Friday, November 21, 2008

Survivor Recap

Well… I keep saying this about this season’s Survivor… but boy was that a great episode. This season has really kept me on my toes. After watching all the previous seasons this one has had some crazy things happen that who could have imagined. I’ve read things out there that a lot of people do not like the cast of characters… they are different but definitely interesting… you have to give them that!!

Okay… I seriously don’t know where the logical place to begin is… so here I am jumping head first in…

Before the reward challenge we find Bob in the woods talking to Sugar about the hidden immunity idol. Bob confesses to Sugar that he made a fake HII. Why Bob decides to share this with Sugar is beyond me… but whatever. I like Bob and really I wanted him to show off that idol b/c it’s a damn cool looking fake idol. Sugar (and Crystal for the matter) are sick and tired of Randy. I am as well… his comments are ignorant and he’s just playing a very odd game.

Randy and Corinne know that they have to make someone switch to their side and they choose Matty. But it makes me wonder why they think Matty would switch if they still didn’t have the numbers AND they are jerks… some people just think their wonder woman.

Next is the reward challenge… the auction. I love this reward, I’m not really sure why but I love watching them want to pay $400 for a cheeseburger. Usually this challenge doesn’t really stir up much animosity but oh boy did this one ever… starting with the first item—Beer and peanuts. It’s a bidding war between Sugar and Randy. What’s really funny about this is Sugar doesn’t actually want to the beer she’s just messing with Randy and making him pay way more for it. She ends up letting Randy win the beer… but there is some obvious tension between Sugar and Randy

Kenny got to send someone to Exile and take all of their money. He chose Bob (poor Bob.) Susie won a bath and a new change of clothes, which she barely spent any time in the bath, if it were me I’d be bidding from the bathtub. Sugar won some peanut butter and chocolate which seemed pretty cool except she had nothing to wash down the peanut butter with… (this prize always reminds me of that season Jenna and Heidi got naked for some chocolate and peanut butter, oh that was a classic.) Matty won a burger, toppings, fries, and a soda. Randy won spaghetti, garlic bread, and a glass of wine. Corinne spent her entire bank roll on a advantage in the immunity challenge.

Now the drama… the last item. The first person to big $20 will buy the item for the entire tribe. Randy screamed out the first bid… and we all found out they were chocolate chip cookies. When Randy went up to claim his prize he must have not heard Jeff say “for the tribe” b/c it didn’t look like he intended on sharing. He offered one to Sugar who declined and then offered them to the rest… then he offered the last cookie to Sugar who then took it and gave it to Matty. Randy was pissed.

Randy then bitched and moaned back at camp about the silly cookie. He kept talking about how generous he was offering the cookies to the tribe (when in reality that was what he HAD to do.)

Matty, Kenny, Sugar, Crystal, and Susie were hanging out in the hut talking about their next move. Matty wanted to vote Bob out first (he’s liked and smart) and then Randy (people don’t like him and he’s weak.) It looks like Randy overhears the convo. And this is when Randy and Corinne devise what I consider an AWFUL plan. He figures that Bob has been to exile twice and was bound to find the HII (does he not even consider for a fraction of a second that Sugar may have found it after she’s been there 5 consecutive times??) Randy decides that he will turn the tribe’s attention to himself and be a giant ass to get everyone to vote for him. He will convince Bob to give him the HII and at tribal make a blindside that will leave Susie going home (you know revenge for voting off their beloved Marcus.)

The immunity challenge was fairly original having the cast first do a balance beam course (it always amazes me how bad some people are at walking a balance beam.) Then the second part was setting up a “dominoes” puzzle with knocking them all over while navigating a trip wire maze. It came down to the very end but Matty and Corinne were not able to set off their dominoes the entire way and Kenny was left victorious.

Here’s where last night’s episode got great. Sugar tells Bob that he should give Randy his fake HII… and Bob actually agrees to it!! So at tribal we basically know the entire time what’s going to happen, which may normally be bad but this time around was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. The votes are cast. Sugar’s comments were priceless, but oh Crystal. Crystal was quiet this entire episode, not even bidding at the auction. But she speaks so loudly during her vote that everyone can hear. I’ve never heard that before and it’s a classic.

Jeff collects the votes and asks if anyone want to play the HII. Randy gets up and plays it. What’s so great is Randy and Corinne look so very smug, like haha bitches we played you. The Jeff drops the bomb… “This is NOT a HII,” and their faces drop… meanwhile Sugar is laughing so hard. We were all laughing so hard b/c never in Survivor history did a jerk like Randy ever get a payback like this one. It’s totally worth him getting humiliated at tribal… it was amazing… I’m halfway surprised Randy didn’t go ballistic.

Next week… is there really another HII out there or is Bob trying to explain to Corinne why he gave Randy that HII? I know I can’t wait.

I really like Sugar in this game… she’s playing it very differently than anyone I’ve seen before but she’s good. No one thinks she’s as smart as she is and she’s honest. Her comments to everyone come across as genuine… and she’s funny. I really hated how Randy and Corinne (and others along the way) have underestimated her. Go Sugar!!

I don’t think this recap is as good as my others… this episode was very good… I swear so I hope I didn’t let anyone down!!

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