Thursday, July 7, 2011

Bullet Points

I haven't really felt like writing lately... maybe I'm lacking creativity or nothing super interesting has been going on... either way... here's a bulleted post who knows how short or long it may be...

  • Back at the end of June I finished my second term of classes for my master's degree. I was taking Instructional Design and Educational Psychology. I got A's in both classes... I'm really proud of myself! Yesterday started my third term. I am taking Developing Instructional Materials and Research in Instructional Technology. If I stay on this two class a term schedule I should be done by the end of February... I know that sounds quick... but that's the program and I'm taking 2 classes every 10 weeks of varying credit hour length... these two are each 5 hour courses.

  • All of the plants I planted this year are alive and doing well... as are the weeds growing around them... I need to work on that.

  • Chad's brother Ryan is in town with his girlfriend Christina. We all went to my first Cardinal's game of the year on Tuesday. It was a WONDERFUL game to attend, the weather wasn't unbearably hot and we had some pretty great seats. The Cardinals had some home runs and great pitching... over all it was a super awesome game.

  • Last Sunday I was suppose to go to a free concert at Fair St. Louis with a group of girls - Maroon 5. However due to rain and storms they cancelled the concert... it was sooo disappointing!! We ended up going to a party in Collinsville and watched some people I didn't know shoot off fireworks. Now you may not know this, but I have a very real fear of fireworks - as in ammeters shooting them off. Fireworks are just too unpredictable... they can shoot in the wrong direction or delay going off. They are just dangerous in my opinion. So being at a house party where a bunch of people I don't know that have been drinking are shooting off fireworks is not my idea of a good time... more like a nerve wrecking time!!

  • Chad and Ryan got tattoos yesterday at Cheap Trx on South Grand. It was a long day in the tattoo parlor, but they both turned out really good.

  • On Fourth of July we had a small group of friends over (Ryan, Christina, Ryan B, Kayla, Andy, Chad and Me) and barbecued. It was tasty. Then we got Ted Drewes and the boys played wiffle ball. It was a relaxing Fourth. Not as great as the last two years in Virginia but it will do.

  • On Saturday night I hung out with my mom. We used a Groupon to Bella Sera which is close to my mom's house. It's one of those places you always mean to try but never seem to go. It was pretty good. Lindsey went with us, which is always fun.

  • After dinner my mom and I planned the route for our vacation at the end of July. I haven't been on vacation in awhile, so I'm really looking forward to this one. It will be with my mom, grandma, and Lindsey... Keith will meet us there. We are going to Myrtle Beach, SC. But we planned some stops along the way. And before we make it to Myrtle Beach we'll stop on Charlotte, NC so Lindsey and I will go to Carowinds. I'm so excited to ride some of those roller coasters!!

  • I don't think I ever wrote about this but about a month ago Chad and I went to my family reunion. We caught a good break in the weather which was really nice and other than my cousin's daughter getting a little hurt and Chad somewhat twisting his ankle, it was a really nice day!

Well, that's all for now... I'll try to come up with some more interesting things soon

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