Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Now I have something... complain about

Ever since our move at work to this lovely area we call home the phone system is majorly screwed up. For whatever reason the tax reporting section (where I work) has been linked in a group with Mutual Fund Operations… more specifically something to do with orders or something…

Well… this has been annoying for awhile… I answer my phone “tax reporting, this is Jennifer” and I get a variety of responses… mostly indicating they want Suzanne. I usually explain that the phone system is messed up and when she is on her phone the call bounces to us… even though we aren’t in the same department (going past that not even in our general area… or building for that matter.)

Well today I get a call from a frantic guy. We’ll call him Loony. He is trying to get Suzanne… I explain the situation like I normally do… and he starts to freak out. He just got a phantom wire saying his order was cancelled or something… and he needed to get this figured out before the market closed (well it’s 2:59 now, I doubt that’s going to happen…) Well… I explain to him that she is on her phone and I could try to transfer you over there but it’s probably just going to bounce right back over here. I’ll save you the exact details of our conversation… but he is freaking… He explains to me the situation over and over again (like I can help you with you problem.) I try to remain friendly… saying that I have no clue, they are way different departments and I wish I could help him, but there’s really not much I can do.

Well… I can hear the shaking in his voice, and his amounting frustration with me. I try to find another number online to no avail… (and what really annoys me is he keeps muting the phone I can tell by the utter silence on the other end, he did it for a good 30 seconds one time I was like this close to hanging up… I know he’s probably swearing up a storm during this time) I mean… what am I suppose to do? I don’t know who I can transfer you to… I wish I had a magic number, but I don’t. And me fumbling around online can just as easily be done by you. I mean… I wish I could help the guy… I really do… but this round-about conversation isn’t doing either of us any good. I mean I heard the urgency in his voice… I know it’s important but freaking out on a person who legitimately cannot help isn’t doing either of us any good… it’s actually making you and me more anxious.

I was finally able to get off the phone with him… “well I guess I’ll keep calling back but and they probably won’t let me do my order b/c it’s after market close even though I called a good 10 minutes ago…) Whatever dude, this is so NOT MY PROBLEM. It’s probably a mistake on your end that caused the order to get cancelled anyway… or they’ll make it work, I ‘m sure that’s possible.

I finally got to hang up… I immediately left me desk and started walking… to where? I had no destination… I needed to get away and calm down from this my un-needed bitch out. I feel sorry for Suzanne when Loony finally gets a hold of her… And I did NOT want to talk to him again… I know 3 other people in my section have talked to him… I didn’t answer my phone… I let it ring through… no way I was dealing with him again… I guess he finally got through… but geez…

Luckily they are finally going to look into our phone group problem…

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