Monday, February 28, 2011

Well that was a crazy couple of minutes

Last night we were sleeping in bed... well, at least I was... I think Chad was up and down because he was feeling hot... so he opened the window. Shortly after that a crazy storm rolled through... and Chad heard tornado sirens. Normally I wouldn't think too much of the sirens... if you live in St. Louis long enough, you hear them quite a bit with no tornado ever happening. Well, at the end of December this happened...

I tornado hit close to home... this isn't close to our house, but this is Chad and my hood... where we grew up. My mom's house is very eerily close to where it touched down, and we have a few friends in the neighborhood by it... that when I realized that those tornado sirens are there for a reason.

Back to last night... they we heard them go off we didn't immediately jump out of bed, but both laid there pretty awake. Soon after, the power went out in the house... now you may remember we've now lived in this house for 4 years... and I can count 2 times we've lost power for any significant amount of time. That's the glory of having underground power...

The wind picked up quite a bit... at that point we decided to be safe and head to the bathroom. The room in the middle of the house with no windows. We grabbed the dogs and headed that direction. The severe part of the storm passed pretty quickly, but I'll admit I was kind of scared. We emerged shortly after and headed back to bed... but at that point I was kinda rattled so it took awhile to get back to sleep. I love hearing the rain fall... I love thunderstorms, but don't love the wind...

Luckily nothing around our house was damaged... they was some debris in the street and a couple of down branches... I even saw one mailbox blown over... but our power wasn't on as of this morning. I got ready for work by flashlight... it was kinda strange. It's a good thing I do my grooming at night! The power has finally come back on (poor Chad spent more than half the day at home without power.)

I know this story wasn't very exciting... but gosh darn I needed a 12th February post.

1 comment:

Christina said...

I will admit, that was the first storm of St. Louis that really freaked me out. I normally wake up at 5 a.m., but I was up until midnight freaking out with Kuma in the basement, while Drew was at River City casino with his coworkers. I saw that the weather channel said Oakville was affected badly, so I'm glad to hear you are ok!