Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I just realized that I have left a few things out there and never gave updates... so in case you were wondering what happened to some of those items well here you go (and if I forgot anything let me know!!)
  • How did Rowdy's surgery go? Well, it went really well. He got neutered and got about 3 inches of tail removed. Rowdy was so cute when we picked him up from the vet. They brought him up front to lay with the receptionist. They said he was getting annoyed at a yappy dog in the back and wouldn't relax when he wasn't around people. So we got there and he freaked out b/c we were on one side of the barrier and he was on the other and couldn't get around to us. They even tied a cute bow to his collar. He was pretty drowsy for a couple of days, but recovered really great. It was sad b/c we couldn't play with him for a week (we had to keep his tail from busting open again) he would bring us a toy and we couldn't throw it for him. It's been over 2 months later and I'm happy to say Rowdy is his pre-surgery self. His tail did heal up and hopefully we never have to worry about it again. I would think most people wouldn't know he had to get a piece of it removed - but we can tell.
  • Speaking of surgeries, how about Chad's?? Well, Chad is going to have surgery two weeks from today on February 16th. I think it's nice to get this over with. That week actually works out quite nicely since that following weekend is President's Day. I will be able to have a whole week off work work to take care of him. We are hoping the recovery time this time around will be just as quick as it was last time. Again, my work has been very understanding and lucky for Chad his work has been too. We were nervous because he had just started a new job, but everything is working out wonderfully. So I'll be back with a future update on his surgery after it happens.
  • And finally what about my medical issue? Well, I'm happy to report that I'm not dying (ok that wasn't really an option.) But I do not have to have surgery. I have to go back in 6 months for another pap test - so hopefully things clear up by then or at least get better and then clear up 6 months after that. So I'm going to score that one in the good category!!
  • Ok, I lied above the final update - I start school today. Sadly, I am sick, which is making reading a little difficult, but I'll power through!!

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