Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Freakin' Annoying

Okay... so really I'm doing it to myself... but the morning show I'm listening to is freaking annoying... Yes... I listen to the MJ morning show and it's annoying... McCain is awesome... Obama will run this country into the ground... "We are an equal opportunity show"... my ass you are... Just b/c you say you'll let people talk who are Obama supporters does not mean you are an equal opportunity show... When you dispute EVERYTHING they have to say makes you a very bias show... I am NOT being brainwashed into voting for Obama... I am making a decision that I believe in and aligns with the way I think this country should be going. You may believe one thing and I can believe a completely different thing... I also am not just voting for Obama b/c I'm sick of Bush... Yes... I'm sick of Bush but that's not why I'm voting democrat.

I guess I'm just so sick of this political season... the last election was exciting and fun... but this one has been annoying... people keep saying things like if you really know what my candidate was about you would clearly vote for them... well we all have differing opinions... we all are raised with different values and we all grow up to think different things and hold different issues closer to us than others... we vote based on what speaks to us... what I believe it the way I want this country to go and you vote based on what you think... this is why we all have the freedom to vote... I'm so sick of it... and I'm really sick of the Obama bashing... I feel like I'm not very good at describing this... I am a well educated intelligent woman and I will vote for who I want to vote for...

I'm ready for this election to be over... tonight no matter what we will have a new president and that's a wonderful thing... I hope that it will be Obama but if it's McCain that's fine too... Everyone should vote... vote in what they believe in... I believe in Obama.

Now while I get so annoyed with the MJ Morning show... I'm sick of the constant Obama is a horrible person... and if this keeps continuing I will not be listening to their show anymore... I'm done if that's the case...

Okay... my political rant is over for now... vote people!!

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