Saturday, September 3, 2011

Another Day

I'm feeling like these short posts might be helping.  Who knows if they actually are...

Thus far today has been a better day... I haven't broken down and cried yet today... I mean, that's not to say it won't happen.

We talked today... I was worried that it could turn heated, but it was all civil and I feel like we came to some good decisions.

I think I'm really numb right now... and I think I'm in a fair amount of denial.  I was telling my friend that I thought I was... and she told me something that made sense... that it's okay to be in denial... why sit there and think about the whole weight of the situation as long as you're doing the things you need to do.

I will say I have this weight in my chest... it's like I can't get a full breath... I have to really concentrate and breathe deeply in order to get a fully breath...

My friend is going to help me find a counselor... so I'm going to make an appointment that that sometime to this week... Hopefully that will help things...

My friends have really come through for me... and I imagine they will continue to do so.  It's so hard for me to ask for help sometimes or tell them that I need to be around them.  I know I need to use this at this time... help me, be around me, just help me feel normal.

Thank you for all the support, I really appreciate it... I need it

1 comment:

Christina said...

"why sit there and think about the whole weight of the situation as long as you're doing the things you need to do."

This. Just take it one day at a time and deal with it on your own terms. Continue to write about this, publicly, privately, whatever. Getting it out is what is going to help the most. And time, too.