The last 'new' Harry Potter thing - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 came out last Friday and I saw it last night. It's so bittersweet... sweet because we finally get to see it end in movie form (more on that later) and bitter because it is all over. I have read the seven books at least twice... some more than that. I own all the movies (Part 1 is in the mail). I love the Harry Potter series... while I don't talk non-stop about it or know all the symbolism or whatever... I love the series. I honestly can't wait until I have kids that are old enough to read the books and enjoy it right along side me.
Chad and I saw the final movie last night. Last Thursday I was feeling really bummed that I didn't get midnight tickets for it... I felt like I'm a true Potter fan, why the heck didn't I get tickets. But it ended up working better this way. Earlier this year Chad won a chili cook-off his motorcycle group had (there was no competition from the other chilis). He won emergency tickets for Weherenberg. We turned in those bad boys for tickets to HP7.2 in IMAX 3D. We had to pay an extra $10 but better than the normal price tag for two of those tickets.
We got to the theater early to make sure we got tickets... you never know with a movie like this!! We hand our tickets in hand and got a quick dinner as Psghetti's. If you don't know what that place it... it's pure deliciousness!
We then headed back to the theater to make sure we got good seats. We hardly ever do this for movies... quite honestly we just don't see movies at the theater anymore. So it was really fun going all out. The IMAX screen was awesome. And the 3D was amazing!! I don't normally think seeing a movie in 3D is that big of a deal, but I am so so so happy I saw this in 3D. There were times the effects were so great. Some of the different characters, like the dementors, looked amazing in 3D.
I thought the whole movie from start to finish was wonderful. It was excited for it all to conclude. See it all on the big screen. I think a lot of people will particularly enjoy this movie because there is finally a conclusion. You know what happens... you know how it ends. It's really sad for there to be no more, but it's also great to see it happen, if that makes any sense whatsoever.
Harry Potter series... I'm really going to miss you... you had to come to end at some point and I'm happy you went out with such a bang. I hope generations to come will enjoy you both in book form and big screen for years and years to come!!
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