Monday, February 7, 2011

Chad's one downfall

You may think Chad's a perfect man... and he's very very close... but he does have one downfall... and that's he doesn't like Seinfeld... I know! It's crazy that he doesn't!! How can you not think it's funny. Plus, just about everything in life can be related to a Seinfeld episode or Friends episode.

For a long time I deined the fact that Chad didn't find Seinfeld funny. I just didn't confront the issue, there was no point. Why bring up something bad? I would watch Seinfeld when I was on travel or when he wasn't home.... but the more I thought about it the stranger I found it.

We both find lots of the same things funny... we have very similar tastes when it comes to television and movies. I typically know when he's going to find something funny or really enjoy something or really hate something. And if I didn't know that Chad didn't like Seinfeld I would think this is right up his alley... but it's not.

The other day we were at the grocery store and we bought some hard salami from the deli counter. Chad said that if he had a meat slicer like they have at the deli counter he would slice all sorts of meat. Naturally this made me think of the episode where Kramer has the meat slicer and has to cut the meat really thin to slide under Elaine's next door neighbor's door since they were on vacation and left their alarm on so she shut off the power and that stopped the automatic cat feeder so they could feed the cat (follow that??)

I told him this story and all he said what "and you find that funny?" Yes, Chad I do find that funny and I am not alone.

What a weirdo!!

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