Monday, November 17, 2008

The sweetest

As I said in my previous post I went away this weekend... I came home to a mowed lawn and a clean house... my super duper hubby is amazing... He even got me a gift!! He's such a sweetheart... I'm a very lucky girl.

Here is the adorable card he bought me.

This is what it said on the inside... I thought it was sooo cute!!
He got me two DS games... I'm very excited he knows exactly what I like!!

He also knows how much I love Christmas and got me this adorable snowman from the Hallmark store... he changes colors and has glitter... so cute... I want to start a Christmas collection.

And here's my lovable hubby... yep... he's in his boxers... but isn't he so freaking cute?!?

1 comment:

Angie said...

HI Jenn! I enjoy your blog and just tagged you on my blog. Hope you don't mind!