Friday, March 27, 2009

Pet Peeve (almost literally)

Yesterday/Today I noticed a new pet peeve I have... People who have something against cats... FOR NO REASON WHATSOEVER... I understand if you are allergic (like my friend Liz, I saw her face swell up fast due to cats) but if you are not allergic and just think of yourself as a "dog person" I cannot stand it.

I guess this all comes from a person having a bad experience with cats, or no experience at all... My mom has a cat that is a grumpy grumpy cat... you can't get within 5 feet of that cat without it hissing at you (unless you are my sister) I guess if this is your only experience with a cat you may be tainted... but this is not how most cats are!!

I love my two cats... Pretty and Stitch have very different personalities yet they are both extrememly loving, and are people cats... people come around and they don't hide. They are great great cats, and most cats are like this.

Cats have the some of the same benefits as dogs... they are loving, they love attention, they are adorable, they will play with you, but they have some added benefits like can be on their own, and can take care of themselves.

I can understand if you like dogs more than cats... but saying you're "not a cat person" bothers me... chances are if you went out and got a cat you would fall in love and realize that you were way wrong about cats... I've heard MANY people say this...

So in the end, I get sick of people who are closed minded about cats... so stupid.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I'm with you. I have a cat that lives at my parents' house, and they have 2 others there. Trey says he hates cats, but I don't understand why. He's never had a bad experience with them...he just says they're boring! I've met some dogs that are lazier than cats...who knows?!