Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I am trying to get back into the good blogging groove... I really am. I would really like to stay on track to complete my New Years Resolution... I've been looking at my numbers for July since it began and I know I need to get a move on... it's July 19th... and I currently only have five posts (including this one) which means I'm not even half way through my posts for July but more than half way through the month.

I'm not sure what it is... why I haven't felt very compelled to write any entries. I've been staying busy, doing things nearly every weekend... almost completed a couple of projects around the house... I even made a purchase yesterday I'm excited about... but I'm not sure why I haven't shared any of that on here.

I guess it's just normal to go through these blogging spells... or lack there of... I just need to figure out how to push through it and get some good things posted! We all know I have interesting things to say!!

There was going to be more to this post including pictures, but for whatever reason blogger or my work computer isn't letting me upload them... so look forward to that post soon.

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