Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Colorado - Part 1

**I have updated the picture in my Contracted post if you want to see the house**

This past weekend I went on another trip.  Yes, I got back from Florida late Saturday night and early Thursday morning we packed up the car and headed to Colorado... lots of time spent in a car would be an understatement!

We started planning this trip awhile ago.  Before Dan and I started dating he went to Colorado to see a concert at Red Rocks.  Since then, he's been wanting to go back.  He finally put together a trip and invited me and his friend Kyle.  We hoped that one more person would join us, but that just did not happen... oh well, it was fun just the three of us.

Dan decided when we would go based on the concert - Brit Floyd, a Pink Floyd tribute band.  He had never seen this band, but thought it would be a good show to see... spoiler alert... it was.

The concert was scheduled for August 2... so we decided to leave Thursday morning and come back home Sunday night.  I decided what the heck!  Might as well go, who cares if it's right after a separate trip.  I wanted to take a trip with Dan and Colorado is great!  Since I was terrible at blogging last year I don't have a written record but I actually did something similar last year... getting back from FL and then going to Des Moines to visit my friend Melissa... for some reason I like doing crazy things like that.

Anywho... We felt St. Louis around 7am on Thursday morning... got on highway 70 and stayed there for 12 hours...  We drove through Kansas... which if you've ever been through Kansas you know it's just a boring drive.  I mean, sure it's amazing that it's so flat, but after you've driven on flatness for hours on end it loses it's charm.

Although I did get to see some windmills... that was entertaining...
Oh the little things in life
The other (kinda) cool part was in Eastern Colorado we drove through a dust storm.  When we saw it in the distance we thought it was a fire, but the closer we got realized that it was actually dust.  It was crazy to drive through and at one point it was hard to see.

But then we made it to Denver and checked into our hotel.  I left finding a hotel up to Dan... mostly b/c months earlier I had bought all the tickets to the concert... not that you care.  But Dan picked out a Motel 6 and it was clean... just small room.  They were 2 full beds and both beds were pushed up against the wall... which means I slept on the wall the entire time weeeeee.

We got settled and then headed out to dinner.  As I mentioned before Dan went out to Denver a couple of years ago and met some friends of friends.  He asked them for a suggestion of a place to eat and we ended up at Wynkoop Brewery.  It was a really neat place.  Multiple levels and lots of different micro brews.  Look at this fun sign they had...

939 and one half step haha
I first had the some kind of pale ale (can't seem to find it on their website) and then I went with the Wixa Weiss which I liked much better.  I also tried a drink of Kyle's Cowtown Milk Stout which was coffee tasting.

We chatted with the waiter and he did bring us a sample of one other type.. the Rocky Mountain Oyster Stout.  Do you know what a Rocky Mountain Oyster is?

In case you can't read that... "Our world-famous stout made with freshly sliced and roasted bull testicles"... YOLO right?  Haha... it tasted smokey, like BBQ or something... it was strange.

We called it at night after that... that's the first day of our trip!