Saturday, September 10, 2011

Not Sure Why

I have told most of my friends (who are my friends first) and thanks to my mom and dad - everyone in my family knows the situation...

But past that I haven't really wanted to make it public news.  I know that I will post something on Facebook just b/c it will reach the masses and not involve a million and one phone calls.  It's easier to just say  this is what happened and be done with it.  I would rather not have the repeat the same information again and again and again and again.

But I'm not sure why I just haven't announced it on FB yet... not that I don't believe it, but something just doesn't feel right about it.  I guess that it's okay to wait until it does feel right... right?  I shouldn't rush into putting something out there I'm not ready to say right? 

I'm hoping in the next week something just feels right.  I'm not going to force myself and he isn't forcing me into saying anything either.

Thankfully I can say my full, true feelings about this... thank you for reading and blog... thank you for existing.

In other news... I'm headed to a low-key girls night tonight and am so excited... actually I better go get ready I have to be there in like 20 minutes (she lives just 5 minutes away)

1 comment:

Christina said...

When you do decide to post something, if you don't feel like getting 980980982098342 posts on your wall about it, etc. I would recommend disabling your wall comments for a little while. That way, people can just send you private messages.

Glad you are getting out of the house!