) but I guess that's good b/c I stayed on target at Target for what I came for. Go me!!
I headed over to my mom's house to hang out with her before the party started. It's always nice to hang out with my family. My other family showed up so I got a lot of family time, which I love. I got to see my Grandma as well, which was awesome. We all ended up playing Mexican Train Dominoes which was a lot of fun. Alayna (my little cousin and flower girl) even drew me an adorable picture. Saturday night was so so so much fun... I really love playing games with the family... I suggested that we have a family game night more often and everyone agreed... I'm so going to plan another one soon!! Maybe at even at our house.
Sunday Chad and I have reserved for cleaning up the house. We wanted to go room-by-room and get everything nice and cleaned up and such. Sunday was the master bedroom and bathrooms (and to straighten the 2 rooms we did last weekend which were the kitchen and family room) The master bedroom needed a lot of work and it was so awesome to see it all cleaned up. I got all of my jewelry organized and everything hung up in the closet. We even changed out our bedding for the new stuff from the wedding. It was really neat (I even made the bed this morning which is unheard of) I did realize that we should have picked bedding that matched the dark green carpet we have in there, but oh well...
What was great about Sunday is by the time we were finished with everything it was only like 4... Day Light Savings is awesome!!
I'm even entergized today and don't mind being here which is crazy (made the bed and don't mind being at work?!?) I'm in a good mood and you didn't even hear one complaint from me today... well... I guess I better actually do work
Oh one other thing... so am starting on a Christmas list!! Didn't I tell you I'm good?
Anyway... So Friday was Halloween... Wasn't it just the most perfect Halloween? A Friday night with some of the best Halloween weather we've had in awhile... oh to be a Trick or Treater again!! Chad and I decided to pass out candy... we realized we had a lot of candy stocked up and there was no way we were going to eat it. We got all of it together after work... Then we settled in for a low-key night. When the kids came to the door Chad gave them huge handfulls of candy which just made them excited... it was fun to bring joy to some kids... While all of this was going on Chad played video games and even shared the TV screen with the Live Ghost Hunters investigation... I love Ghost Hunters, but 7 hours of investigation was a little much... so not the point though. While all of this was going on I finally finished the thank you cards... they are written, addressed, sealed, and stamped (our custom stamp looks awesome BTW)... Chad still has about 6 to do... but I went ahead and mailed the rest of them today. That's a huge relief!!
Saturday Chad went to work early... I slept in until around 9:30 then I woke up and watched a little TV (The Hills) and then went and got some breakfast. I came back and was just lazy for awhile... I even crawled back into bed for awhile. Then got up took a shower and headed out to shop. I had to shop for Lindsey's sweet 16 present. I wanted to get her a sun catcher (prism) since I've always had one in my car. I went to the mall for this... I couldn't believe it but I didn't get annoyed at the mall once... I mean that's gotta be some sort of record or something!!
After finding the sun catcher on my first attempt I went to Target for the rest of my shopping... while I didn't get annoyed at Target either it was incredibly hot in there. I found a pair of shoes I really wanted but they didn't have my size (go figure huh?) but I guess that's good b/c I stayed on target at Target for what I came for. Go me!!
I headed over to my mom's house to hang out with her before the party started. It's always nice to hang out with my family. My other family showed up so I got a lot of family time, which I love. I got to see my Grandma as well, which was awesome. We all ended up playing Mexican Train Dominoes which was a lot of fun. Alayna (my little cousin and flower girl) even drew me an adorable picture. Saturday night was so so so much fun... I really love playing games with the family... I suggested that we have a family game night more often and everyone agreed... I'm so going to plan another one soon!! Maybe at even at our house.
Sunday Chad and I have reserved for cleaning up the house. We wanted to go room-by-room and get everything nice and cleaned up and such. Sunday was the master bedroom and bathrooms (and to straighten the 2 rooms we did last weekend which were the kitchen and family room) The master bedroom needed a lot of work and it was so awesome to see it all cleaned up. I got all of my jewelry organized and everything hung up in the closet. We even changed out our bedding for the new stuff from the wedding. It was really neat (I even made the bed this morning which is unheard of) I did realize that we should have picked bedding that matched the dark green carpet we have in there, but oh well...
What was great about Sunday is by the time we were finished with everything it was only like 4... Day Light Savings is awesome!!
I'm even entergized today and don't mind being here which is crazy (made the bed and don't mind being at work?!?) I'm in a good mood and you didn't even hear one complaint from me today... well... I guess I better actually do work
Oh one other thing... so am starting on a Christmas list!! Didn't I tell you I'm good?
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