Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tag I'm it

Well... I have been uber busy at work since we have people in from Richmond and I'm getting trained on really fun fun crap I just haven't had the time to spend blogging at work (I know I probably shouldn't blog at work, but I seriously Well I got tagged by Angie... I did not even realize I had readers so that in itself is exciting!! Thanks Angie!!

The rules are simple...
  1. Link to the person who tagged you (check)
  2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.
  3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and include a link to their profile.
  4. Leave a comment on their blog letting them know they've been tagged.
Alright... well... here we go

Random Fact #1:
My eyes change color... I love this about them. They usually change between hazel and green but every once in awhile I'll look in the mirror and my eyes are bright blue. It's the strangest thing to see... bright blue eyes when I'm use to green.

Random Fact #2:
I'm pretty good on a pogo stick. I can actually pogo stick without any hands. My brother and me got a pogo stick for Christmas one year, we played around with it for awhile but neither of us were very good so it just sat in our garage. A few years later I got it back out and realized I wasn't bad at it. I taught myself to do some cool tricks including doing it without hands.

Random Fact #3:
I am the like great great great great (I'm really not sure how many greats) niece of Francis Scott Key. Know who he is? He is the author the the Star Spangled Banner. I've actually been to Fort McKennly (spelling??) where the battle took place that he wrote the song about. I think this is pretty cool. Although my cousin was misinformed and was going around telling everyone we were related to Thomas Jefferson... not nearly as cool but still pretty neat.

Random Fact #4:
I was my best friend Christina's birth coach. This was one of the greatest experiences of my life. While birth now scares me more than ever. I was there with her through it all. I calmed her down and supported her. I got to witness the moment she met her daughter. It was one of the most emotional things I've ever seen. Birth was scary and gross, but when that little baby came out and Christina and Claire eyes met for the first time it was amazing. I was strong all through the birth... Christina didn't want to push and her mom was crying but I stayed focused. It wasn't until I left the room and saw Christina's dad, Chad, and Mel in the hallway that I started balling... Wow did I jump around a lot there?!?

Random Fact #5
I still sleep with my childhood stuffed animal, Sleepy Dog. While Sleepy Dog has seen better days and has lost a lot of his stuffing I still sleep with him every night. He's been with me since I was born and he will be around for awhile. He knows my stories and secrets, that may sound weird to some people, but that's just how I feel.

Random Fact #6
I usually dance when no on is looking. I love to dance to the music in my head. It might not be the greatest dancing, but I love to do it. It's usually ballet or tap dancing, but I do all sorts... I dance down the hallway and spin on the hardwood floors. I even think about doing it at work, but figure people might really think I'm weird if they caught a glimse. I love to dance, even if I look goofy doing it.

Random Fact #7
I have a f-ed up jaw. Once when I was a freshman in college I was eating a begal at breakfast and my jaw starting popping real bad. Popping wasn't unusual, I had always had a poppy jaw. But this particular time it was really bad. I finished chewing the bite and I realized that my jaw had locked up. I could barely open it to fit two fingers (if you stick your fingers in your mouth vertically you can fit usually fit 4 or more.) I thought it would loosen up soon so I didn't do anything about it. A few days later when it wasn't better I went and got it checked. They had to give me muscle relaxers and it still took a few months (that's right, months) for my jaw to be normal again. This hasn't happened since, but I bet it will again, my jaw is horribly poppy and makes weird grinding noises (almost seems like bone against bone) There's really nothing doctors can do about it since surgery really isn't worth it... but I can really creep people out with it, especially Chad.

Alright... I would totally tag other people if I had anyone to tag... problem is I don't really know of anyone to tag, so if you want to do this yourself why don't you post a comment on my blog and tag yourself? I would tag Chad, however I know he wouldn't do it.

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