This past weekend I went up and visited a couple of friends. I drove up to Christina's house in Callao and Melissa drove down from Iowa. It was a funny relaxing weekend. It was nice to get away and hang out with some girls. I haven't seen Mel since Christina had Claire so it was really nice. We mostly just hung out and played cards, but it was very relaxing. I also got to spend some time with Claire, Christina's adorable daughter. Claire is one of the most adorable toddlers I've ever been around. She is so cute and so outgoing. She's way advanced for a 14 month old. Christina has a great kid on her hands and I'm so lucky I get to be part of Claire's live. She can't say my name yet, but she'll get there soon... I'm aunt Jenn. Well girls... I had a great weekend and I really hope we don't wait so long to do it again. I love you guys!!
Here is Mel, me, and Christina at the only bar we went to... it just wasn't a very happening night in Macon, MO (is it ever I wonder...) but we had fun

Here is Mel and Christina drinking a frozen strawberry margarita... it was thick!! I like on the rocks better.

Here is the adorable Claire... I wanted to get a picture of her in her big purple coat, but it was already getting dark out and she kept blinking when the flash went off

Here she is climbing onto my lap...

I tried to get a good pic of the two of us... however I look like utter crap... but she's more than makes up for it.

Don't you just love her little ponytail?

She thought it was fun to walk around in her boots

It was a wonderful weekend!!
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