Monday, October 21, 2013

Baking: Peanut Butter Banana Bread

Side Note:  I am trying to figure out the best way to blog about these recipes.  Last week I combined the two into one post.  And while I don't really have that much to talk about a given recipe, I do tend to look back through my blog posts to find recipes to use again... it's my own little recipe repository.  So while these entries might not be long or particularly interesting... this is more for me type of posting.  I think separating them out will do me more good in the future... especially if I continue this baking every weekend thing, not to mention cooking more often... oh the woes of being domestic!

We had some bananas that were going brown and seemed like the perfect time to make some Banana Bread... but since I love Peanut Butter and Bananas together I wanted to try a slightly different recipe for Peanut Butter Banana Bread... and hey, while we're at it why not throw in some Chocolate Chips!

I did what I normally do when I decide what I want to make before I actually make it - Google Recipes until I find one I like.  How do I find one I like?  Well, whatever one I already have most of the ingredients for - duh!!

I decided to use this recipe from Brown Eyed Baker.

Her pictures are a lot prettier too...

For my notes on the recipe:  Somehow my edges got really done... so maybe I should have tried the foil tent they talk about in the recipe.  I also felt like my bread had a ton of chocolate chips in it... not saying that's a bad thing - just a comment!

Overall this recipe was good, easy, and I would totally try it again.

Still warm - yum!

When it was nearly all gone... shortly after this picture was taken Daddy got up on the counter and ate the rest of it... silly dog!!

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