Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I made the switch

To diet soda.

I hinted at it in this post... but it's true... I've made the switch. Let's start at the beginning. I love soda... I really really do. Something about the bubbles... mmm... but I would never never ever drink ::gasp:: diet soda. I couldn't get over the weird after taste and something about artifical sweetner killing me of cancer factored into it a bit too.

But awhile ago I decided to try to lose some weight and cut out the extra calories I was taking in from soda. While not everything I did actually worked... the soda thing did stick. I completely cut out soda, opting to drink lemonade instead. Lemonade was lacking to me... I mean I really really missed the bubbles of soda... so I told myself that I could drink soda but it would have to be diet. That fact alone had me thinking that I would stop drinking soda all together.... I mean diet... yuck.

The craving for soda overtook any feeling I was having against diet. So I started out with some diet sodas that I've always heard as not being so diet-y if there is such a thing, like cherry versions or Mtn Dew. And that's how I made the switch. My favorite diet drinks are Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper and the flavored Mtn Dews. I still sometimes add a splash of regular soda if I'm creating a fountain drink... which is nice. And from time-to-time I'll add a bit of Sprite to my lemonade for the bubbles. Speaking of Sprite I also like the diet white sodas as I can hardly tell I'm drinking diet. On two different occasions I drank and entire can of Sierra Mist thinking it was regular only to realize when I was finished it was actually diet.

I think this was a good switch to make... I mean soda just has all those empty calories and now I still have the option of caffeine which is a lifesaver some days!! In the end it IS possible to make the switch for anyone out there thinking it isn't... I'm a living testament to that!

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