Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fantasy Project Runway: Winner

We reached the end of a wonderful season of Project Runway.  I really enjoyed this season and the added component of competition made it even better!!

It was a strange season b/c I lost nearly all my people at the beginning of the season and then Michelle lost all of hers.  I guess it goes to show not to get too worried up front.  When we got to the finale we each had two people remaining (it's nice when it works out like that!)

We also tracked wins on our two teams... and since I'm so number-oriented I'm going to tell you...

My "team" had 8 wins while Michelle's "team" had only five wins.  Of course all of my wins were from only two people.

This is the first season I can remember that I liked all of the collections and really any person could have won.

In fourth place we had Bradon (who really was one of the top designers all season)
He was on my "team"
Third place was Justin (who might just be the nicest person ever)
Also on my "team"
Second place was Alexandria while she didn't impress me most of the season her final collection was pretty good
Michelle's first pick!!
First place went to Dom, who really did nail her final collection and did really well all season.  Although she only had one win, she was close to winning (or should have won) a few more.
Michelle's "team"
Michelle has been watching the show longer - so maybe that's why get got this one right, haha.  I guess we'll see how All-Stars goes soon (starts tomorrow night)... I'll have those picks up tomorrow.

As our fantasy reality television has gone I've won 2 and she's won 1 - she's catching up!!

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