Thursday, November 6, 2008

These are the days I feel REALLY old

Today my little sister turns 16... the big 1-6... the birthday all teens look forward to... She can now legally drive (pending a pass on the driver's test that is...)
I can easily remember 16 years ago... I can remember the day before my sister was born her friends and sisters surprised her with a baby shower in the back room (that is not there anymore) at the Pasta House on Lindbergh. I can remember earlier that same day my grandma (or was it my aunt? I can't remember that) asking me if I could keep a secret, but then not actually telling me anything... I can remember signing a card for my mom for a gift they were going to give to her at my aunt's baby shower the next weekend... I can remember showing up to Pasta House and being surprised myself. I remember the cake and something about a third baby... I can remember the next day with Mom and Terry took us our grandparent's house since we were off school for some reason. I remember my Grandma getting the call that my mom was in labor at the hospital...
I can remember my Grandparents taking me and my brother to the hospital to see our new baby sister. I can remember how goofy Lindsey looked since she was premature and a little sick. I remember her coming home from the hospital and having a weird bruise on her head. I remember it being weird to hold her...
I can remember her becoming bigger... I can remember one Saturday morning when I woke up early and changed her diaper and it was so smelly and stinky and I kept making faces at her and she just laughed and laughed...
I can remember her walking and talking... I can remember the day I gave her scarfy from the basement... (oh scarfy... scarfy was a scarf I had in the basement that Lindsey took quite a liking to, she would suck on it constantly, some people have their security blankets and I have my sleepy dog... Lindsey had her scarfy...) I remember how she never went anywhere without it... I remember trying to get her to give it up to no avail. I remember the New Year's Eve that Rick hid it from her... and I remember the crying when we couldn't find it
I remember how everyone thought she looked like Shirley Temple b/c of her curly blonde hair.
I can remember a lot of things about my sister's life... it was really neat to have such a little sister to watch grow up... She's 16 today... and I seriously cannot believe it!!
Lindsey is a smart, talented, beautiful young woman and I am SO PROUD of her. Lindsey is a great person... and I'm really happy that I get to be her sister.
Sure, we use to fight... and I do remember the day she got so mad at me she threw the cat at me from across the room (one of our favorite stories now) Not living in the same house has most surely helped our relationship.
I also remember taking Lindsey on her very first ride on Mr. Freeze at Six Flags. I remember looking over at her half way through the ride and the sheer look of terror on her face was priceless. I love the fact that if we go to Six Flags together we will always ride that together.
I would do anything for my sister... she is an awesome person... I'm proud of her for getting the help she needed and staying with it... I proud that she sticks to her vegitarian ways (even if I think they're silly)... I'm proud at how good at basketball and softball she is... and how she plays the viola.
We are two very different people... but we are sisters and for that I am lucky.
Today Linny will be taking her driver's test (hopefully, not sure about the weather) and she should pass. Chad and I have even been giving her pointers...
The fact I can remember the day she was born really makes me feel old... that was 16 years ago... I was 9 years old. Oh how things have changed.
Happy Birthday Lindsey!! I love you and you're amazing!!

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