Anyway... the last two years I've planted things and they would be dead before the end of summer. I think that I'm getting better, I don't think that anything survived from year one. Year two I was able to keep some things alive into the current year. My knockout rose is back in full bloom and the lily of the valley came back too, although didn't flower... one of them actually multiplied and I had 3 this year! The Rose of Sharons also came back!
This year I decided to do a couple of things differently. For one, I took notice that my front yard barely gets any sun in a day due to the two large trees. No more trying to get sun plants to grow out there! The second and best decision I made was to enlist the help of super awesome green thumbed mother of mine!
We first took a look at the yard and how many plants I would need. Next we headed out to buy some plants. We first headed to Haegele Nursery. This would not normally be a stop, however I bought a Groupon for this place ($15 for $30 worth of stuff). I had an idea of what I wanted going in, but then came across something new - Mr. Goldstrike Aucuba, which is dubbed 'shade-loving'... um can I say SCORE!!
We then headed to a small nursery at the corner of Lindbergh and Tesson Ferry. He was running a sale on Hosta plants, so I got 6 small plants for about $10... I actually need to go back and get about 6 more...
Our final stop was Home Depot where I got three more plants - hydrangea, foxglove and Wintercreeper Moonshadow.
My mom helped me get them into good homes in the ground by adding good soil and hummus. It will be a week on Saturday and I can already tell they are doing good. Some of the hostas are getting new leaves and the foxglove new flower buds are doing great. Wanna see some pictures??
Here's the Aucuba...
I can't wait to see all these plants growing!! Chad has promised to help me keep these plants watered. Our yard still needs a lot of work, but hopefully this is a step in the right direction.
Next year I'm planning on trying my hand at an edible garden in back... but if we keep doing a little bit each year in a few years hopefully we'll have a beautiful yard in front and back!
I am super jealous of your retaining wall in your front yard! I was gardening all this week- I did most of our shopping at Lowes because we had some gift cards but it was still ridiculously expensive. I bought three planters for under the windows, two planters for the front porch, and some retaining wall bricks to build a circle around our front lamp. Add flowers, cost of dirt, shovels, and a new hose later...and we are looking at $200 poorer. I still want to do a retaining wall along the front of our house like yours! I mostly bought petunias because that side of the house gets ALL sun (we have no trees). I would take a picture but my camera is nowhere to be found.
it was a fun day. i'm happy that you asked me to help. i'm going to scout a place at my house for one of those aucubas! oh, and we added humus to the ground......hummus goes on pita you!
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