Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Reminder to Us All

Something happened this weekend that should serve us all with a reminder. One of the members of Chad's motorcycle board was hit and killed while riding his bike. (You can read about the news story here)

While this story may initially make you think that motorcycle riding is dangerous... and really it can be... but as drivers of the road we should all be more aware of what's going on around us. We should share the road with motorcycles and look for them when changing lanes or making left turns...

Chad and I 'joke' that his motorcycle wreck saved his life. And it's really true, but I would never wish a motorcycle wreck on anyone. So many of these wrecks are caused by other drivers who aren't paying attention...

Now while we're on the topic of motorcycles, I think it's really dumb when motorcycle riders do wheelies down the highway at 80mph without a helmet... and Chad if I ever hear that you're doing that well... you'll have some trouble to pay... but that's not really what I'm talking about here.

We should put down our phones... pay attention to the road... check our blind spots... and just have a general sense of what's going on around us. I really don't think anyone should be texting while they drive and it's something I will not do... I use to do it, but not anymore. (I will admit I do text at stop lights from time-to-time which I shouldn't do... but I do no text while the vehicle is actually moving.

Also, while we're on this topic... especially after Chad's motorcycle wreck I would get a lot of people asking me why I would let Chad get back on a bike or how I could 'allow' it. Chad love riding his bike, since we bought the new one he has been noticeably happier. I could never ever take that away from him, nor would I want to. I know that Chad's a safe driver and is very good at reacting to other vehicles... I trust him and that's all that should matter.

So everyone, I plead with you... make an effort to know what's going on around you... look out for motorcycles (and bicycles for that matter). After all that motorcycle driver is some one's family member and you never want to be the cause of someone getting hurt.... or worse, killed.


Christina said...

This literally happened right down the street from my house (we live off Heege). I drive past the spot where he was killed everyday. They have a memorial at that intersection for him- and now I know why.

I am glad that you clarify the difference between responsible motor cycle riding and irresponsible riding- I did see two guys driving 80 MPH down 55 the other day with their front tire in the air and I freaked out and pulled over because I was afraid that if they fell off their bike, I would accidentally run them over with my car. Such a shame that this guy lost his life at such a young age- it makes me wonder who was at fault?

Jenn said...

it's super sad... the kid was only 19. This accident wasn't his fault, it was the SUV who hit him's fault... His sister was actually following him (he was moving into an apartment and saw the whole thing) all witnesses are saying that it was the SUV's fault and Scott did everything he could to avoid the accident... so sad

dsdddwddgdd said...

this is a really meaningful post. thank you jenn.