Monday, March 2, 2009

We're Awesome

Last Saturday was my mom's annual trivia night... it's always a good time. In past years we haven't done so hot... it's always harder than you expect.... well this year I had an awesome team~ Me, Chad, Chad's friend Michelle, my bro Keith, his g/f Sarah, and my dad and step-mom.

We won first place... I seriously cannot believe how well we did. I totally rocked out the board games category. I also was able to answer several questions in the Planet Earth.

So I just wanted to do some braggin.

1 comment:

Angie said...

I LOVE trivia nights! As anyone who reads my blog knows, I heart trivia of all types...congrats on first! I've gotten first place once, and I think our table won $150 or something. So fun!