Friday, August 9, 2013

Number 6 - Divergent

Well... I haven't been reading as much as I hoped...

While I was in Florida I read Divergent.  This was a recommendation from my friend Susan.  She recommended it waaaaay long ago... I think when I wasn't even really reading... but I thought it could make a good beach read - and that was so the truth!

This book is a lot like Hunger Games.  It's a dystopian society in future world Chicago.  In this one kids that are 16 must pick which faction they want to live in (five choices).  I don't want to give much away, but I really enjoyed it and it was quite the page turner.

There is a sequel which I plan on reading soon.  I should get it from the library instead of just buying books, but sometimes I'm a slow reader.

I would  totally recommend this good, it's quick, easy-to-read and entertaining!


Susan said...

Glad you liked it!

Christina said...

We are apparently reading the same books this summer. If you liked this series, you will LOVE the "Matched" series by Ally Condie. I couldn't put it down!

Amanda Reeves said...

Jen thanks for the recommendation this will definitely be my next read. I previewed it on Amazon and I will be downloading it tonight. : )
