Sunday, February 20, 2011

Update on Chad part 2

Where did I leave off?

Right... Chad was still in the ICU room. They didn't have a bed open up all day Thursday so he stayed put in the ICU room... which isn't a horrible thing, he gets pretty darn good care in there. They did bring him a patch which he said did help. He got up and moving quite a bit, he was looking pretty darn good on Thursday and Friday... more and more himself.

Those days were pretty uneventful. Friday OT and PT visited him again... and they agreed he looked pretty good. On Friday afternoon the surgeon visited him. He said that if Chad looked this good tomorrow he could go home. It was so awesome to hear those words. That night, they found a room for him on the regular floor. Last time, we didn't have the greatest experience because they put him on the neurology floor instead of the neurosurgery floor. This time, he was put in the correct place. We left him Friday night sleeping.

On Saturday morning early I got a text from Chad saying that they were preparing his discharge papers (YAAAYY!!) I arrived at the hospital as soon as I could (visiting hours start at 11am.) We sat around for a couple of hours until they were ready. In the mean him we took a walk and got him dressed in regular clothes. Before we knew it, they released him. I got the car pulled around and loaded him up and we were headed home!

It was so so nice to have him home... the dogs were ecstatic! I got him settled into the house. Shortly after, Chad's mom arrived and we cleaned the bath tub (we never take baths) so he could soak and get the hospital off of him. He felt a heck of a lot better after that.

Since then we've been relaxing and he sleeps ever so often. He's doing and feeling really great. The only downside is his vision is still not normal, but hopefully that will clear up soon. We are doing wonderful here... I'm so happy he recovers so well!!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Glad to hear things went well and he's feeling better already!